The golden rule of disease control in large-scale pig farms

Pig disease can occur throughout the year, especially when the seasons alternate. There are many factors that cause pig disease, sometimes not caused by pathogenic microorganisms or parasites, but caused by some external environment or management factors. These factors have cumulative effects, each of which can reduce the ability of pigs to eventually overcome pathogens. , which led to the occurrence and prevalence of swine diseases. The following is a brief introduction to the five golden rules for disease control in large-scale swine farms, hoping to benefit pig farmers.

1 Limiting pig-swine exposure to pathogens can spread through pig-swine contact in pig farms. Limiting pig-swine contact can effectively control disease transmission. It should be noted that pig-to-swine contact also includes indirect contact caused by injection needles, surgical instruments, feces, and personnel. The prevalence of diseases usually occurs in pig farms where large groups or groups of pigs can be in contact with each other.

1.1 Implement all-in and all-out production methods. If you can't meticulously go to each pig house, each closed field must also be fully accessible in the entire field. There is no middle line in this regard, and each link must be strictly implemented. The pathogen is spread between pigs and pigs. All-in, all-out production methods can effectively reduce this risk. However, all-in and all-out production methods must be combined with strict cleaning and disinfection procedures to receive effective results.

1.2 Putting off piglets fostered after 24 hours of birth. Within 24 hours of birth, piglets can obtain antibodies from colostrums and the immune level increases. After 24 hours, the colostrum is gone, and the immune status of the piglets is fixed.

1.3 Do your best to reduce the mix. When possible, try to ensure that the groupings from weaned to slaughtered pigs do not change.

1.4 Columns are separated by solid walls. It's best to change the previous open space to a solid fence. Solid fences eliminate nose-to-nose contact between pigs in different fields and reduce the spread of microorganisms.

1.5 The number of breeding pigs in each pen must not exceed 13 or almost a litter. The smaller the number of pigs raised in each field (the smaller the number of pigs that can be infected in each group), the lower the pig-to-skin contact and the lower the incidence.

2 Animals with various stress-stress reductions are more likely to develop disease than normal animals. There are many stress factors in production, which can lead to many diseases. In autumn and winter, stress has a more serious effect on respiratory diseases in pigs. Such as drinking water shortages, hunger, transportation, congestion and so on. In addition, the invading microorganisms themselves will stress the immune system. If the immune system is overreacting, the pathogen may cause disease unless the piglets get enough antibodies from colostrum. Whenever any action is taken to cause stress in the pig, consider using a method that reduces stress to complete the task.

2.1 Improve indoor ventilation. Most pigs develop pneumonia in bad air conditions. Pigs raised outdoors rarely develop pneumonia, because a large amount of fresh air plays a role. Since the size and feeding density of each pig house are different, the type of air flow required is different. Do a good job of ventilation to the fans and vents should be able to control. We must do everything possible to prevent the thief, because the thief is more likely to cause stress. In addition to considering the ventilation of the whole building, the local wind intensity must also be taken into account. This high-speed local air flow can cause pigs to feel cold and cause stress. The criterion is that the wind speed at the level of the pig should not exceed 0.3 m per second. If the position of the air inlet is improper, the door is not closed, the doors and windows are broken, or there are holes in the wall and the curtain, the wind speed will increase and the pig will develop respiratory diseases. Even in the hottest weather, wind speed must be controlled. The ventilation system should be regularly maintained and the fan and hydraulic drive system must be running properly. If the fan is not clean, its efficiency can be reduced by at least 40%. In addition, the microbes on the fan will float in the air as the fan rotates, causing pig diseases, especially respiratory diseases. If there is a hole in the fan blade, the effect of ventilation will be reduced.

2.2 Control the temperature in the room. Under ideal temperature control, pigs should feel comfortable at all times. Both heat and cold can cause stress, reduce the pig's immunity and increase the incidence. Newly weaned pig houses should be kept warm enough. If necessary, the pighouse should be warmed 24~49h in advance before entering the pig. The demand of pigs for temperature decreases with age. Although the farmers have gradually reduced their plans or methods, the key to the problem is whether they are implemented strictly in accordance with the regulations; otherwise, the temperature changes within 24 hours are not taken into account. It is also a cause of various diseases in pigs.

