Non-pollution celery high-yielding cultivation techniques

1. Relationship between celery growth and environmental conditions

1 Temperature, the optimum temperature for seed germination is 18 to 20°C. Although the germination rate is faster than 25°C, it is extremely prone to heat injury and loses germination ability above 30°C. Protected cultivation, the general daytime temperature is controlled at 20 to 25 °C, the lowest at night about 10 °C.

2 soil, celery is a shallow root plant, drought-resistant, oxygen. It is suitable for cultivation on loam and sandy loam soils with strong water retention and drainage capacity and organic matter.

2. Seed treatment: first, disinfect the seed, soak the seeds for 30 minutes under constant stirring with a constant temperature of 48°C, and remove the seeds for 24 hours in cold water. Remove the soaked seeds, wash them in clean water, drain the water, wrap them in gauze, cover them with a wet towel, and put them under 18 to 20°C. When 30 to 50% of the seeds are white, the seeds can be sowed. .

3, nursery

1 Seedbed preparation, choose to facilitate drainage, soil loose and fertile, keep fertilizer and water retention performance as a seedbed. Apply 25 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer per square meter, 100 grams of NPK fertilizer, and 50 grams of carbendazim. Tillage cultivation, made a width of 1 - 1.2 meters wide, 0.3-0.4 meters wide, ditch 0.15-0.2 meters high.

2 Seeding rate and sowing method, per acre cultivation field, the seedlings of the local celery summer and autumn need 150-180 grams of seed, winter and spring seedlings need 100-120 grams, celery seeds 80-100 grams. First soaked in the bottom water, until the water infiltration after scattering a thin layer of soil, and then sow seeds, cover fine soil 0.5-0.6 cm, and then covered with thin layer of wheat straw or straw moisturizing, summer cooling, anti-rainstorm effect.

4. Seedling management

1 temperature management, winter and spring seedlings, can be covered in the greenhouse insulation film, after the emergence of the removal of plastic film, with the rising temperature, increase ventilation. Summer and autumn nursery omentum double coverage, built into a small awning with ventilation and rain cooling.

2 fertilizer and water management, in the entire nursery period, pay attention to watering, and often keep the soil moist. Watering should be done with a small amount of ground, and summer and early summer seedlings should be carried out. Winter and spring seedlings should be carried out in the sunny morning.

3 seedlings, when the seedlings have two true leaves when the time between the seedlings, seedlings from 1 cm, and later 1-2 times between the seedlings, so that the seedlings reach 2 cm or so, timely watering after the seedlings.

5. Colonization

1 The basal fertillation was applied to the field, and the former crop was harvested and cultivated in time. Medium fertility soil is applied per acre of 3000 to 5000 kg of decomposed farmyard fertilizer and 40 to 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer. Turn over 20 cm deep and mix the soil and fertilizer thoroughly.

2 Density and method of planting, 25000 to 35000 strains of celery per acre, 35,000 to 45,000 strains for autumn/winter and spring, and 9000 to 10,000 celery. Watering was stopped 3 to 4 days before transplanting, seedlings were planted with shovel soil, and plants were planted. The depth of colonization should be the same as that of seedlings on the seedbed to expose the heart.

6, field management after planting

1 Timely watering after planting, 3 to 5 days after the watering of seedlings. 10 to 15 days after planting, topdressing 5 kg of urea per acre, after 20 to 25 days, top dressing once, each urea and potassium sulfate each catch 10 kg. Stop top dressing and watering 10 days before harvest. To reduce the nitrate content, is conducive to storage. Watering should be carried out sooner or later in the summer. Watering in the noon will cause the temperature difference in the surface to be too large and cause dead seedlings. Watering is controlled in late autumn and winter, and even when the water is poured, it should be selected when the sunny day temperature is high. Fertilization should be alternated with watering, and attention should be paid to the ventilation and cooling to prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by excessive humidity.

2 Weeding and weeding, celery grows slowly in the early stage and is often endangered by weeds. Therefore, we should timely cultivating and weeding. It is common to combine weeding with cultivators before top dressing. Since the root system of celery is shallow, the cultivator should be shallow, as long as it achieves the purpose of cultivating and weeding and loosing soil. It must not be too deep to avoid damaging the root system, but it will affect the growth of celery.
3 Insulation management, when the temperature is lower than 12°C in autumn, the shed will be shed in time, and in the spring 10 days before the planting, the shed shall be warmed. When the temperature reached 20°C, it began to release air, maintained at 18---20°C, and was not lower than 10°C at night. The temperature was lower in December, and a small arch shed was insulated at night in the greenhouse to prevent freezing damage and facilitate growth.

7, pest control, celery common diseases are, damping-off, blight, soft rot, leaf spot, anthrax, etc., common insect pests are locusts, class fly, moth, jump A class. In the seedling stage, damping-off disease and blight can be controlled by seedbed soil disinfection, and watering can also be performed during the seedling stage, with 75% chlorothalonil 800 times solution and 70% carbendazim solution 800 times; anthrax control can be used more than 70% 600 times solution of mycelium, 80% of anthraquinone powder and 800 times liquid, etc.; in the growing season leaf class disease, fungal diseases can be used 78% chlorothalonil 700 times, 50% polymyxin powder 1000 --- 1500 times liquid, bacteria 72% of streptomycin can be used as a sexual disease, 4000 times of streptomycin can be used to kill 1000 times, etc.; soft rot can be used 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 700 times, 50% acetaminophen 100---150 Double liquid; aphids, thrips, crickets can be used 10% imidacloprid 2000 times, 65% Indocium 600 - 700 times liquid; control of class fly, before the larvae 2 years old, with 20% of the class net 1000 ---- 2000 times the liquid, 48% of the period of the EC 800 to 1000 times the liquid to kill larvae, in the adult eclosion stage with 5% inhibit Taibao 2000 times to inhibit adult reproduction.

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