The storage characteristics and technology of cucumber

1, storage characteristics. The cucumber that is served is a young fruit with a high water content. After harvest, the tissue is easily dehydrated and becomes “squeaky.” In particular, the fertilized embryo can continue to develop and grow within the harvested young fruit, while drawing water and nutrients from the pulp tissue. As a result, the melon strips are deformed, and one end of the fruit stems are shrunk and become awkward, while the other end is thickened due to seed development. The entire melon forms a stick-like shape, and the milk is reduced in green color, the acidity is increased, the quality is significantly reduced, and the cucumber is crisp and vulnerable to mechanical injury. Especially the type of guppies, guaranes are easily knocked off and cause the wound to flow out of the sap, which in turn causes the infected rot. Therefore, the main problem in the storage of cucumbers is the complete deterioration and rot.
The optimum storage temperature of cucumbers seems to be lower than 10°C and even close to 0°C. For example, in northern and southern parts of the country, cylinders are stored in autumn and winter, sauces are stored, and cucumbers are stored in cucumbers. However, there are reports that the above methods are sometimes used to store cold damage. According to recent domestic and international reports, the optimum storage temperature for cucumbers is 10-13°C, which is less than 10%. °C appears cold damage, relative humidity should reach more than 90%.
2, storage methods. Cucumber can be stored in a controlled atmosphere. The method is basically the same as that of tomato. The suitable gas composition is 2% to 5% of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In some experiments, after the cucumber is stored in a controlled atmosphere, the vascular bundle becomes brown, and the melon is also pale yellow with bitterness. This situation may be related to the variety or due to improper gas composition.
Beijing Xuanwu District vegetable station proposed cucumber MAP storage indicators are as follows: (1) temperature 10-13 °C. (2) The oxygen and carbon dioxide of the gas composition are both 2%-5%, and oxygen is rapidly reduced. (3) Cucumber is coated with 1:200 worm glue solution 2000000001-40000.000001 Benzol or thiophanate-methyl. (4) The enclosed cesium is mixed with a potassium permanganate foam carrier of 1/20 to 1/40 of the weight (the foam brick pieces are impregnated with a saturated potassium permanganate solution) in order to remove ethylene. (5) Chlorine disinfection: Dosage and method are the same as tomato. With the above comprehensive measures, the common melon can be stored for 40-60 days, and the good melon rate is about 85%. The vegetable station pointed out that Jinyan No. 1 and No. 2, Beijing Datong and other varieties had better resistance to Tibetans than Changchun Mimi and Bagua.

Chinese traditional chicken growth cycle is long, mature slowly, less meat. Meat features more fat, rich flavor, more suitable for soup, braised, white cut and other traditional diet. The introduction of white feather broiler with advanced scientific large-scale collective breeding experience, so that its growth cycle is greatly shortened, and there are more mature and fast meat characteristics, compared with the meat of its own flesh less fat, rich gravy, Fine fibers, the nutrients contained in the body more easily absorbed. Because of the characteristics of white chicken meat, so they are more suitable for deep-fried, barbecue, fried chicken and other cooking methods.

Fresh lamb, high nutritional value, where lack of kidney yang, Yaoxisuanruan, abdomen cold pain, labor-deficit who can use it for therapeutic products. Mutton is rich in nutrition, and is of great benefit to tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, anemia, deficiency of both qi and blood in the postpartum, cold pain in the abdomen, chills, malnutrition, weakness of the waist and knees, impotence and premature ejaculation, Bushen impotence, moderate temperature effect of tonic, men are suitable for regular consumption.

Chicken And Lamb

Chicken And Lamb,Chicken Breast,Baked Chicken, Fresh Lamb Food


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