2.3 Do a good job of humidity adjustment. Pigs also have certain requirements for the humidity in the house. Relative humidity below 50% is too dry and 75% is too wet. If the humidity in the house is too low, pigs can easily cause respiratory diseases. The thermal conductivity of moist air is 10 times that of dry air. If the humidity in the house is too high in winter, the amount of heat emitted by the pig will increase, making the pigs more cold. If the humidity in the summer is too high, the pig will breathe when breathing. The water that is dispersed into the air is restricted, the pig body is contaminated, the bacteria multiply, and it is easy to cause various diseases, increase the cost of raising pigs, and reduce the benefits of pig raising. In the production, it is possible to reduce the humidity in the house by means of enhanced ventilation and the placement of quicklime blocks in the room.

2.4 Reasonable stocking density. Whether or not the breeding density is reasonable is not only related to the pig's developmental status, but also has a close relationship with the pneumonia of pigs; the concept of density depends on the climate, the summer should be as small as possible, and the winter can be slightly larger, but there should be total in each shed. Two-thirds of the dry ground area is used for lying and resting pigs. Whether on the concrete floor or bare ground, the sleeping area must be kept clean, dry and comfortable, thereby reducing the pig's stress. It is critical to reduce the rearing density of weaned piglets. Relevant experts recommend the following stocking densities: 3 weaned pigs per m2; growing/finishing pigs: more than 0.75 m2/head.

2.5 Do not ignore drinking water disinfection. Drinking water disinfection can reduce the stress caused by pathogens in pigs, reduce the incidence of pigs, and improve the health of pigs. It is best to use ground water or water free from harmful substances and microorganisms for the pigs.

3 Good environmental hygiene Good hygiene and biosecurity measures are irreplaceable. Sweeping and disinfecting the houses and utensils creates a good hygienic condition, which itself will reduce the impact of the disease.

3.1 The overall layout of the farm and the direction of the pig house. This has an important effect on the health of the pig's respiratory system. In addition to establishing a new pig house away from the original building (in order to better control the disease), pay attention to the distance between the pig house and the orientation of the pig house, which can affect the ventilation of the pig house. Therefore, we must first design a scientific construction plan when building a pig house.

3.2 Do a good job of cleaning and disinfection. After each batch of pigs is transferred or sold, the feces, litter, etc. should be removed first, and then the walls, floors, pig cages, utensils, etc. should be cleaned with a high pressure water gun, and then dried with fire alkali, formalin, etc. For disinfection, the facility must be wetted with washing water, soaked for as long as possible, and then washed under high pressure to wash away all organic matter, then follow the instructions to disinfect with a suitable disinfectant, and finally air dry. At least four weeks after sterilization, the life cycle of microorganisms is interrupted and the survival pathogens are prevented from continuing to harm the herds. It is best not to use a disinfectant for a long time on a farm to prevent pathogens from producing resistant strains and reduce the disinfection effect. At the same time, it should be noted that there should be no weeds around the pig house, because the pathogens may breed on them and cause unexpected losses.

3.3 Reduce the airborne dust content. Dust in the air not only harms the pig's respiratory system, but also affects the health of the breeder. The size of dust in the air is not the same. Large diameter particles, which are visible to the naked eye, are not easily inhaled into the respiratory system. To control the amount of dust, feed some moist feed or cap the feed tank. The amount of dust can also be controlled by improving the humidity in the house. In addition, endotoxins produced by dead bacteria in the air can also cause respiratory diseases.

3.4 Take strict health and disease prevention measures. Strict hygienic measures are taken during injection and closure. New needles, sterilizers, etc. are used between different litters. Do not share equipment between different maternity rooms and disinfect the boots through disinfectant pools for disease isolation. We must firmly refuse outsiders to visit pig houses.

3.5 Air disinfection. The use of suitable disinfectants for spray disinfection can inhibit the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Regularly spray the pig house from top to bottom with a disinfectant solution. The disinfectant solution is best to use fire alkali or long-term effective poisoning.

3.6 properly handle dead pigs. When a sick pig is found, the sick pig should be promptly transferred to a comfortable nursing column and decide whether to euthanize it or not. For pigs with therapeutic value, appropriate treatment plans should be formulated and the duration of rehabilitation of the pigs is expected. Diseased and dead pigs should be kept away from the farm for burning or deep burial, and large groups should be disinfected in time to prevent infection. There will also be dedicated waste disposal sites or excreta disposal facilities in the yard to reduce the contamination of pathogens by pig farms.

4 Comprehensive nutrition In addition to promoting growth, comprehensive nutrition will also improve the immune system. Colostrum contains antibodies that increase disease resistance in piglets. It should be guaranteed that each piglet can get as much colostrum as possible within 12 hours of birth. After weaning, it is important to ensure that the piglet has enough high quality diets, including additional feeding points, feeding thinners, etc. High levels of antioxidants strengthen the piglet's immune system and increase the pig's resistance to infection.

