Rice Non-woven Seedling Technology

1. Seedling preparation (1) Supplies needed for adequate seedlings (2) Selection of suitable nursery sites Because dry seedlings are the only way to maintain the moist state of the soil throughout the nursery process and never establish a water layer, the non-woven fabrics Seedlings are mostly selected for dry seedlings.
In order to meet the conditions of dry and natural conditions, we must choose a land with flat terrain, high dryness, convenient drainage, and sunny leewardness. Subject to conditions, only in Honda's nursery areas, but also to select relatively high land plots, and build high platform, and strive to achieve the above conditions for dry conditions.
(3) Choose proper nursery methods Normal dry seedlings, floppy seedlings, isolation seedlings, and seedlings.
(4) Determining the area of ​​Putian and making a bed of soil The area of ​​Putian can be calculated based on the size of the Honda area and the percentage of Honda Honda that is selected for the method of raising seedlings. Putian area = Honda area 秧 Honda area Nursery bed number = Putian area Net sown area per bed For example: With normal dry seeding method, the net planting area per bed is 22.5 square meters, ie net length of bed is 15 meters, net sowing width is 1.5 meters 1 hectare (15 acres) of rice seedlings for Honda is: Putian area = 15 mu 1/70 ≈ 143 square meters Nursery beds = 143 square meters 22.5 square meters ≈ 6.5
Putian site preparation is best carried out in the autumn of last year. This will not only improve the soil ripening effect and nutrient release capacity, but also alleviate the tension between spring farm work and labor shortage. When you sit in bed in the spring, you should try your best to go earlier. Land preparation and squatting are all carried out under water-free conditions, that is to say, dry lands and dry beds. First, the land will be finely screeded and then ditched to sit on the bed. The bed width 1.8-2.0 meters, height 10-15 cm, bed length can be determined according to nursery conditions and non-woven specifications, generally 10-15 meters, drain depth 10 cm. When raising seedlings in high dry fields and garden fields, it is acceptable to have a flat bed or a bed with a slight height. For a fixed paddy field, perennial organic fertilizers should be added as per the method of sports seedlings to supplement the soil and nutrients that rice seedlings absorb and lift.
2. Seed treatment (1) seed selection, drying seed selection. Including winnowing, screening and brine selection. Flotation can remove cereals and light-weight impurities; screening can remove broken rice, sand and other impurities; brine selection can further remove cereals, diseased grains, etc., so that the seeds reach fullness evenly, so as to ensure that the seedlings grow neatly consistent. The key to salt selection is to have a proper proportion of salt water. The proportion of brine used for rice selection is 1.10 to 1.13, and there is a lower limit for mango seeds and the upper limit is for awnless or short-horned seeds. The specific preparation method is: 100 kg of fresh water plus salt 20-25 kg, stirring dissolved and measured with a pycnometer. If you do not have a pycnometer, you can replace it with fresh eggs. It is advisable to put fresh eggs in the solution to reveal a 5-cent coin size. Saline salt selection should pay attention to the following points: First, fast operation. The time from putting the seeds into the salt water and removing the foliar floating on it should not exceed 5 minutes, otherwise the light seeds will also absorb water and sink; secondly, the concentration of the solution should be determined at any time during multiple consecutive operations. If the specific gravity decreases, add salt to restore it to its original concentration.
Shaizhong. The method is to select sunny days before soaking, and pour the seeds on the tarpaulin or concrete floor, evenly lay 3-4 cm thick, and turn it upside down to make the seeds evenly exposed to light. Generally, it should be dried for 1-2 days. Do not prick the seed coat when turning the seed. When the temperature is high enough for sunlight, the number of seeds to be turned is increased to prevent prolonged exposure. Cover it at night to prevent cold temperatures. Be careful not to get wet.
