What to eat in the summer

What to eat in the summer

Pine nuts

Pine nuts sweet and warm, with strong Yang Bone, and blood beauty skin, lungs and cough, laxative and other effects. The fat component of pine nuts is unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and salicylic acid. It has the function of laxative, excreting excess waste from the body and preventing arteriosclerosis.

Black dates

Dates are most respected are dark dates and candied dates, each containing iron in the 3.7 ~ 3.9 mg per 100 grams, can be considered a good product in the blood food, dry dates are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin C is to promote the absorption of iron ions The important factor that allows the body to absorb iron is more effective. However, dried dates are rich in dietary fiber and are not conducive to digestion. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat too much daily, and it is best to eat soup and porridge.



Fat, protein, and fiber in peanuts help increase satiety and reduce snacking. Harvard University study found that diets containing adequate amounts of peanut and peanut butter are easier to adhere to than calorie-free, low-fat diets and have a better weight loss.


reduce cholesterol. Many studies have found that walnut-rich diets can significantly reduce cholesterol. Eat 30 grams of walnuts a day and stick to it for a month.

Purple currants

Purple grapes are good blood-fed fruits. After drying the grapes to dryness, the iron content per 100 g is 9.1 mg. In addition, during the drying process, the grapes retain the maximum skin potential of the grape skin (the nutrient content of the grape skin is much higher than that of the pulp), and it is also beneficial to the retention of some stable nutrients in the raisins, such as iron, zinc, manganese, protein, and antioxidants. Substance etc.

Cashew nuts

Eliminate fatigue. Cashew nuts contain twice as much iron as beef. Iron helps provide oxygen to the whole body, and iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and reduced concentration.


Anti-cold flu. Five pecans can meet 1/6 of the recommended daily amount of zinc. Zinc is essential to maintain normal white blood cell function. A sufficient amount of white blood cells can fight colds and flu viruses.


hypotensive. Two shelled pistachios contain more potassium than one banana. Potassium is essential for regulating blood pressure and can balance the negative effects of too much salt.


Prevent diabetes. Almonds are rich in dietary fiber, low in calories, and can reduce the glycemic index of foods. At the same time, almonds are rich in magnesium and have a regulating effect on blood sugar.


Comprehensive health care. In addition to rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated fats and natural vitamin E that protects cells, hazelnuts also contain cellulose, calcium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid and biotin, making it a rare nutrient-rich and healthy food.


Longan meat contains approximately 3.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams of iron. It is also rich in iron in fruits. It can be used in anesthetic diets, and soups and porridge are generally appropriate. However, longan meat is a warm food and is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

Mulberry dry

Mulberry dried fruit is currently the most abundant fruit and its products containing natural iron, 42.5 mg per 100 grams of iron, no fruit in the "blood fruit" title. The general advice of life is to eat dried porridge with mulberries. Daily consumption of a bowl of mulberry porridge can not only increase blood but can also be used for beauty, but pregnant women should be used with caution.


Chestnut is a specialty of our country and is known as the "king of dried fruit". It is also known as the "ginseng fruit" in foreign countries. Fresh chestnut contains more vitamin C than vitamin C-recognized tomatoes, and it is more than ten times that of apple!

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