Caoguo autumn planting technology

Cultivation Techniques of Chinese Calcium Fruit

Biological characteristics: Plant height 0.5-0.7m. The annual branches are gray and the shoots are grayish green. Average leaf length 3.18cm, width 1.50cm, leaves small, long obovate, pale leaves, sharp, hairless, leaf margin serrate, petiole length 0.2cm, internode length 0.88cm, buds light red, white flowers; The average fruit weight 6.5 grams, the largest 8 grams, beautiful fruit surface. The fruit groove is shallow, the fruit is top flat, and the stigma often remains. The fruit stem is about 1.3 cm long. Shallow stems, shallow flesh, crisp, yellow, juicy, sweet, no astringency, sticky nucleus, edible ratio 93%, soluble solids (refraction sugar) 15.87%, up to 17.80%. It blooms in mid-April, matures in late August and leaves in late October.
The plant grows moderately, branches spread 0.4m0.6m, and the rate of fruit set is high. Under natural pollination, the fruit setting rate can reach 64.0%, and the yield is very high. The average annual yield of the strain is 1.25 kg in 3-5 years. The fruit has good fresh-living, long-term release without discoloration, and can also be processed into canned food. It is an excellent fresh food and processing product line and exhibits yellowing when the soil pH is 8.0. It is recommended that the plant spacing be 0.50.5m, and the results should be followed by fruit thinning.
When fruit trees are propagated, in order to obtain good and consistent seedlings, methods such as grafting, cuttings, battening, and ramets are commonly used in vegetative propagation, and grafting is most commonly used. However, these conventional methods cannot be used for fruit trees such as lime-like shrubs. Because after a few years of fruiting, the original tree branches will gradually die due to aging. The regenerating shoots are basal shoots which re-emerged near the roots at the base of the shoots. If they are grafted trees, since the root system is not the original variety, Can not maintain the continuous production of calcium fruit. Therefore, due to this characteristic, it is stipulated that breeding of calcium seedlings must be carried out by adopting techniques such as group breeding seedlings, cutting seedlings propagation, branch propagation, and bead propagation in asexual reproduction.
After the 2-3 years of growth of the calcium seedlings, many new plants will be formed from the underground stems on the ground around them. These plants are in keeping with the original varieties and can be cut off at the junction with their mother plants in the spring and wait until autumn. At the time, these plants were dug out for transplanting. If the roots are good, they can be used directly as seedlings. If the roots are not good, they can be used as seedlings after growing for one year in the nursery.
?? Calcium fruit branches soft and close to the ground, in the early spring each year, some branches buried in the soil, buried to pay attention to the top of the branches should be exposed on the ground, etc., after being pressed in the soil in the roots, Cut off its connection with the mother plant and transplant it in the autumn. The shoots that are used to cover the soil can use one-year-old shoots or new shoots that germinate in the current year. The rooting rate of shoots that germinate at that time is higher.
The method of raising seedlings and holding seedlings is simple, but the speed of seedling propagation is slow. A quick and practical method is cutting seedlings. The following describes the specific approach of this method of raising seedlings. The first is to establish a mother garden.
The establishment of a mother garden is a prerequisite for cutting seedlings. The species selected for the female parent garden must be of pure and good quality. The fertility of the female parent garden should be high to ensure the robust growth of the calcium seedlings after planting, and the mother garden should be built in a place convenient for watering. The parent garden can be planted at a higher density. More than 1200 trees can be planted in acres. After one year of growth, the plants can be used for cutting seedlings in the second year.
There are two kinds of hardwood cuttings and softwood cuttings. According to our test, hardwood cuttings can also take root, but the rooting rate is low, tender cuttings are cut, and the rooting rate can reach over 90% due to the tender shoots. , so it is best to use tender cuttings. There are two kinds of branches, basal branches and upper branches. As a cutting insert, the rooting rate of the basal branches is higher than that of the upper branches, and the upper branches can also take roots, but the rooting rate is lower. ?
The timing of tender cuttings can start from May of each year and continue until the beginning of August. The temperature is high during this period of time, and the branches easily take root. ?
When constructing the slotting machine, first lay a 15-20 cm thick layer of water infiltration at the bottom, and then lay 10-15 cm of cutting matrix on the infiltrating layer. The matrix can be selected from river sand, vermiculite, perlite, etc. Mixture of these several kinds of matrices. Before laying the substrate, the substrate must be sterilized to prevent rot of the cuttings during the cutting process.
The shoots taken from the mother plants should be cut into 3–4 leaf short shoots. In order to increase the rooting rate, the base of the cuttings must be treated with chemicals. Commonly used agents include butyric acid and naphthalene. Acetic acid, and various rooting agents available on the market. The treatment method can adopt high concentration quick-twisting method, the concentration is 1000 mg/kg, and the processing time is generally about 5 seconds. Can also be used for low concentration slow leaching method, the concentration of 100 mg / kg, the time is generally about 2-12 hours. The treated cuttings should be inserted into the insertion bed immediately.
?? Humidity does not need to be too high, or it will easily cause bad. The general moisture content is 30-40%, but the air humidity is high, and it is maintained above 90% before rooting. Temperature requirements: In principle, control the temperature of the plugger higher than the air temperature by 2-3 °C, and maintain the plug in the 22-25 °C, air temperature higher than 25 °C can be sprayed or ventilated cooling. Light conditions: see astigmatism within 3 days after insertion, gradually see direct light after one week, shading at noon, see light all day after 15 days. One of the points mentioned above is that one should pay attention to disease prevention: spray 500 times of carbendazim or 800 times of ketamine every 3 days after insertion, alternately. After 20-30 days, rooting and transplanting can be done. ?
