Heat season to prevent cow mastitis

Dairy cow mastitis is one of the four major diseases of dairy cows. The incidence of the disease is affected by factors such as temperature and environment, in addition to pathogens. For example, in June, July and August, due to high temperatures, large numbers of pathogenic bacteria, and abundant rainwater, the stadium is filled with cement and it is easy to make the breasts dirty and have a high incidence rate. Therefore, farmers should strengthen the comprehensive management measures of dairy cows during the high temperature and rainy season and be alert to the onset of mastitis.

Reduce the contact with pathogens. The milker must pay attention to personal hygiene; feeds such as hay or fodder should not be fed during milking; the housing should have good hygiene measures.

Reduce stress response. In summer and autumn, the cowshed must be dry, ventilated and cool to prevent high temperature and humidity. In the spring and winter seasons, it is necessary to pay attention to the cold and maintain suitable temperature and sufficient sunlight. In addition, attention should be paid to reducing the risk of herd migration or the first application of new milking stations, milking machines, etc.

Reduce traumatic factors. Prevent the column from being overcrowded, the ground and aisles smooth, excessive pedals or steps, and old iron and wooden fences causing injuries.

Nutritional factors. During the dry cow period or 60 days before calving of young cows, it is necessary to prevent the lack of VA, VE and trace element selenium. During the last week of lactation, the cow should not add grains, silage and high quality legume hay. .

Milking operations should be standardized. During the first few days of milk production, the breasts are edematous, and in order to make them disappear quickly, the number of milkings may be appropriately increased. However, the first four days of postpartum wringing are all susceptible to postpartum snoring. On the first day, you can squeeze about 2 kilograms each time. The milking volume is about 1/3 of the milk volume on the second day, 1/2 on the third day, and 3/4 on the fourth day. The fifth day can be complete. After squeezing. During the final milking period, we must squeeze milk thoroughly and then inject it.

Dry cream, stop breast milk and other drugs. Prevent secondary diseases. Many diseases that can cause secondary hidden mastitis include tuberculosis and brucellosis, followed by nipple trauma, submandibular dystrophy, endometriosis, and postpartum sepsis. Treat these diseases promptly to prevent secondary hidden mastitis.

In conclusion, cow mastitis is a complex multifactorial disease. Therefore, in the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows, we must choose the appropriate treatment methods based on the cause of the disease, and strengthen management, comprehensive prevention and control, in order to minimize the loss of cow mastitis.

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