Improper dinner is at risk

Dinner and obesity

Overeat at dinner, blood sugar, blood amino acids and fatty acid concentrations will increase, thus promoting the secretion of large amounts of insulin. Because people generally have less activity in the evening and the heat energy consumption is very low, the excess calories, under the action of insulin, synthesize a large amount of fat and gradually make people fat. Therefore, the elderly should be light for dinner, and the calorie intake should not exceed 30% of the total calories of the day, which is beneficial for preventing and controlling weight gain.

Dinner and stones

According to foreign experts, urinary stones are related to late dinner. This is because the main component of urinary stones is calcium, and calcium contained in food is absorbed and utilized by the intestinal wall, and excess calcium is discharged from the urine. The peak of human urination is generally 4-5 hours after a meal. When dinner is too late, most people no longer carry out activities and go to bed. Therefore, all the urine produced after dinner will stay in the urinary tract and cannot be discharged in time. in vitro. In this way, the calcium content of the urine in the urinary tract also increases, and urinary stones will form over time. Panasonic Hospital in Japan had conducted a survey of 270 urolithiasis patients, 97 of whom mostly had dinner after 21 o'clock. 25 people had the habit of going to bed after eating supper.

Dinner and high blood pressure

Excessive consumption of meat during dinner will not only increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, but also cause the body's blood to rise suddenly. This, in addition to the fact that people will slow down the blood during sleep, a large amount of blood lipids will be deposited on the blood vessel wall, causing atherosclerosis Hardening causes hypertension in people. According to scientific experiments, people who ate meals regularly for dinner were generally 2-3 times more likely to eat vegans than those who ate vegetarian foods. People with high blood pressure and obesity were more likely to suffer from eating and eating for dinner.

Dinner and coronary heart disease

Eating too much calories at dinner can cause an increase in blood cholesterol; the high quality of dinner will stimulate the manufacture of low-density and very-low-density lipoproteins, carry excess cholesterol to the arterial wall and become a cause of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. A big reason.

Dinner and diabetes

If middle-aged people overeat at long-term dinners and repeatedly stimulate the secretion of large amounts of insulin, they often cause islet cells to fail prematurely and diabetes develops.

Dinner and bowel cancer

If most of the day’s non-staple foods are eaten by one meal at night, the activity will be reduced. A certain part of the protein must not be digested, and a small part of the digestive products cannot be absorbed. These substances are subjected to anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine and produce toxic substances such as amine enzymes and quinones. These toxic products can increase the burden on the liver and kidneys and toxic irritations to the brain. Slowing of bowel movement during sleep relatively prolongs the time for these substances to stay in the intestine, which in turn increases the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Dinner and sudden death

Dinner is too good, full, plus drinking too much, it is easy to induce acute pancreatitis, make people sleep in shock, that is, strong and strong people will also cause death due to untimely rescue. If the gallbladder mouth ampulla original incarcerated stone, aphid obstruction and chronic biliary tract infection, etc., it is more likely to induce acute pancreatitis and sudden death.

Dinner and Dreams

Oversatured dinner can cause bloated gastrointestinal tract to pressurize the surrounding organs. Increased burden on the gastrointestinal, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas will generate information to the brain and activate the cells in the corresponding parts of the brain. To other parts of the cerebral cortex, it will induce a variety of dreams. Nightmares often cause people to feel tired. For a long time, they can cause neurasthenia and other diseases.

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