4.1 Good colostrum management. The milk secreted by sows in the first few days after delivery is called colostrum. Colostrum is characterized by particularly high levels of protein, minerals and vitamins. Fat and lactose are much lower than those of conventional milk; The role can promote the elimination of meconium; more importantly, the large amount of antibodies contained in colostrum can make the newborn piglets resistant to diseases. Therefore, the piglet should be allowed to eat colostrum as soon as possible after its birth. If the piglets do not have colostrum after they are born, it will be difficult to achieve the proper level of feed afterwards regardless of how well the feed is fed. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that piglets take colostrum. Ideally, colostrum should be taken within 6 hours of the birth of the piglet. But there is another problem. Experts believe that 10% of sow colostrum does not contain PCV2 antibodies. This problem can be solved by replacing the litter technique. The sows are permanently exchanged between the sows after 2-3 h of delivery (newborn piglets must have at least one milk of the actual sow). To achieve this technology, the sows should have roughly the same delivery time. Also, the larger the herd, the easier it is to implement the measure.
4.2 Feeding at a proper time. Early feeding can promote the growth and development of piglets, and it is an important measure to increase the weaning weight and survival rate. Early feeding can promote the development of digestive organs of piglets, enhance digestive function, increase feed conversion rate by 20%-30%, increase weaning weight by 45%-50%, increase survival rate by 9%-12%, and early weaning by 10-20 days. This will reduce the cost of raising pigs and increase the efficiency of raising pigs. Feeding piglets can be divided into three steps: the first step is to induce food. After the piglet is born, it will only eat milk, will not eat, it is necessary to artificially lead it feed intake, the sooner the better, generally 7d after birth is appropriate. Piglets have a good taste, sweet, crisp foods, due to the long teeth lead to gum itching, hi biting hard and so on. The following skills should be mastered during lure-feeding: 1 Lurking time. Every day from 10 am to 3 pm is the time for the piglets to love their activities. Lure should make full use of this time to ensure the lure effect. 2 lure methods. Roller can be used to attract food. The fried sweet granules are placed in a cylinder that is perforated with holes, and the two ends are sealed and placed in a pig house. The piglets are allowed to roll and pick up the pellets that fall from the bowl to the ground. Or, depending on the habits of the piglets' favorite soil, sprinkle the pellets on the clean red clay and allow the piglets to eat while grazing. This will not only provide good supplementation but also prevent iron deficiency anemia in piglets. When the piglet does not have a feeding room, the sow's trough can be lowered (not higher than 10 cm) so that the piglet can pick the feed when the sow feeds and train the piglets to eat. Piglets have the habit of imitating and fighting for food and will soon learn to eat. Piglets have the characteristics of “recruiting with less material and more material is disgusting”. Therefore, it is better to attract less food and feed more. One is to promote feeding of piglets and also to reduce feed wastage. The second step is to make good materials. During feeding of piglets, in addition to the initial attraction with pellets, normal feed should use compound feed as much as possible. The feed for piglets must be varied in variety and rich in nutrients, and the protein feed in the diet should not be less than 30%. Supplemented feed can be mixed feed 1 kg plus 0.8-1kg of water, stir, add a small amount of chopped fresh green material, feeding 4-6 times a day, to eat enough. Drink water or set a sink for water after eating. Drink hot water in winter and cool water in summer. Care should be taken in the production to find piglets for piglets and to ensure that piglets have enough chute space. Experts recommend at least 7cm per piglet. The third step is to grab food. After 35 days of age, the piglets grew faster, increased their feed intake, and entered a vigorous diet. At this time, piglets should try their best to feed more feed. In addition to increasing the number of feeding during the day, they should be fed again at 9-10 in the evening to make them eat more quickly, and give full play to the advantages of rapid growth at this stage. After weaning, piglets should be provided with enough high quality diets and, if necessary, additional intake points. Also change feeds frequently to ensure that pigs only eat fresh feed. Feed intake at weaning usually decreases significantly, stressing piglets. The development of the immune system requires sufficient nutrient supply. Whenever possible, ensure that piglets can drink clean drinking water.

4.3 Feed full-rate compound feed. Provide nutritious, well-matched feed. Pigs of different breeds and ages should be adjusted according to different growth needs in order to meet the nutritional needs of pigs at different stages. It is forbidden to feed contaminated feed and moldy, deteriorating, frozen feed to prevent poisoning.

