High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Red Carrots

First, the choice of species. Xiangyang No. 2, Nlce, Newly-improved Kuroda Five-inch Ginseng, South Korea's Chunhong, Juyang, etc.

Second, the land selection. It is appropriate to use irrigated land in sandy or loamy soil

Third, seed processing. Before sowing, remove the bristles from the seeds, place them in warm water at 55°C, and stir continuously. Soak the seeds for 12 hours when the water temperature drops to 30°C, then germinate at 25-30°C, etc. Seeds can be sown when exposed.

Fourth, weeding. Before sowing, 48% trifluralin 100-150 ml per acre was used. Water was added to 50 kg for soil spray treatment. The seedlings were mixed thoroughly with the liquid and the soil.

Fifth, sowing. Seed sowing in early June, 500-700 grams per mu for seeding, after splitting, a row of 1-1.5 cm deep ditch at a row spacing of 20 cm, and 3-4 seeds at a distance of 15 cm. Stepping on solids, the density of 1.8-2.0 thousand plants per acre; when the seedling grows to the time of one leaf, it carries out the seedlings, the fixed seedlings, the weeds, and the cultivating with a small narrow hoe.

Six, fertilization and watering. Spread 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compound fertilizer per acre, and then plow and flatten and sow for sowing; When carrots are to be swollen, topdressing 25 kg of urea per acre, carrots need less water, strong drought resistance, drought at seedling stage When the water is poured once, when the roots begin to swell, they are topped with topdressing and then poured once again.

VII. Pest control. Black rot, black spot can be used 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times or 50% acetaminophen WP 1500 times, spray 10 days, even spray 2-3 times.

Use 50% phoxim EC 800 times solution and 48% Le Siben EC 1000-1500 solution to prevent root pests.

Eight, product specifications. 4 More than two, the surface is smooth, red, red and red heart, no split root, no green head.

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