Causes of Burnt-out of Loofah and Its Control Measures

When the loofah is sold, the quality of the flower has become an important quality indicator, but the rotten flower is also a problem that currently occurs.

First, dried flowers

Symptoms: The edges of the petal are dry and dry (different from water burnt) and the entire petals are not fresh. Condition analysis: This may be a manifestation of the disease on the flowers. In the case of low light, heaviness occurs, especially after the cloudy days.

Solution: The agent can be sprayed with thiophanate-methyl or a big-life or protective agent to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Second, water burnt flower

Symptoms: Water rot appears from the edge of the petal. In severe cases, the petals show symptoms of dripping, sometimes odor, and sometimes no white mold.

Disease analysis: There may be odor but not hairy conditions may be bacterial soft rot, Changbai mold may be flower rot or M. blight, both of which are heavy in the case of high temperature and humidity.

Solution: Bacterial soft rot may be sprayed with streptomycin, neomycin, or sprayed with copper preparations such as chlorpyrifos or crown bacillus. Flower rot and Bacillus diseases can be sprayed with foliar sprays such as Kelu, Kejia, Anke, Lei Duomi, etc., or some of the medicaments can be added to the anthers.

Third, the head rot

Symptoms: Black rots on the stigma of flowers, accompanied by flower rot.

Disease analysis: This may be due to the lack of boron, calcium and other elements in the soil caused by the disease, but also with the poor root absorption or water supply is not coordinated.

Solution: Foliar can be sprayed with foliar fertilizers containing boron, calcium and other elements, such as green Fenway No. 3 or No. 2, cap calcium, calcium nitrate, etc., but also can be applied to some calcium fertilizers such as Norwegian calcium nitrate. Must pay attention to raising the roots, enhance the absorption capacity of the root system, you can increase the application of humic acid, microbial fertilizers, can also be rapid absorption of flushing, or with thiophanate-methyl, hymexazol, B-aluminum manganese zinc, etc. After the seeds were added, the rooting agent was used to irrigate the roots and 0.25 kg per plant was planted.

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