5 Prevention and vaccination develop scientific immunization procedures. In pig farms where the immune procedures are scientific, the incidence of infectious diseases is low, the chance of infection is small, and the economic benefits are high; otherwise, the economic benefits are low. Therefore, the author suggests that when developing the immunization program, it must be based on the prevalence of the disease on the farm, the level of the maternal antibody of the piglet, the immune response of the pig itself, the characteristics of the vaccine, and the inoculation method. A practical set of immunization programs suitable for this field. The piglets can be immunized against the following diseases: endemic pneumonia/Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Parainhaemophilus porcines, PRRS (porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome), swine fever, pig erysipelas, and pseudorabies. The effect of inoculation should be monitored. The timing of inoculation should also be carefully studied. Piglets should be vaccinated as far as possible during weaning. They should be kept before and after weaning for 1 week. The timing of the inoculation of mycoplasma pneumoniae is important for the disease, but if the respiratory problems on the farm are serious, the old immunization protocol should be continued. Weaning and immunization are stressors for piglets. Performing both tasks at the same time can cause excessive stress and should be avoided.

5.1 Effective prevention. Many diseases have vaccines that can be controlled. However, these vaccines are unreasonable or improperly used in the process of transportation and preservation, and their immune effects will be affected. Therefore, to buy a vaccine to the formal unit, use the veterinarian's instructions to carry out. There are many pig farms who think that as long as the vaccine is vaccinated, it will not be affected. In fact, the vaccine does not have a 100% protection rate. The protection rate of most vaccines on the market is only 70%-80%. There are also many factors that affect the effectiveness of vaccines, such as genetic factors, nutritional imbalance, environmental mutations, the quality of vaccines, the level of maternal antibodies, the drugs that affect the immune effects after use, and pathogenic polymorphism, etc. These factors are likely to lead to immune failure.

5.2 Isolation and Quarantine. Segregation and quarantine must be carried out on the newly introduced pigs, and personnel must be disinfected and managed on the breeding farms or on the original breeding farms.

5.3 Pigs should be considered in the treatment of respiratory diseases occurring during autumn and winter seasons. If necessary, they can also take blood tests to confirm the diagnosis. If it is caused by a virus, in addition to adding anti-viral drugs, it is necessary to add antibacterial drugs to prevent secondary infection, and some drugs that increase resistance and immunity can also be added.

5.4 Timely elimination of mycotic pigs. This is common in pig farms where self-breeding is a common practice. For example, pigs infected with mycoplasma in breeding herds are not eliminated in time, causing the disease to spread in herds. Mycoplasmosis should be eliminated immediately if it is found in pigs.

5.5 Sow immunization. It is to expose the sow to pathogens and increase the level of antibodies in the colostrum so that the piglet can obtain sufficient immunity from the colostrum. One way is to let the sows that are 80 to 90 days pregnant reach the feces of the sick piglets. However, this method may be effective or may not be effective. It may also make the problem worse. It is recommended that you seek the advice of the local veterinarian.

5.6 Use of immune serum. Separating serum from an immunized adult healthy pig (90 kg body weight) is used to treat sick piglets, a process that is complicated. However, it is reported that this is effective.

5.7 Drug Prevention. In the farm, some diseases can be prevented by vaccines, while others are not. This requires certain drugs to be added to the diet to prevent them. Such as adding antibacterial agents in sucker feed, such as bacillus net, norfloxacin, can prevent the occurrence of E. coli; in the nursing sow material by adding "Zim Kang" or Astragalus, lotus root and other Chinese herbs, can prevent piglets Yellow and white rickets occur; postpartum diseases should be prevented after giving birth to sows. For those pigs that have developed mastitis or endometritis, they can be treated with intramuscular injections of antibiotics such as penicillin and aminopyrine. If they are combined with Huofeng Huoxue, traditional Chinese medicine treatment will have better results and a higher cure rate. In the fattening stage, little medicine is used, mainly for deworming regularly. Add levamisole tablets to a small amount of feed and feed them at a rate of 8 to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. This can be used to repel aphids and nematodes in the living body and feed them to E. coli. Avermectin or avermectin can repel ectoparasites. Adding pracinomycin tablets (powder) to feed can prevent bacterial diarrhea, respiratory tract, pneumonia and other diseases. Taking these five golden rules as a principle, we have listed various measures that can be used by pig farms to reduce the impact of diseases. It is suggested that you can flexibly master these measures according to the actual situation of the field, not only reducing the morbidity and mortality of pigs, but also improving the pig's production performance and earning more profit for the farm.

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