Prevention of summer high fever disease in pigs

Since summer high fever in pigs occurred in parts of Jiangsu, it occurred in endemic form from July to September each year. After several years of follow-up investigations, relevant departments believe that there are many pathogens of high-grade fever in pigs and they have concurrent or secondary infections. This has brought difficulties to disease prevention and treatment for large-scale pig farms and grassroots veterinary personnel. .


(1) Develop practical immunization procedures. The pathogens of summer fever diseases are: swine fever virus, blue-ear disease virus, circovirus, Streptococcus suis, and mycoplasma. Develop immunization procedures for the specific conditions of farms in the region to prevent and control diseases. For swine fever vaccines, many farms have adopted advanced methods to avoid the effects of maternal antibodies on the vaccine. After the first evacuation, the second waiver is conducted between 25 and 30 days, and the protection rate is high. Carefully select vaccines to prevent live vaccines from polluting the cultured environment.

(2) Strengthen feeding management and strict disinfection. Formulate strict disinfection systems and procedures and do a good job of cleaning up the internal environment.

(3) Implementing self-cultivation and self-support, all in and out. The introduction of pigs must be isolated for observation for a period of time and boosted immunity 1 times before deciding to be safe.


(1) Antiviral Chinese medicine preparations and antibiotics are used to treat hyperthermia. At present, more use of astragalus polysaccharide injection, combined with the use of tilmicosin, lincomycin or ceftiofur sodium and other broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. Antipyretic analgesics (aminopyrine) and hormone drugs (dexamethasone) can also be used as appropriate, but the dose and duration of treatment must be properly controlled and should not be used in large doses too early.

(2) Treatment of hyperthermia diseases using interference inducers. Interferon-inducing agents stimulate certain cells in the body to produce interferon, thereby blocking the proliferation of the virus in the body's cells, and have a broad-spectrum antiviral effect. At present, interferon-inducing agents for clinical use are mainly polynucleotides, which can stimulate the body to produce interferon and protect the body from virus infection. Interferon-inducing agents must be used early in the epidemic, and interferon-enhanced immune function can only be produced when the body's immune function is still not depleted. Since interferon binds to infected cells and can produce different antiviral proteins with specific inhibitory effects on different viruses, it is possible to inject certain vaccines while using interferon inducers, such as when pigs are identified in pigs. At the time of licking, a larger dose of swine fever vaccine can be used first, and after 24 hours, a polynucleotide-based interferon inducer can be used to obtain a higher antibody titer, which can effectively control the disease. The use of polynucleotide-based interferon in combination with antiviral drugs can increase its antiviral effect and cooperate with other antibiotics to control secondary infections.

(3) Strengthen nursing care. In summer, pigs suffering from hyperthermia disease often turn from acute to chronic after a long period of treatment and have a long course of disease. Therefore, chronic pigs must be isolated and reared and nursing must be strengthened. More with green juicy digestible feed. Due to the extensive use of antibiotics for a long period of time, beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract are inhibited, affecting the digestion and utilization of food. Therefore, food yeast, vitamins, etc. should be added to the feed. Use Astragalus polysaccharides in feed or drinking water to promote recovery of affected pigs.


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Sunson Industry Group Co., Ltd ,

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