Pest control technology for pests in autumn and winter

In the fall season, there will be damage to mushrooms, mosquitoes, cockroaches, worms, and nematodes. There are other pests or small animals that can cause certain degrees of harm, such as snails, rats, lice, etc.
Prevention of pests and damages Binder fermentation phase: First of all, the use of insect nets to prevent insects from spawning is a cost-effective, easy-to-use measure, and at the same time effectively solves the problem of drug residues. The use of insect-repellent nets for general vegetable breeding can be used, even tiny mushroom flies cannot drill. Secondly, high-efficiency and low-residue drugs are often sprayed on the material table to prevent insects, but the use concentration should be low and the amount of spraying should be less to avoid drug residue. Again, if possible, clinker cultivation methods should be used as far as conditions are concerned. In addition, pest control will also eliminate germs and germs at the same time. Finally, in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus blazei, application of secondary fermentation techniques, temperatures of up to 60° C. for 2 days or so, will allow the insect living body, including eggs, larvae, and adults to be completely killed despite the cost of production. A slight increase, but in exchange for the killing, killing bacteria, and the base material rotten uniform, remove the smell and many other effects, can be described as multiple purposes.
Seed germination stage: a considerable amount of insect pests is invaded at this stage, generally lasting about 3 weeks to 5 weeks of germination stage, Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus comatus and other bacteria bags are microporous, can fully meet the mushroom mosquitoes, The entry and exit of fleas are basically unlimited. First of all, high-density screens (such as insect nets) encapsulate the doors and windows of vents, vents, etc., and adhere to closed light culture to prevent adults from entering the light. Secondly, regular inspection of indoor adults, once discovered, immediately sprayed with low concentrations of pyrethroid drugs to kill, even if pure water spray, so that the wings of mushroom mosquitoes covered with water, the adults can fall to the ground and can not fly again, Can also be killed. Finally, when the surrounding environment of the cultivating room is poor, for example, close to garbage, squat toilets, dung heaps, etc., in addition to cleaning and guarding as much as possible, the indoor need to regularly spray insecticides on the space, wall, is also a very strong preventive measures. one.
Mushroom management stage: First, the high-density screens (insect protection nets) can be packaged in the doors and windows of the sheds and vents to prevent adult insects from entering. Second, try to reduce the shed light. Third, the management of water insists on using well water or tap water instead of “dead water” in ditch, bay and pond. Fourth, a lime belt with a width of 1 to 2 meters is spread on the entrance and exit to prevent pests and small animals from entering. Finally, in the interval between fruiting mushrooms, proper spraying of pyrethroids, together with the application of formaldehyde, bleaching powder drugs, has the dual role of both insects and bacteria, but within the growth of fruiting bodies, should disable any drugs to prevent drug residues Affect quality.
Methods for Killing Pests When pests are found in time and measures are taken to kill them, drug species should be strictly selected. Attention should be paid to the problem of drug residues and the occurrence of phytotoxicity.
When the initial pest density is very small, the use of highly efficient and low residual pyrethroids can be achieved by spraying in the air or on the surface of the material.
When it occurs moderately, some of the eggs will be laid in the material, and the fruiting body can be used for lighting at once. For mushroom mosquitoes and collembodins, 800 times DDV is applied to the material table and overburden, and the film is coated for 3 hours to 5 hours. For pests of insects can be sprayed with 1,000 times the killing drugs, such as broom special, killing alcohol, etc., also covered by a few hours; nematodes using 0.5% formaldehyde solution to re-spray, but also to cover the film for 2 hours to 4 hour.
When the brown patches appear on the material table and the stipe has insect worms, severe occurrence has occurred. At this time, the larvae are mostly in the material, and the spraying of the drugs is generally ineffective, and the aluminum phosphide “killing” method can be used to kill all at once. The method is: all the fruiting body lighting, wall cultivation, the use of plastic film to cover the wall, on both sides of a 1 meter interval placed a piece of aluminum phosphide, fast plastic film around the compaction, about 8 hours to 10 hours can be. For the method of insecticidal cultivation, refer to the above. Note points: The operation should be fast; the film should be compacted; when removing the film, the canopy door, window and vent should be opened first. Afterwards, the plastic film was opened, and after 1 hour to 2 hours, the plastic film was removed from the shed, aluminum phosphide waste was carefully scooped out, and was buried deep. Li Kui

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