Symptoms and Prevention of Brown Spot on Calla Lily

Calla lily brown spot occurs in all parts of China, harming calla lilies, calla lilies, silver star calla lily, calla lilies, etc., when the disease is severe, it can cause the leaves to wither early and reduce the ornamental value, which is a common disease of calla lily. .


After the leaves were infested, lesions that were light brown to yellow-brown, oval, near-circular, or irregularly shaped were formed. In the later stages of the lesion, many black moldy spots were found, sometimes broken.

The law of incidence

The pathogen is fungi, Alternaria sp. The bacteria passed winter in the diseased leaf debris. When the temperature and humidity in the shade shelters are large in the summer, it is conducive to the spread of diseases, and the disease is the most serious from July to October. It gradually stops after the fall. Poor ventilation in the greenhouse and poor curing conditions can cause an annual morbidity.

Control methods

(1) Strengthen the management of gardening techniques. Calla Lily is warm, happy with water, and hi light; slightly cold, resistant to half shade, avoid drought. The optimum temperature for growth is 15-25°C, and it can tolerate low temperatures of 4°C. Fertilizer should be sufficient during the growth period. Fertilizer should not flow into the petiole during fertilization to prevent rotten leaves. Hot summer plant sleep should be controlled watering. Fall shoots or sow breeding.

(2) Keep the flower beds clean and hygienic. It was found that dead leaves and diseased leaves were collected and buried in a timely manner, and they should not be discarded everywhere.

(3) Spraying 36% Thiophanate-containing Suspension 500-600 times liquid, 30% Green Suobao Suspension 300-500 times, etc. at the beginning of onset, spraying once every 15 days or so, spraying 2-3 times .

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