(2) When the germination test is done for the germination test, different varieties, or different origins of the same variety, or seeds purchased at different times should be carried out separately. If it is done at the same time, mark it separately. The test seeds must be representative, that is, randomly sampled at different parts of the seed pile (or bag), and then mixed thoroughly for germination test. When the seeds are large and the variety is large, germination is performed using a thermostat or a fire pot. Take 50 or 100 test seeds and put them on a bud or a dish such as a filter bowl or bowl covered with filter paper (or absorbent cotton), add enough water, cover the filter paper or gauze, and place it in a thermostat or a fire bowl. Keep the temperature at 28-30°C for germination. On the third and seventh days, the number of germinated seeds was investigated and the germination rate and germination power were calculated. When the amount of the test seed is small and the variety is small, the thermos bottle germination method can be used. About 100 seeds were soaked in warm water at 30°C for 3 hours and placed in a small gauze bag leaving a line at the pocket. The thermos bottle is filled with half a bottle of 30-35°C warm water, and the seed bag is hung on the surface of the thermos bottle. The stopper is warmed and replaced with 1-2 times of warm water every day. Usually 2-3 days can be budding. After germination tests, germination rates of more than 90% can be used for production. When the germination rate is slightly lower, it is necessary to increase the broadcast volume accordingly. Seeds with a germination rate of less than 80% cannot be used and must be replaced promptly.
(3) Soaking, germination, soaking and disinfection. The commonly used and effective method is to put the seed into a good water-permeable woven bag or a special net bag for soaking. After immersing in clean water of about 18° C., it can suck enough water for 4 to 6 days. Stir and change water once every 1-2 days. When the embryos and endosperm, the swelling of the embryos, and the endosperm were softly visible through the glume of rice seeds, the rest of the peeled husks could be crushed by hand, indicating that the seeds had absorbed enough water.
Treating rice seeds with a special effect seed disinfectant can effectively kill pathogenic bacteria adhering to rice seeds and prevent infectious diseases such as rice seedlings, bakanae disease and bacterial blight at the seedling stage. Disinfection and soaking should be carried out at the same time. Disinfectants should be dissolved in soaking water according to the instructions for use, soaking a certain amount of seeds.
Germination. Germination is the process of artificially creating suitable water, gas, and heat conditions to promote the concentrated and neat germination of rice seeds. Under the same other conditions, germination sowing faster than non-germination seedling emergence more than 3 days, and the seedlings are neat, consistent, seedlings increased by 5% -10%. Therefore, no matter what kind of seedlings are used, they should be sown and then sown. Rice seeds can be germinated after strict disinfection and sufficient soaking of sufficient water.
The scale of germination is to reach the seeds and break the chest, and the radicle and germ length do not exceed 2 mm. The basic technology of germination is "high-temperature rupture of the chest, appropriate temperature germination, low temperature air-blasting." Germination should be fast, homogeneous, and strong. The fast is to quickly germinate, 2-3 days to complete, in which the need to break the chest 1-2 days, the appropriate temperature germination requires about 12 hours; Qi is to be more than 90% of the rice germination standards; uniform refers to the roots and buds are neat Consistent; strong refers to short and thick root buds, length within 2 mm.
3. Sowing (1) Determination of reasonable sowing date and sowing date: In general, the dates from the scheduled transplanting dates for rice seedlings after the seedling growth days, that is, the dates after the seedling age, are the sowing dates. For example, if you plan to transplant on May 20 and the age of the plague is 35 days, then the pushback of 35 days from May 20 is April 15, which is the sowing date. The rice transplanting in our province is mainly based on medium-sized seedlings, and the pod age is 30-35 days.
(2) Preparation of nutritious soil nutrition soil composition. The nutrient soil is made up of a mixture of soil, fertilizer, and maggots. The soil for home and garden use or soil for dry fields must be well-structured, organic matter content should be above 2%, complete nutrients, no pathogenic eggs, no salt, no weeds. Fertilizers should be adequately cooked. Should be stacked in advance in the previous summer, 60% -70% of the soil, fertilizer 30% -40% of the amount of mixing. In areas rich in peat resources, fermented peat can be added in large amounts in the soil.
The nursery nutrient soil is prepared on the day or the day before sowing. The specific approach is to filter the soil and fertilizer with a 5-8mm pore size sieve, and then combine the strength of the nutrient soil with the sports seedling method according to the instructions for use of the Zanthoxylum, and fully mix the ZhuangXing agent with the soil and fertilizer. If there is agglomeration phenomenon of the strong stimulant used, it should be mixed into the soil and fertilizer in accordance with the specified proportion, and then sieved together.
