The efficacy and taboo of raisins

Raisins are made from the fruits of grapes that have been sun-dried or shade-dried. In recent years, more rapid dry methods have been adopted. Grapes are first dehydrated and then dried in shade rooms or dried in a dryer. This greatly shortens the production period. Turpan, Xinjiang, is the most famous non-nuclear raisin. Raisin is rich in nutrients, contains a lot of nutrients such as glucose, calcium and protein, and it is good for people to eat some raisins every day. Here's what raisins do in the end. What do you need to pay attention to when eating raisins?

Raisin nutrients

Raisins are rich in glucose, amino acids, proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, etc. They are food supplements for children, women, and frail anemic persons. Regular foods for neurasthenia and over-fatigue Has a beneficial effect. Per 100g of raisin protein 2.5g, carbohydrate 81.8g, dietary fiber 1.6g, fat 4g, calcium 52mg, magnesium 45mg, iron 9.1mg, retinol 11.6mg, sodium 19.1mg, selenium 2.74ug, phosphorus 90mg, vitamin c 5mg, Carotene 2.1mg.

The effect of raisins

1, blood

Containing mineral iron in raisins can promote hemoglobin regeneration. If you have symptoms of pale, cold hands and feet anemia, eating a small amount of raisins every day can improve the symptoms, is the blood of patients with iron deficiency anemia.

2, detoxification anti-aging

Tartaric acid and dietary fiber in raisins can help the intestines digest and adsorb toxins in the intestinal wall and promote detoxification. Second, raisins contain flavonoids, which have anti-oxidant effects and can eliminate free radicals and prevent aging.

3, cholesterol lowering

According to a study conducted by Spilpe, a nutrition researcher and director of the Health Research Center in Shatos, California, raisins, which consume approximately 400 calories a day, are effective in lowering cholesterol by 8%. They also inhibit the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent thrombosis. To prevent cardiovascular disease.

4, Qi tonic

Chinese medicine believes that grapes have the effect of “vigorous Chilean bones, stomach and fluid, and thirst, and qi and urination, and nourishing kidney and benefiting the liver”. Usually eating raisins helps blood and Qi, improve immunity, and treat cold hands and feet. , sweating and other deficiency syndrome.

5, relieve fatigue

Glucose, organic acids, amino acids, and vitamins contained in raisins have a good tonic effect on relieving fatigue and reducing neurasthenia.

6, anti-cancer

Raisins contain a component called resveratrol that suppresses the growth of tumors and the malignant transformation of cancer cells. It also has a certain adjuvant effect on leukemia.

Consumption of raisins taboo

Diabetic people

After prolonged exposure to the sun and cool in the shade, the grapes were precipitated with glucose and fructose. The amount of sugar was high, and diabetics should not eat it.

Don't eat too much once

It's good to eat a dozen raisins a day, and eating too much sugar will turn fat into fat.

Pregnant women should not eat more

Raisins have a high sugar content and pregnant women should not eat too much, so as not to cause obesity in the fetus itself and in the abdomen.

Unpackaged raisins should be washed and eaten so as not to cause bacterial diarrhea.

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