Freshwater Whitefish Seedlings Overwintering Technology

Freshwater whitefish is a freshwater cultured fingerling that was introduced into the mainland of China in the 1980s. Because of its good meat quality, fast growth, easy management, and large market sales, it is well received by farmers. However, due to the warm water of freshwater fish, the optimum temperature for growth is 15-30°C. When the water temperature is lower than 12°C or higher than 36°C, it will freeze or burn. Therefore, freshwater white carp seedlings should grasp the following several technical points over winter.

First, the choice of venue. The pond that chooses freshwater whitefish to live in winter must be able to maintain a water depth of 1.5 meters or more. The minimum water temperature (in January) can be maintained above 12 degrees Celsius, and the area is 1,000-2,000 square meters. The water source is convenient, and there is plenty of sunshine to avoid the north wind. .

Second, the cold shelter to install. Ordinary ponds (referring to ponds without hot springs) must be equipped with a cold shelter in winter. At present, most farmers use a small galvanized pipe and angle iron to make a half-moon shape and fix it on a pond bank; then, the rack is covered with a nylon film. The nesting position is generally near the north and south of the pond. The shed area accounts for approximately 1/2 or 2/3 of the total pond. It is also possible to use straw or weeds to form a grasshopper that is 100130 cm long. Then, the grasshoppers cover the surface of the fish pond on the north side of the pond. The front end of the grasshopper is 70 centimeters from the water surface and the rear end is close to the water surface. Put some straw under the cold shelter. In this way, when the cold wave hits, the fry can be warmed up in a clump of grass. Some farmers use water lilies to store 1/2 or 1/3 of the pond and isolate them with bamboo rods. Do not let the entire pond grow arbitrarily. One of the above measures is mainly to prevent rain and snow, hail or snow falling directly into fish ponds, causing fish to be tossed and wounded. Of course, ponds with hot spring water do not need to be equipped with a cold-proof shed. Freshwater and white leeches can safely pass winter.

Third, daily feeding and management. During the wintering period (ie late November to late February of the following year), whether the feeding and management is in place or not will directly affect the survival rate and overall economic efficiency of the spring film. Therefore, management should pay attention:

1, feed feeding. When the water temperature is above 20°C, the daily feeding amount of the feed should be 4%-5% of the fish's body weight, and be fed in the afternoon; generally, the peanut bran or the feed containing more than 30% of the crude protein should be used after soaking. . When the water temperature is around 15-20 °C, the daily feeding amount accounts for 2%-3% of the fish's body weight and can be fed in the afternoon. Water temperature below 15 °C do not have to feed. The feed should be fed in a fixed position in the cold shelter, timing, positioning, qualitative, quantitative delivery.

2, water quality management. Due to the low temperature in the winter, the metabolism in the pond is slow, so the water in the pond tends to become clear and often has a transparency of more than 30 cm. At this time, some chicken manure or pig manure should be properly put into the pond to make the water quality “green, tender and cool”; the transparency can be about 20 cm.

3, disease prevention and treatment. During the overwintering season, freshwater whitefish are mainly harmful to watery mildews and small melons, and (1) watery mildew. After the disease is damaged or frostbite by mechanical operation of the fish, the water fungal spores invade the wound, sucking the nutrients in the skin of the fish to germinate, and grow rapidly; the mycelium is absorbed into the skin tissue of the fish like one root, and the rest is large. Partially exposed outside the body surface. The water hyphae hyphae floats in the water like white cotton wool and is visible to the naked eye. After the fish parasitizes the aquatic fungus, it will show irritability, because the mycelium sucks the tissue nutrition in the fish's epidermis, and the bacteria infects the wound to make the epidermal tissue necrotic, and the sick fish gradually die due to the thinness. Control methods: 1 Before the fry is released, clear the pond thoroughly with quick lime to reduce the incidence of this disease. 2 Careful attention should be paid to the operation of the pull-net fishing operation. The fish should not be injured. There are individual fish frostbite injuries during the winter and snowy days. Do not fish in the pond and disturb the fish. 3 can be used 0.1ppm of potassium permanganate solution Quanchiposa once every other day, two consecutive times. (2) Scab disease, also known as white spot disease. Diseased fish body surface has many small white spots, can make the surface of the fish secrete a lot of mucus, and the formation of cysts in the parasitic parts; if the pathogens parasitic in the cornea, can cause fish blindness; diseased fish showed impatient, clusters Moving around the pool, and constantly rubbing against other objects or jumping out of the water, the fish was thin, black, reeling, and breathing troubles. It soon died. The pathogen of the small melon plague is the polychaete small melon, suitable for water temperature growth and development at 15-25°C. Control methods: (1) Ponds should be thoroughly disinfected with quicklime, and concrete pools, glass containers, and plastic containers should also be disinfected with potassium permanganate or bleaching powder. 2 can be used dry pepper and dry ginger treatment. Each mu of water is 1 meter deep with 100 grams of dried ginger, plus 500-1000 grams of water, boil for 10 minutes, then stop the fire for 20-30 minutes; then, boil for 10 minutes, and then stop fire for half an hour; add 250 Keke pepper and 2000 grams of clear water, boiled and simmered for 10 minutes; finally, even the slag with water 10 kilograms of the whole pool spilled evenly, once a day, can be cured for two consecutive days.

4, other matters. During the wintering season, try not to worry about fish in the pond and avoid hitting; use of drugs such as trichlorfon is strictly prohibited; otherwise, the whole pool will die and the loss will be irretrievable.

Fourth, open spring management. When the water temperature is stable above 20°C, the appetite of the freshwater fishy beetle begins to increase; at this time, concentrate feed plus appropriate green feed should be added. The general concentrate feed mainly consists of peanut bran or soybean flour or compound feed containing more than 30% of crude protein. The daily feed accounts for approximately 4% of the fish's body weight; the green feed is fed by pasture or oil pulse and the daily feed accounts for About 20% of the fish's body weight is usually fed with green material in the morning and fine material in the afternoon. In addition, the amount of fresh water injected into the pond will keep the water “green, tender, and cool”, which is beneficial to the growth and development of the white mullet seedlings and the sales and transportation of the spring tablets.

Stationary TMR Feeding Mixer

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