Nutrition soil preparation method and dosage. Due to different brands of bran-strength agents and different methods of raising seedlings, the proportion of bran-strengthening agent and agricultural fertilizer is also different. The following uses 2.5 kg per bag of “Guangyu” brand rice seedlings as an example to illustrate the various methods of nursery soil preparation.
Ordinary dry nursery: Based on the pre-application of agricultural fertilizer in the topsoil of the seedbed, each small bag and 15 kg of sifted after-soil and agricultural fertilizer are fully mixed and mixed into nutritious soil and applied to a 20-22.5 square meter seedbed.
The floppy seedlings: Each sachet of strength agent and about 360 kg of soil and fertilizer are mixed and stirred to form a nursery nutrient soil, which is loaded into 90 floppy disks, with an average of about 4 kilograms per plate.
Isolation layer nursery: each small bag of strong agent and 270-360 kg of soil, agricultural fertilizer fully mixed into a nursery nutrition soil, evenly spread on 15 square meters seedbed. Seedlings for seedlings: Each sachet of strong seedlings and about 280 kilograms of soil and fertilizer are mixed and mixed to form a nursery nutrient soil, which is loaded into 150 casting trays, with an average of 1.8-1.9 kilograms per plate.
(3) Seeding procedures Ordinary dry seedlings sit in bed. In the nursery preparation stage, sit on the ground and use a tweezers to excavate the larger piece of soil in the 10cm soil layer of the bedtop and break it up to make the topsoil layer finely crushed, soft and smooth. Water side leakage.
Fertilizer and nutrient soil. According to the proportion of 20 kilograms per square meter of seedbed, adequately fertilized agricultural fertilizer is evenly spread on the bed surface, and then repeatedly twisted with a rake to make it evenly mixed into 10 cm topsoil. Then sprinkle prepared nutritious soil. Mix it in a 2 cm soil layer on the bed with tweezers.
Watering. One day before seeding, the footbed was poured with enough water to reach the bed surface and meet with the lower fluvo-aquic soil. In order to avoid flushing the bed surface out of the pit when watering, it is necessary to use a fast-moving watering can to move quickly and repeatedly. When the seedbed area is large, a small sprinkler should be used. In the Honda nursery, if the original humidity of the seedbed is relatively large, it is not appropriate to water it again.
Sowing and covering earth. Adhere to the principle of dilute broadcasting and breeding. Dry seedlings sow about 180 grams per square meter. Seeds should be sown and then soaked or pressed with a pestle or smooth wooden board after sowing so that the seeds can be ploughed on three sides. Then evenly cover a layer of 0.5 cm thick screened loose fine soil. Do not use nutrient-rich soil or clay as cover soil.
Closed grass, stamped plastic film. Take 1.2% Dingbu powder as an example, mix every 250g of powder with 2.0kg of moist finely screened fine soil, spread it on a 20m2 seedbed after 2 hours of boring, and receive good weeding effect. Such trapping agents for nursery beds are particularly suitable for application when young farmers in small paddy fields grow seedlings. When the nursery area is relatively large, it can be blocked with an aqueous solution of butachlor, but it must be strictly controlled according to the instructions. Immediately after weeding is closed, the bed covers a layer equal to the width of the bed, slightly longer than the bed of ultra-thin plastic film, in order to facilitate the warming and protecting the clams, to promote early emergence, rapid emergence. After emergence, remove this layer of plastic film in time to prevent high temperature burning seedlings.
The floppy seedlings are placed flat and the bottom water is poured. The nursery bed on which the floppy disk is placed is also called a bed. Before sowing, in addition to breaking the soil in the surface of the bed, the key is to make the bed level. If the bumps are uneven, the bottom of the floppy disk cannot fully contact with the bed, making the seedlings uneven. In addition, the length and breadth of the bed should be uniform, the width should be slightly larger than the length of the disc tray, and the length should be an integer multiple of the width of the frame. The bed must be irrigated, the same way as ordinary nursery.
Put the plate, install nutrition soil, replenish water. Swing plate with two metal frames. Only one frame is placed horizontally on the bed. One frame is placed at one end of the seedbed and the other frame is placed next to it. Then put the nursery film into the frame and fold the four sides to form a floppy disk. Make the floppy disk fully in contact with the bed. The prepared nutritious soil in the pan is to be filled and the excess scraped with a wooden board. Take out the two frames and place the other two sets of disks and load the soil. In this way, the plate is placed on the other side of the bed and filled with nutritious soil. Finally, use a watering can to irrigate the nutrient soil. If you accidentally flush the pothole when you water it, you need to fill it with nutritious soil.
sowing. Also adhere to the principle of thin broadcast. Hand-planted pods sow 60-80 grams of seeds for each sowing, and 60 grams for dry seeds; when transplanting seedlings, 120 grams of seeds are sown per seed and 100 grams of seeds are sown.
