Supermarkets are easy to make you lose food

"Low-fat foods" may contain more sugar

The editor warned everyone that even though these foods are labeled as fat-free, they actually contain ingredients that are unfavorable to your health. Manufacturers of food products may not make some products that are not tasty enough to eat. They will still add sugar to make them more delicious.

If a food specifically claims zero calories and no sugar, it may contain more salt and sugar or other alternative artificial materials. For example, sugarless chewing gum will add xylitol to sweet taste, but excessive intake of xylitol will make you bloat. Therefore, manufacturers often use another alternative ingredient to increase the degree of deliciousness and ensure that consumers will still purchase their products. This deceptive trick will make people continue to buy the same product, because the food does not allow them to achieve the purpose of weight loss, but they are increasingly dependent on.

"The sugar-free biscuits, condiments, and yoghurt are particularly bad." Sugar-free cookies are often the most popular type of food for a slimming center. But if you look at the label of the product, you will find that these so-called “zeros...” are actually just fructose, glucose, and corn sugar, and these sugars are converted into fat if they are not consumed by the human body.

Because of these so-called sugar-free labels, consumers assume that they can enjoy unlimited amounts. After a while, it is natural to question why your pants are getting tighter.

Zero-fat seasonings and yoghurt are also the enemies of losing weight because they contain a lot of preservative ingredients. When a certain yoghurt claims to be defatted, manufacturers will add more artificial odorants to make it more delicious. This is the most beneficial probiotic for yoghurt, but it has no benefit to the human body.

See food labels to see calorie categories instead of content

There are also foods that claim to be low in fat. This is also a label trick for businesses to play. Calorie tables can really be cheeky, but it's important to look at calories instead of content. When the label claims to contain only two sugars, it may contain 6 grams of sugar that causes fat accumulation.

Healthy weight loss depends on a variety of foods that help the body to behave well. Replacing fruits and vegetables with these so-called health foods will leave the body with the illusion of absorbing beneficial vitamins and be filled with artificial sweeteners, eventually leading to body fat accumulation and fat gain.

Edit to everyone's suggestions:

1. Discard these so-called health foods and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

2. Drink yoghurt without any xylitol and berry supplements. Prepare your own condiments with lemon and balsamic vinegar.

3. Always pay attention to what you eat, but also look at the ingredient list on the product label.

4. When you lose these foods and eat full-fat foods in moderation, you will make yourself live longer and look better. At the same time, you will find that even if you do not exercise, you may lose a lot of fat!

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