Calcium can be planted on flat ground, sloping land or between arbors and fruit trees, as well as on terraced land. Before plotting, the selected plots should be fertilized with deep fertilization. Apply 3 to 5 squares of organic fertilizer per acre, and the flat land can be made small.畦 畦埂 畦埂 畦埂 畦埂, 畦埂 width 0.4 meters, the length of 畦 因 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 而 。. Sloping land is planted on the contour line when the slope is not large. When the slope is large, small terraces with a width of about 1 meter are required. The best choice is to select a site that is half sunny or sunny, and it is easy for the limestone to grow in the shady slope area. It is best not to plant, and the light is not suitable. When planting on the ground, weeds and shrubs on the ground must be removed.
The root of the lime seedlings is best pruned, and new roots are cut out from all lateral roots, and short cuts of 20-25 cm are made for roots longer than 30 cm. After planting, rooting powder is used to dip the roots to increase the survival rate.
Planting time: deciduous seedlings are best in the spring before the buds are not inflated, so that can guarantee that some fruiting in the year. If the planting time is too late, because the flower buds on the calcium seedlings have already enlarged, because there is a period of seedlings after planting, the flower buds cannot be opened due to lack of nutrition. Row spacing: high density 0.5m0.5m, medium density 0.5m1m, low density 1m1m. Nutritional seedlings can be planted in May-June, which ensures that seedlings grow to 30-50cm in height in the fall. Tissue culture seedlings should be planted with nutrient soil, not to loosen the soil mass when planting, and to sew a plastic bow shed after planting (plant spacing can be 20cm30cm), so that the seedlings gradually adapt to changes in the external environment. Generally, small bow sheds can be gradually opened after 7-15 days.
Planting methods: Dig 50cm deep and 40cm wide pits on well-prepared and well-grounded plots. Fill pits with topsoil mixed with organic fertilizers. Seedlings are put into pits. Deep, deep maintain the roots and stems of the original seedlings consistent with the surface, planted deep, will cause the growth of seedlings to slow down.
After planting, the seedlings should be properly cut to the ground and the branches with a thickness of less than 1 mm should be completely removed. Branches with a length of 30 cm should be cut to 25-30 cm. The seedlings should be kept at a height of 30-40 cm. Approximately 5-10 cm of undeveloped areas are cut off. The basal branches erupted in the underground generally retain 1 in the first year and 1-2 in the second year. If they are kept too much, the original main arbors will soon weaken. How much of the basal shoots should be preserved after the development of the original main culm. In addition, pay attention to watering and fertilization. Immediately after the planting, water it once, and then water it again within 5-7 days after the watering. After the soil surface is slightly dry, loosen soil and cover the film. Weeds are often removed from the side of the plant. Wherever conditions permit, top-dressing branches (Jinzhong from the end of May to the beginning of June) can apply topdressing fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer) in an amount of 5-15 grams per plant.
If the large seedlings grown one year later are used, the seedlings will have a thickness of 3 mm or more and a height of about 50 cm. Such seedlings can bear fruit in the year. After planting, the seedlings are cut short to about 30 centimeters to ensure that the flower buds left behind have sufficient nutrient and flowering results. ?
After a year of growth, calcium seedlings begin to produce a large number of results. After the results of calcium seedlings, the production of high quality fruit must pay attention to the management of each period. ?
There are buds to flowering management, fruit growth period management, fruit harvesting and post-harvest management, and winter management. ?
In the early sprouting period, it is best to carry out a top-dressing operation on the shrubs of the lime fruit. Fertilizers can be selected from fruit tree compound fertilizers, and a shallow ditch of about 20 cm in depth will be opened between the rows. The dosage per mu is about 100 kg. Water once immediately after dressing. After flowering, it is best not to water. If the temperature is below 20°C during the flowering period, the insects will not move and the pollination will be done manually.
After falling, the fruit begins to grow and waits until the fruit grows to the size of the bean. Generally, about 150-200 pieces of fruit are left per plant, distributed on 7-10 branches. Fertilizers such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium amino acids, and some trace elements such as organic iron fertilizers can be applied during this period to compensate for the consumption of these nutrients by the fruit.
Before harvesting, due to the rapid expansion of the fruit, the weight of the fruit increases sharply, and the branches are often dragged onto the ground due to heavy burden. At this time, it is best to use bamboo sticks and other objects to erect the branches. When harvesting, it can be harvested and harvested, or it can be harvested one by one. When fruit is harvested, it must be taken care of.
After falling into the fallen fruit, it is in a dormant phase. In the early winter period, winter pours may be conducted where conditions permit. In the early and mid-February of the coming year in which the winter is coming to an end, the shrubs are to be trimmed. First, the branches that died after the winter were removed and the branches that had been removed were removed. Second, we must also update and trim some weak branches. Perennial branches can be retracted, and annual branches can be cut short. In the end, the individual shrubs were adjusted for branching, and about 20-30 robust annual branches were retained throughout the plant.

