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(1) Symptoms The disease mainly damages leaves, branches and fruits, and also harms seedlings, flowers and fruit stems.
Leaves suffer, lesions often occur at the edges or tip of the leaves, nearly round or irregular; lesions are dark brown, central gray-brown, and the lesions are gray in the middle when dry; lesions have many small black spots above them. Or arranged in a roulette pattern, when it is wet and wet, many orange-red viscous liquid dots will be spilled in the small black spots on the lesion. At the height of onset, in case of continuous rainy weather, sometimes there will be “acute-type” lesions. At the beginning, it may be light blue or bluish, like scalding hot water, and then quickly expands into water-stained, unclear, corrugated large lesions. There was also a small, orange-colored liquid spot on the top, and the diseased leaves soon fell off.
The incidence of branch shoots mostly starts from the axillary buds or wounds at the base of the petiole, and the lesions are light brown and oval at the beginning of the lesion. Afterwards, they expand into long rhomboids and sink slightly; lesions develop from the top to the bottom when the lesions develop to surround the shoots. The pale white withered, scattered with small black spots on the top, and the leaves of the diseased branches often curled up and dried up and did not fall for a long time. Young shoots in the event of flooding in the event of continuous rainy weather, there will be "acute-type" symptoms, that shoot tip 3 to 10 cm at the top of the sudden onset, like boiling water scald, 3 to 5 days withered, the Department of Health on the orange Small liquid spot. The incidence of seedlings is mostly 7 to 10 cm from the ground or the beginning of grafting. Irregular dark brown spots occur. When the seedlings are severe, the top of the trunk is dead and the branches are dried up. The flower part of the disease, after flowering, the first attack of the pistil, brown rot caused by falling.
The incidence of fruit stems is pale yellow, brownish and dry afterwards, and the fruits fall off or become dehydrated and hang on the branches.
The incidence of fruit can be divided into two types: dry pods and fruit rot. Dry cotyledons occur on relatively dry fruits. The edges of the lesions are distinct, round or near-circular, yellow-brown to dark brown, slightly sunken, leathery, and many black spots are visible on the lesions. Fruit rot mainly occurs in fruits with high humidity during near maturation or storage, and may start from the pedicle or the fruit waist. It starts with a brownish water stain and then turns brown and decays.
(2) Prevention and control methods Comprehensive prevention and treatment measures focusing on strengthening cultivation management and enhancing tree vigor are adopted. The specific measures to strengthen cultivation management should be implemented according to the actual problems in the orchard, such as enlarging the hole, deep turning, adding organic fertilizer, adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, paying attention to timely drainage and irrigation, paying attention to pruning, and cutting the time and planting trees, and losing no time to other areas. Pests and other control.
2, ulcer disease
(1) Symptoms are yellowish oily spots with large needles on the back of the leaves, followed by round spots. Both sides of the sheet are raised and corked. The middle part of the disease is a volcano-like crack with yellow halo around it. Branches and fruit victims, lesions and lesions on the leaves similar, but no significant yellow halo. In later stages, the leaves of the diseased tree fell off, the branches tipped to death, and the fruits fell early.
(2) Prevention and control methods 1 Implement phytosanitary inspections. This disease is one of the phytosanitary objects in our country. Therefore, when transporting seedlings, scions, and fruits, they must be quarantined. It is forbidden that the disease should be introduced into the disease-free and new areas, and the diseased areas should be sealed off at the same time to prevent and suppress the disease. Partially or sporadically occurring orchards should be destroyed by destroying plants and other decisive measures. At the same time, weeds must be removed within 15 meters of the diseased tree.
2 In the epidemic area, comprehensive prevention and treatment measures shall be adopted for spraying protection. Spray protection focuses on summer shoots, autumn shoots and young fruit. Generally, the first shot is sprayed on the new shoot after the cut, and sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, and sprayed continuously for 2 to 3 times. The type of agent can be selected from 700-900 units/ml of agricultural streptomycin and 500-800 times of Ye Qingshuang WP. At the same time, the prevention and control of leafhoppers is strengthened to reduce the chance of pathogen invasion from the wound.
