The prevention and treatment of bamboo leaf spot disease

Symptoms: At the beginning, small spots with a diameter of less than 1 mm were immersed in water and then turned into red-brown spots with a diameter of about 2 mm. There are no halos around the lesion.
Pathogens: There are two species, one is Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Leissler and the other is A. panax Whetzel. A. Panax conidia average 15617.5*28.43.0 microns. Conidia solitary or stringed.
Transmission route (1) Wintering with mycelia or conidia in soil or diseased bodies became the source of infestation early in the year.
(2) The conidia spread through the air stream and re-infested to spread the disease. The pathogenic bacteria can grow and develop at 10~35°C, but it usually requires lower temperature and suitable temperature of 17°C. Rainy weather, or lack of fertility, heavy onset.
Control methods
1. Increase base fertilizer and enhance resistance to disease. Remove diseased leaves in time to reduce the source of bacteria.
2. Began to spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 to 600 times before the onset of disease, or 40% Dafudan and 50% Ketodran WP 400 times, or 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1500 50% speed Skeleton 2000 times wettable powder, every 7 to 10 days 1 time, continuous control of 2 or 3 times.

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