How to reduce the cost of feed for laying hens

The cost of feed for laying hens usually accounts for 60% to 70% of the total expenditure, while the amount of feed waste accounts for 3% to 8% or more of the total feed consumption, which is more than 10%. Therefore, conservation of feed can significantly improve the economic efficiency of laying hens.
The selection of breeder chickens for laying hens should be based on small breeds with high feed utilization rates; the same breed should have medium weight. The same amount of eggs is produced, and large-sized chickens consume more material than the smaller ones.
Cutting off ticks at the age of 6 to 9 days of the chicks is not only effective in preventing ticks, but also saving 3.5 grams of feed per day during the growing season and saving 5.5 grams of feed during the laying period. Each egg is produced. Save 12 grams of feed.
The practice of raising the cage cage causes a stable environment, a small amount of activity, and a large breeding density, which reduces the amount of heat dissipation and therefore reduces the amount of food consumed. According to calculations, the ratio of cages to rearing can generally save 20% to 30% of feed.
The conservation temperature is 13°C to 21°C. In winter, the house temperature is lower than 8°C, and every 100 chickens eat 1.5 kg of feed each day, and the egg production rate is decreased. In summer, the chicken feed intake is reduced, but the egg production rate is also reduced. Therefore, protective measures should be taken in production, summer heatstroke should be taken care of, and warmth should be warmed up in winter to provide suitable environmental conditions for the growth and development of chickens, which is conducive to prolific egg production and saving feed. According to experiments, the chicken house temperature was appropriately increased in the winter, and each chicken could save 3.1 grams of excess protein per day.
The good feed should not be fed with moldy feeds to ensure the feed's full price nutrition, because the incomplete nutrition in the feed is the biggest waste. Feed crushing can not be too fine, otherwise it will easily lead to feeding difficulties and waste of “dust” flying.
According to seasonal ingredients, chickens consume more calories in winter, and the proportion of energy feed should be appropriately increased (65% to 70% of the total amount of feed is appropriate); the proportion of energy feed should be appropriately reduced in summer.
The use of alternative protein feeds, especially fishmeal, is relatively expensive, with some cheap insects, earthworms, local fish, shrimp, meat processing by-products, fish waste, powder residue, sugar residue, bean curd residue, distiller's grains, etc. Substituting some protein feeds for chickens after proper processing can greatly reduce feed costs.
The use of additives for feed additives can increase the utilization of protein feeds and also help reduce feed costs. According to reports, adding 0.1% methionine to common feeds can increase the utilization of feed protein by 2% to 3%; adding lysine can reduce 3% to 4% of the amount of crude protein used in feeds; adding vitamin B12 and quinoline Ethanol and other feed additives can also improve the utilization of crude protein in feed.
Adding vitamin C to 50 grams of vitamin C per ton of chicken feed can increase egg production by more than 10% and save more than 15% of feed.
Adding sand grains to the sand once a week will help grind the feed in the muscles and stomachs, help digestion and absorption, and increase the digestibility of feed by 3% to 8%.
To improve the feed trough structure to feed chicken troughs, should be the bottom tip, belly, mouth small. Because of the large amount of material in such a chute, the chicken does not easily pull out the feed, so that the chicken can eat the net leftovers. As for the trough height, chickens should be allowed to eat freely as the main criteria. The amount of feed material in the chute should not be too full. Generally, it is controlled at 1/3 of the trough height. Otherwise, it is easily thrown and wasted. According to reports, when feed is added to 2/3 of the trough, feed is wasted by 12% and it is wasted when it is 1/2. 5%, wasted 2% when added to 1/3.
Ensuring sufficient drinking water requires 340 ml of water per egg; if the water is lacking during egg production, egg production can be reduced by 30%.
Deworming in time If the chicken has parasites, the nutrients converted by the chicken's feed will be absorbed by the parasite, causing the consequences of "seemingly raising chickens, but actually keeping them up." Therefore, chickens should generally be repelled once in 30-60 days.
Timely elimination of rooster cocks generally eats 20% to 25% more feed than hens. Therefore, extra roosters should be eliminated in time; breeder chickens should be kept at a male to female ratio of 1:15, and commodity chickens should be kept at 1:20. It is appropriate.
Elimination of low-yielding hens often has 10% to 30% of low-yielding chickens. The elimination of low-yielding chickens will not result in a significant reduction in egg production, but it can significantly save feed.

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