Fourteen suggestions for anti-cancer diet

The Chinese Cancer Society and the World Cancer Research Foundation (WCRF) jointly organized the Chinese version of the “Food, Nutrition, and Cancer Prevention” report in Beijing. In the report, 14 recommendations were made for meals. The brief introduction is as follows:

1. Eat a nutritious, diversified diet based on plant foods. Choose a plant diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, and beans. But it does not mean vegetarian, but it should allow plant foods to occupy food 2/3 or more;

2. Maintaining an Appropriate Weight Group The average body mass index (BMI = weight/height 2 (m) is maintained at 21 to 25 BMI throughout the adult period, while the individual's BMI is 18.5 to 25, avoiding underweight or overweight. And limit weight gain throughout adulthood to 5 kg;

3. Adhere to physical activity If you are engaged in a light or moderate physical activity, you should do a quick walk or similar exercise for about 1 hour per day, and arrange a more intense sweating exercise for at least 1 hour per week.

4. Encourage to eat more vegetables and fruits throughout the year so that the calories they provide will reach 7% of the total energy, and eat a variety of vegetables and fruits daily for 400,000 to 800 g per day;

5. The use of plant-based staple foods rich in starch and protein should account for 45% to 60% of the total energy, and the total energy provided by refined sugar should be limited to less than 10%. The individual daily intake of starchy foods should reach 600g ~ 800g, but also should try to eat rough-processed foods;

6. Do not drink, especially against excessive drinking. If you want to drink alcohol, men should be limited to 2 cups, women within 1 cup (1 cup is defined as beer 250 ml, wine 100 ml, white wine 25 ml). Pregnant women, children and adolescents should not drink alcohol;

7. Meat foods Red meat (referring to cattle, sheep, pork and their products) should be taken in less than 10% of the total energy and should be less than 80 g daily. It is best to choose fish, poultry or non-domestic animals. Meat is good;

8. The total fat and oil supply energy should account for 15% to 30% of the total energy, limiting the fat content, especially animal foods with more fat, vegetable oil should also be appropriate, and should contain monounsaturated fat And less hydrogenated vegetable oils;

9. Limiting Salt Adults Daily salt intake from various sources should not exceed 6 g, including salted foods;

10. Make every effort to reduce mold contamination of foods and avoid eating foods that have been contaminated with mycotoxins or stored at room temperature for long periods of time;

11. Food preservation Corrosive foods should be kept under refrigeration or other appropriate methods at the time of purchase and at home;

12. The safe use of food additives and residues as well as various chemical pollutants should be established and monitored, and strict management and monitoring methods should be established. When the content of additives, contaminants and residues in food is lower than the level specified by the country, their presence is harmless, but misuse or improper use may affect health;

13. Nutritional supplements can not reduce the risk of cancer, most people should get a variety of nutrients from the diet instead of nutritional supplements;

14. Food Preparation and Cooking When cooking meat and fish, cook at a lower temperature. Do not eat charred meat and fish. Do not eat roasted, smoked and smoked meat and fish regularly.

The "Food, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention" report, in addition to making 14 recommendations for meals, recommends not smoking and not chewing tobacco, and does not encourage the production, promotion and use of tobacco in any form.

The process and content of forming the above 14 suggestions have the following characteristics:

1. With strong authority and representativeness: "food, nutrition and cancer prevention" report and 14 recommendations for the diet is the World Cancer Research Foundation (WCRF) and the United States Institute of Cancer (AICR) invited the United States, the United Kingdom , France, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, China, Guatemala, Israel, etc. World-renowned nutritionists, epidemiologists, and oncologists participated in the preparation and review, since 1994. From July to November 1996, seven expert group meetings were held to review the 5000 articles on diet and cancer that have been publicly published in academic journals since 1980. The opinions, evaluation opinions and suggestions in the report all represent the unanimous views of the expert group. Therefore, it has strong authority and representation;

2. Most of the recommendations are quantitative, including the range that the group of experts deems appropriate. Therefore, they are operable; the concept of quantitative is very important for planning food supply and selection in a country, region, and even families and individuals;

3. It is recommended that food-based diets be very different from other nutritious-based diets and prevention of chronic diseases. The expert group believes that nutritionally appropriate and adequate meals both reduce the risk of cancer and also reduce the risk of infectious diseases.

Dr. T. Colin. Campbell, scientific consultant of the International Cancer Research Foundation, believes that the “Food, Nutrition, and Cancer Prevention” report is a milestone in the scientific research of the food nutrition industry. The 14 dietary recommendations are applicable to all countries in the world and improve people’s physical fitness. Will play an important guiding role.

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