Five kinds of delicious seaweed soup have different effects

First, the seaweed shrimp soup: seaweed shrimp soup can play both iodine and calcium, for iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and hypertension in patients with food. In addition, long-term consumption of seaweed shrimp soup can also reduce the symptoms of female menopausal syndrome, and have a certain therapeutic effect on male impotence.


Second, the Qingchang seaweed soup: made from seaweed and sesame oil clear seaweed soup has the role of eliminating constipation, especially for the elderly and children.

Third, the seaweed seaweed soup: seaweed plus seaweed and then supplemented with melon skin and watermelon rind soup, there are rouge fat, bodybuilding effect, suitable for obesity patients often eat.

Fourth, seaweed kelp lean soup: seaweed kelp lean soup with Ziyin heat, phlegm, longevity, suitable for dizziness, irritability, insomnia, phlegm thick cough and skin pigmentation in patients with food.

Five, seaweed tomato soup: Because tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, can promote the body's absorption of iron and calcium in seaweed, so seaweed tomato soup for iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency in patients with food.

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