Rabbit feed processing and modulation

It is particularly important whether the processing and modulation of rabbit feed is scientific and reasonable. It directly affects the growth and development of rabbits and the economic benefits of raising rabbits. The processing methods can generally be used as follows:

1, cut short: For palatability of good grass green vegetables, should be cut short fresh feed; cabbage, radish and other feed, because the water content is too large, should be slightly dry and then feed.

2, slicing wire: For some root feeds, such as carrots, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes, etc. should be slicing wire mixed feed in the feed together, or made into pellets, potatoes should be cooked and fed.

3, smash: sorghum, corn, oats, barley and other feed, must be crushed before feeding, in order to improve the digestibility, the best raw or fresh feed; for legumes, such as alfalfa, milk vetch, wild soybean, yam leaves And so on, they should also be crushed into pelleted feed.

4, cooking or soaking: beans or bean cake feed, because it contains anti-trypsin, if the raw feed will affect the digestibility, should be cooked or 3-4 hours before feeding with hot water and then fed. However, the heating time should not be too long, otherwise the protein will become difficult to digest, reducing nutrients and palatability. If soaked soybean cake with pink, said that the rancidity has deteriorated, can not feed the rabbit, otherwise it is easy to cause poisoning. Tofu residue, bean powder residue, sweet potato, etc., should be cooked and fed, and the amount of feed should not be much, if freshly fed rabbits are easy to diarrhea.

5, fried spices: winter can be sorghum, corn, beans and other fried crushed, mixed with other feed after feeding, this can increase the palatability and digestibility, increase feed intake.

6, alkalinization: straw or glutinous feed, on the tank or cement pool, soaked with 1%-2% lime water for 1-2 days, remove and wash with water, and slightly dry and alkalinization . Straw roughage after alkaline treatment, can make crude fiber become soft, destroy tannic acid, improve digestibility, increase feed intake. Alkaline feed 80-100 g can be added per kilogram of rabbit diet.

In addition, for the mineral feed (such as stone powder, bone meal, shell powder, salt, etc.), should be fully crushed and then fed together with the feed; salt can also be dissolved into the feed or fed into drinking water to feed.

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