Cover soil, seal grass, cover film, with ordinary dry nursery.
Seedling seedling isolation isolation seedling seedlings and floppy seedlings are basically the same procedure, the difference is the use of perforated plastic film or woven bags (also known as glass silk bags, snake skin bags) instead of floppy disk for nursery carrier. The isolation layer has the effects of water seepage, air permeability and temperature increase, and salt alkali separation, and is particularly suitable for low seedling Honda and saline-alkali land cultivation. The cost is low and the effect is good.
When the hole is punched, first enclose the plastic sheet with a certain thickness, and then use a hollow punch with a hole diameter of 4-5 mm to punch the hole with a pitch of 3 cm and 3 cm, and then spread the hole-punched plastic sheet on the dripping water. On the bed, it will be followed by soil, seeding and other follow-up operations.
Seedlings throwing seedlings The length and breadth of the throwing discs currently on the market are relatively fixed, ie 600 mm long and 330 mm wide. However, the weight of a single disc, the number of carcasses, and the depth of carcasses are not the same. The lighter the weight of the single plate is, the thinner and softer the chassis is, and the durability is poor. The more pods and the deeper the pods, the less nutrient soil capacity is, which is not conducive to cultivating strong and strong. However, with a small number of carcasses, the number of discs per unit area Honda needs will increase, which will increase the cost of nursery. Practice has proved that it is suitable for the actual rice production in our province. The most widely used casting disc specifications are: 561 carcasses per pan, carcass depth 18 mm, upper diameter 18-19 mm, bottom diameter 12 mm, small hole diameter 3 Millimeters, weigh 531 grams on a single disc. When buying a disc, you must pay attention to its quality. The body is shallow or broken, and even the hole is large and numerous, and the plate is too thin, although the price may be lower, but once it is used for raising the seedlings, not only the seedling rate is low, the quality of the seedling is poor, and it is not durable, and it is often not worth the candle.
The actual amount of discs used for raising seedlings can be calculated according to the following formula: the number of pans per mu required = the planned number of transplanted holes per mu (1+10%) per pan. In the formula, 10% is the part that increases due to factors such as missed seeding and seedling deficiency. For example, if you plan to transplant 133,000 holes per acre and use a 561 volume disk, the number of plates used per acre is 24.
Seeder sowing. First put 70% of the nutritious soil in the pan, and then put the seeds into a special planter. According to the instructions for use, align the carcass and sow seeds. The advantage of planting seeds with a sower is that the number of seeds in the pan is even, the sowing depth is consistent, and the seedlings emerge. neat.
(4) covered with a non-woven arch shed. According to the practice of opening and closing agricultural film seedlings with wide beds in the local area, insert the skeletons, cover the non-woven fabrics, tightly press the soil around them, and then reins. For the new racks, the burrs must be scraped and the arcs of the sheds must be smaller than those of the agricultural film. The closer to the trapezoid, the better the leaking effect will be. The reins should not be too fine or too rough to avoid breaking the woven fabric.
Free skeleton tile coverage. The method is to build a 10-15 cm thick soil around the bed, then lay the non-woven fabric flat and place it on the sides with the soil tightly pressed.绊 Wind ropes and other reference seedlings.
4. Putian manages non-woven nursery Because it is not necessary to artificially raise the seedlings, the temperature management in Putian management is very easy and simple compared to the agricultural film nursery. In addition, the incidence of bruising rarely occurs. Therefore, it is sufficient to pay attention to water supply, timely evacuation of the soil, and if necessary, top dressing and disease prevention.
(1) The water use efficiency of filming and water-supplying non-woven cloth seedlings is high, and the total number of waterings in the seedling stage is less than that of the plastic film seedlings. In case the seedlings are not properly handled, the bed soil will be sprayed directly on the cloth with insufficient water, uneven water and white topsoil. In the Honda or low-lying plots of seedlings, such as bed soil too wet or even water, need to open the bed mulch to dry bed moisture, prevent rotten buds of bad species, in order to promote root development.
