Six Main Points of Scallion Seedlings

First, choose the variety. The most suitable variety for autumn sowing green onions is Zhangqiu green onion. This variety is tall, high in yield, and light and tender, sweet and not spicy.
Second, determine the sowing time of onions and onions. Should be mastered before the winter before the seedling age 40 to 50 days, with 2 to 3 true leaves, plant height of about 10 cm, so as to avoid or reduce early seizures. It is also not subject to freezing injury due to weak seedlings.
Third, prepare the seedbed. Select the high-desert, easy irrigation and drainage of fertile sandy land, 667 square meters of fully cooked 5000 tons of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, fine leveling, making a width of 1.2 meters of oysters, after the suppression of fritting after use.
Fourth, science sowing. Onion seedlings are commonly broadcasted. The seedbeds were soaked with water. After the water had penetrated, the dried onion seeds were evenly spread on the surface. When the seed germination rate is more than 80%, the seed amount per 667 is 1.7-2.0 kilograms, and the earth-covering thickness is 1.5-2 cm. A layer of bait is sprinkled on the ground to prevent underground pests, and then the mulching is applied to the mulch.
Fifth, seedling management and protection. About 40 days before the winter growing season is mainly water management. After the onion seedlings are basically released, the film is removed and the weeds are removed promptly to ensure that the onion seedlings grow robustly. Before the soil is frozen, pour over the winter water. In order to make the seedlings safe for wintering, sprinkle the 1 to 2 cm wheat stubble or weeds on the surface after pouring the winter water. When the daily average temperature rises to about 20°C, the seedlings begin to thrive and when they grow vigorously, topdressing and adequate watering are carried out. Apply 5 kg of urea per acre, top-dressing the seedlings to weed and keep the seedlings at a distance of 4 to 5 cm. Watering is controlled 10 to 15 days before planting. The leaves of the seedlings are old and full of pseudo-stems, which is conducive to slow seedlings after planting.
Six, disease prevention and pest control. The major pests and diseases of welsh onions include rust, thrips and green onion. 1 Rust. Available 15% trifenin WP 1000 times, or 50% rustin EC 700 times. Spray once every 7 to 10 days and spray 2 or 3 times. 2 Green onion humming horses. 50% phoxim EC 100 times, or 10% Chrysanthemum EC 1500 times spray control. 3 Liriomyza sativae. In addition to timely removal of the pastoral after harvest, to eliminate the adult insects before spawning, adults can be used to eliminate the killing quail 6000 times every 5 to 7 days, even spray 2-3 times.

Hot Pot Seasoning is used to eat when the dip material, there are hemp, spicy, sour, sweet; can be modulated according to their taste, one person and one disc. The spices used in the hotpot include salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, bean paste, white wine, soybean meal, glutinous rice, and spices. Hotpot bowls include sesame sauce, garlic, fermented bean curd, sesame oil, red oil, leek, soy sauce, seafood sauce, millet pepper, spicy sauce, pepper, sesame and so on. Important spices are: 1. Chili sauce, red pepper 100Kg, salt 15Kg. 2. Chili oil. 3. Dry chili peppers. 4. Rapeseed oil. 5. Butter.

Hot Pot Seasoning

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ChongQing Baifu Foods Co., Ltd. ,

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