Duck eating wild feed

Goldfish algae Goldfish algae are commonly known as snapdragon, aquatic herbaceous plants perennial, plants sinking in water. The top is sometimes slightly exposed. The stems are smooth and slender, sparsely short-branched. The impellers are raw, and the edges are scattered with spiny-like fine teeth. Small lakes in the water, ponds, gutters are more common.

Thistle grass, also known as grass, grass, rough grass, flat water grass, with a fine litchi; leaf base, thin band shape, thin leaves, green translucent, generally grow in the river channel on both sides and quieter around the lake In the water.

Hydrilla verticillium, also known as water lantern grass, grows in ponds, lakes, and gutters.

The leeks of leeks are slender and the stem length is determined by the depth of the water; the leaves are alternate, the leaves are heart-shaped, nearly leathery, slightly thick, 3 to 5 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, and rounded at the top. There are growths in ponds, lakes, and rivers.

槐叶萍槐叶萍Stern lying in the water, without roots; leaves in the internode rotation, three for a round, two of which are floating leaves, long oval, bristles on the veins, a submerged leaf, leaves Must be rooted, with hair on it. It grows on the surface of ponds, rice fields, ditch, and still waters. It is the favorite duckling for ducklings.

In addition, wild grasses such as mink (horsesweed), water screens, willow algae, shrimp algae, dacianus algae, and algae are all feeds for ducks.

There are three types of metal base facial beds. The first one is a beauty bed that can be folded and carried conveniently. It includes a face pillow support, a face pillow countersunk plug, a bed bag and a handrail plate. The size is generally 184*70 centimeters, the sponge thickness is about 3.5 centimeters, the net weight is about12.5kg, the folded size is 92*70*20 centimeters, generally used to participate in various exhibitions, the second is the manual adjustment of the beauty bed, it It can be done in a chair style or in a bed style. The style of a chair can be relatively convenient. It can be laid flat. The back and legs can be adjusted manually in multiple stages. The overall height is generally fixed at60 cm. The third type is the electric control of the beauty bed, the motor is the EU CE certification, the motor coil is made of copper core, good stability, no noise, durability, easy operation and so on.

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