3, scab
(1) Symptoms The disease is the major disease of grapefruit, mainly causing spring shoots, late autumn shoots, young leaves, flowers and young fruit of winter shoots. When the disease is severe, it causes a large number of fallen leaves, fallen flowers, and fruit drop. The damaged fruit is deformed, the quality is deteriorated, and the commodity grade is low.
(2) Control methods Prevention and control of this disease should adopt comprehensive prevention and treatment measures focusing on chemical control.
1 chemical control. Spray protection focuses on young leaves and young fruit. The scab on spring shoots should be sprayed before the spring shoot sprouts to 2 mm before the shoots; spraying at 2/3 of the Xiehua to protect the young fruit; the citrus production area where the autumn shoots can also develop, but also spraying Protect the autumn shoots.
The types of agents that can be used are 0.5 to 0.8% times Bordeaux fluid, 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800 to 1000 times, and 50% Topsin WP 500 ~ 800 times liquid, 50% Bufon (Bent) WP 1000 times, 50% dan wettable powder 500 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 ~ 800 times, copper soap Liquid (0.5 kg of copper sulfate, 2 kg of rosin mixture, 200 kg of water). The number of sprays should be determined according to the disease at that time, generally every 10 to 15 days spray 1, spray a total of 1 or 2 times.
2 pruning clear garden. Combining pruning in winter and spring, cutting off diseased leaves and leaves, clearing and removing litter on the ground to reduce bacteria and reduce incidence.
3 When building an orchard, pay attention to the selection of disease-free seedlings. The scion in the ward is soaked with 50% benomyl WP 800 times for 30 minutes with good sterilizing effect.
4, resin disease
(1) Symptoms Resinous diseases mainly damage stems, leaves, and fruits. In particular, after branches are damaged, the cortex rots and the branches die. The symptoms of resinous disease often vary with the site of the injury and the environmental conditions.
(2) Prevention and cure methods 1 Strengthen cultivation and management, and increase tree vigor is a coupon for prevention and treatment of this disease. The specific implementation should be based on local conditions, due to the appropriate conditions of the tree, such as increasing fertilization, improving soil, cold and freezing, timely prevention and treatment of other diseases and pests, reasonable plastic trimming, promote the leaf curtain to better protect the branches and so on.
2 chemical control. To control sapodillar disease on leaves and young fruit, one spray should be sprayed at the spring shoot germination stage, flowering stage 2/3, and young fruit stage. The agent may use 0.5% to 0.8% equivalent Bordeaux fluid, 50% Tuzet Special wettable powder 500 to 600 times solution, and 50% Tuo Bu Jin wettable powder 500 to 800 times solution. Longitudinal disease can be applied to the branches and the drug treatment can be applied. Applicant period from April to May and from August to September, each period is coated 3 to 4 times. The agent can be used 50% carbendazim WP 100 times or 50% thiophanate WP 100 times.
5. Maculopathy
(1) Symptoms of maculopathy damage leaves and fruits. At the beginning, small spots of herpes-like yellowish projections appeared on the back of the leaves. As the lesions expanded and aged, the small clusters of dots became dark brown to dark brown. On the front of the blade that corresponds to the lesion on the back of the blade, an irregular yellow lesion is formed with an indistinct edge. After the onset, it often causes a large number of fallen leaves, which severely affects the tree vigor and results in reduced yields. After the fruit is infected, red-brown spots appear on the skin, which affects the appearance and commercial value of the damaged fruit.
(2) Control methods 1 Strengthen cultivation and management, implement balanced (formula) fertilization, and cultivate robust tree vigor.
2 Do a good job of cleaning the garden in winter, spray Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur (20 days apart), remove fallen leaves, cut off pests and branches, and burn them to reduce the source of disease.
3 Pay attention to spray protection during spring-shoot period and young fruit period from May to July. Use 0.5% equal amount of Bordeaux mixture, 77% can kill 600 times, 65% zein zinc 500 times or 40% more bacteria. Ling, chlorothalonil mixed rubber suspension and so on.

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