Thermo Scientific uses the fragment ion search function to fully identify the hormone metabolites

Thermo Scientific uses the fragment ion search function to fully identify the hormone metabolites

April 20, 2015 Source: Thermo Fisher

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Thermo Scientific recently launched a metabolite identification solution based on Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry and Mass Frontier structural analysis software. The solution utilizes the Thermo ScientificTM LTQ Orbitrap XLTM's multi-stage high-resolution mass spectrometry capabilities combined with the Thermo ScientificTM Mass Frontier Fragment Ion Search to provide a comprehensive and accurate identification of strychnine metabolites.

Strychnine, also known as the main active ingredient of Strychnos chinensis, is also known as the central nervous system stimulant. It is clinically used for hemiplegia, sputum and skeletal muscle relaxation caused by streptomycin injection, amblyopia and barbiturates. Poisoning and so on. In addition, the addition of strychnine feed bait can be used to eliminate rodent pests such as mice. However, the residual nicotine in these animals will be transmitted through the food chain, affecting the entire ecosystem, so it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on its metabolites. Provide reliable analytical tools and data for clinical drug use, environmental protection, and judicial departments.

The LTQ Orbitrap XL combines a linear ion trap with an Orbitrap high-resolution mass analyzer for high-sensitivity multi-level high resolution. Mass Frontier is the professional structure analysis software of Thermo Scientific. With its rich fragmentation database, it can quickly guess and assign the multi-level fragmentation rule of the sinensis. The fragment ion search function correlates the parent drug with the metabolite. The possible metabolic pathways are organically combined, accurately screening out the unknown metabolite information from the complex matrix sample mass spectrometry signals, further speculating the metabolic sites, and finally obtaining comprehensive metabolite information.




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