How to prevent grape cracking?

How to prevent grape cracking?

Grape cracking directly affects the yield and benefits, so how to prevent it?

For uniform moisture supply. During the early growth period of grapes, the soil became dry. After entering the coloring period, it suddenly fell heavy rain or flooded irrigation, and the soil moisture content increased significantly. At this stage, the content of sugar in the fruit has gradually increased, the osmotic pressure of the pulp increased, the water could easily enter the fruit, and the berries expanded rapidly to cause cracking. In order to prevent cracking caused by improper soil moisture, it is necessary to timely irrigation when the soil is dry, and to drain water in time after rain, reduce the difference in soil dryness and humidity in different periods, and ensure a balanced water supply at all stages of fruit growth, which can appropriately reduce the occurrence of cracking.

Pick and pick the tips. Timely eradication or shearing of the vice panicles, pods tip, so that the growth of the ear size is moderate.

Sparsely adjusts the load through thinning and sparse spikes. Keeping the leaf-fruit ratio of 15-20:1; 2 sticks of fruit in the robust branch, 1 ear in the branch of mean tree, and no spike in the weak branch. Before flowering, some spikelets were removed to make the ear loose and moderate, and the fruit particles were squeezed to form cracked fruits.

Spray plant growth regulators and spray water to cool. 1-3 weeks prior to berry harvesting, spray 300 times more sweetening colorant dilution, can effectively control cracking. In case of high temperature during the young fruit period, the orchards can be sprayed or sprayed with water before the high temperature comes. In case of dry weather in the later period of fruit development, the amount of irrigation water should be as small as possible, and flood irrigation should be eliminated.

Precautions prevent bad weather. Young fruit encounters windy, hot weather can also lead to cracking. In case of high temperature during young fruit period, irrigation or water spraying before high temperature can achieve the purpose of cooling, reduce the occurrence of cracking.

The use of plant growth regulators is justified. Both the morning fruit and the seedless cultivation of grape fruits can be achieved through the use of plant growth regulators. However, the use of such a regulator often causes disruption and enlargement of fruit cells, resulting in fruit cracking, particularly in the concentration and time of spraying. Cracking will be more serious. Ethephon, abscisic acid ripening agent can be used, the concentration of ethephon is 500 mg/kg, and the abscisic acid is 100 mg/kg. It must be used when there is 5%-10% coloration of fruit.

Prevention is the prevention of pests and diseases. Do a good job in forecasting diseases and insect pests, seize the key to prevention and control, and spray pesticides in time. The prevention and treatment of diseases in the grape growing season can spray 50% carbendazim WP 800 times; control the red spider can be sprayed to death 2500 times the net; control locusts can be sprayed fleas 3000 times and so on.

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