Wheat Cultivation Techniques for Wheat in South Fujian

The harvest period of the wheat stubble planted in the south of Anhui Province is exactly the off season of the spring tomato, and can be continued until the end of October. In addition to harvesting 400 kilograms of wheat per mu, the output value per mu of tomatoes can reach 2500 to 3,000 yuan. Maizi tomatoes are in the early stage of high temperature and rainy season, and they are prone to problems such as delicate growth, sickness, and severe flower buds. Therefore, the following cultivation measures should be taken:

First, use resistant and heat resistant varieties

Wheat bran tomatoes should be selected in the late-maturing, strong resistance, heat, not easy to crack the fruit varieties. Such as Maofen 802, Jiafen No. 2, Zhongshe No. 4 and so on.

Second, sowing and nursery

1. Sow. The sowing date for wheat bran tomatoes is suitable from late May to June 5. Seeding too early coincides with the harvest season of spring tomato; when sowing is late, the seedling season coincides with the high-temperature season and is susceptible to viral disease, resulting in a short harvest period and low yield. Therefore, it is advisable that wheat stubble tomatoes should be able to cultivate strong seedlings with deep roots and leaves before high temperature comes.

2. Nursery. Wheat bran tomatoes should be selected from the cucumber plots and spring tomato fields in the Gaozao plots, with drains around them. Wheat stubble tomatoes are usually not divided into seedlings, 1 to 2 times between the seedlings, seedlings from 7 to 10 cm. In order to prevent locusts from spreading the virus, small sheds should be used on nursery rakes to cover shade nets or screen sashes. When the heat is applied at noon, bamboo sashes are used to shade them for a short time.

Third, small seedling colonization, deep cultivation soil

Wheat aphid tomatoes are in high temperature and rainy season during growth period, and they must choose land plots with high topography and easy irrigation and drainage. Immediately after the wheat harvest, the land was completely destroyed and the base fertilizer was applied. Wheat aphid colonization of tomatoes should be grasped as early as possible. Small seedlings planted wounds less roots, easy to slow seedlings. Before planting, planting trenches with 15 to 20 cm spacing were planted, and digging pits were planted at the bottom of the trenches, and seedlings were planted and then watered. After easing the seedlings, with the growth of the seedlings in different grades, after the planting trenches are filled, ridges and furrows are opened between the rows so that the main roots of the tomatoes are inserted into the soil layer below 30 cm to reduce the influence of high temperature on the root system. With this cultivation method, the soil has a good air permeability and is easy to drain during the rainy season. The density of wheatgrass tomatoes is preferably 30 cm and 60 cm.

Fourth, between the intercropping

In the ditch of tomatoes, interplant 1 to 2 lines of fast-growing green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, coriander, spinach, etc., to shade between rows, which can keep the soil moisture and reduce the temperature of the soil. It has a certain degree of protection for the root system and reduce diseases. effect. Straw straw can also be used to cover the roots of tomatoes around the same effect.

V. Field Management

Wheat aphid tomatoes grow in high temperature seasons, and should be used to reduce the ground temperature. In the early stage of growth, no drought is appropriate, watering is as low as possible, and there is only enough water to prevent pigs from growing. Seedlings generally do not top-dressing, the results of top-dressing ammonium bicarbonate 3 to 4 times, each time 50 kg per mu. When the height of the seedlings is more than 30 cm, the vines, the pruning, and the single stalk are cut in time. In the later period, the leaves were sprayed with 0.3% urea solution and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to supplement the foliage.

Sixth, comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases

The major diseases of wheat stubble tomatoes are virus disease and epidemics. Prevention of epidemic diseases can be used 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc spray 500 times. Virus disease prevention: soaking with 10% trisodium phosphate for 20 minutes, remove and wash after repeated washing; seedlings should be treated in time to eliminate aphids, spray with 40% chrysanthemum oil 3000 times; in pruning, snoring, tying Before spraying virus passivation, such as 1:20 ~ 40 milk, 1% soap water, copper sulfate, potassium permanganate or plant disease spirit, etc., and then work to prevent contact infection; timely after onset The use of pollution-free pesticides Wei Wei 300 times liquid, anti-toxic agent No. 1 500 times liquid spray control.

Seven, hormone treatment

Wheat aphid tomato flowering results in high temperatures, easily causing flowering and fruit drop, with 15-20 mg / kg of 2,4-D wipes or tomato flowers spray.

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