Key words calcium fruit calcium seedlings potted plants calcium fruit Chinese calcium fruit calcium fruit variety

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Jiulin Ginkgo Development Company

Collagen is a triple helical protein which can be considered as the bio-glue inside our body; in fact, animal glue can be obtained by boiling the animal skin.  Collagen, a major component of connective tissues, exits in the extracellular space of these tissues which are the key reinforcing and bonding materials for all tissues and organs throughout our body, forming rigid structures as such bone, semi-rigid tissues such as cartilage, or soft tissues such as muscle, tendon, skin, ligaments, and cell membranes, etc.  There are different forms (fibrillar and non- fibrillar) and types of collagens in the body; Type 1 being the major type constitutes over 90% in our body and is the major component in skin, tendon, vascular ligature, organs, bone (main component of the organic part of bone).   Because collagen is an essential building material of all tissues and organs, it has many medical uses, such as in cardiac (hear) applications, cosmetic surgery, bone grafts, tissue regeneration, reconstructive surgical uses, and wound healing care.   


Collagen is created inside fibroblast cells, and this process is needed to support the creation and repair of the body`s connective tissues.  However, the biological process starts to breakdown when we are aging, normally after we reach the age of late 20s or early 30s.  Because collagen from natural sources such as animal, fish scales or plant contain essentially the same amino acid compositions (glycine, proline, alanine, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, lysine, leucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, etc.) as human collagen, supplement the body with the natural collagen, either by dermal application or through oral ingestion, can help rejuvenate collagen creation process to support the repairing of aging connective tissues in our body, particularly those in our skin, and to reverse or slow down the aging process for a more youthful appearance.



Hydrolyzed Collagen,Fish Collagen,Collagen Food,Collagen Cosmetic

Nanjing Sunshine Biotech Co., Ltd ,

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