When you make up your water, you have to make it through; in the morning or in the evening, avoid the high temperature at noon. At the same time to use the water after the drying, so as to avoid "cold water pouring hot head"; the third is to use a fine spray can spray and can not flood irrigation.
When the rice seedlings come out of their heads, they must take out the mulch film laid on the surface of the bed, and then restore the compaction.
(2) Once topdressing occurs, rice leaves with yellowish leaves, slow growth and other symptoms of fertilizer deficiency can be sprayed with 1% ammonium sulfate aqueous solution. The amount of solution should be weighed between 2 and 5 kg per square meter of seedbed according to the degree of deficiency. According to this method, the "fertility fertilizer" can be applied to the fertilizer-free seedbed before transplanting. Pay attention to the fertilizer solution should be sprayed evenly. After spraying, rinse with water twice to prevent burning seedlings.
(3) Prevention and control of damping-off takes prevention as the main method, including formulating high-standard nursery nutrient soils with appropriate ph values, creating favorable conditions for root development of rice seedlings, strengthening seedbed temperature and humidity management and nutrient management, and fostering robust disease resistance. seedling. In addition, good control effects can also be obtained with appropriate specific agents.
(4) Rodenticide Insecticide and weed control can be made of special rodenticides used for bait traps or rodenticides to eradicate rats; slaughter can use 5% of zinc-phosphorus 0.5kg and appropriate amount of cooked glutinous rice to mix and spread in bed Face. You can also fry the glutinous rice or cornmeal, mix evenly with the appropriate amount of dissolved trichlorfon or dichlorvos, and then divide it into several small heaps in the early evening and place it on the edge of the seedbed. The effect is ideal.
5. Notes on non-woven seedlings (1) Special non-woven cloths for rice nursery seedlings must be selected for use in rice nursery. Special non-woven fabrics must be selected, that is, in accordance with fz/t 64004-1993, using polypropylene fiber-based slices as raw material. , The use of spunbond spray hot pressing, quality ≥ 35 grams / square meter, width ≥ 2.1 meters, and anti-aging treatment of filament nonwovens. The dosage is generally based on the length, which is 1 meter longer than the length of the seedbed. Must not be the same as general industrial non-woven fabrics for nursery special non-woven rice.
(2) Strictly formulated nursery nutrient soil using non-woven cover nursery technology, unless the abnormal high temperature weather, the whole breeding period is not exposed, and no longer top dressing. For this purpose, nutritious soil with sufficient nutrients and reasonable ratio must be formulated with high-quality rice seedlings (also known as modulators) that meet the requirements of db 21/1168-2000, and have both nutrient, acid, disinfection, and chemical control functions. To ensure that a fertilization meets the nutrient requirements of the seedlings throughout the field.
(3) Strict seed germination and pre-assisted warming The special non-woven fabric for rice seedlings is not as effective as the agricultural film. In order to ensure early, complete, and homogeneous seedlings, the seed germination should be strictly followed according to the operating rules, and the second must be in the nursery. In the early period, the plastic film was covered on the bed or the old agricultural film was covered outside the shed to improve the insulation effect.
(4) Timely release of auxiliary temperature increase measures When the seedlings are in a period of 1 to 1 leaf, the mulch film on the surface of the bed shall be drawn out in time, and the mulch film or old agricultural film covered with the non-woven fabric shall be removed.
(5) Timely watering rice non-woven cover seedling raising technology has improved the utilization rate of water, including natural precipitation, during the flood season. In order to further conserve water and ensure even watering, watering cans should be adopted, and the water can be poured directly on the cloth. If the arc of the arch is too large and water leakage is poor, watering should be exposed.
(6) When flexibly grasping the timing of exposing the crops, it is necessary to pay special attention to changes in the outside air temperature to avoid the high temperatures leading to leggings in non-woven sheds. According to specific circumstances, timely disclosure. If the outside temperature is low, the seedlings are not strong and can be uncovered in due course. If outside air temperature is too high and the seedlings grow too busy, they should be exposed as soon as possible. Generally, when the temperature in the shed continues to exceed 28°C, it should be withdrawn.

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