One month to lose weight cucumber slimming recipes

Cucumber can lose weight, this is recognized by everyone, but all know to lose weight, but just do not know what method to use. Today Xiao Bian gave you a list of some of the cucumber's good ways to lose weight, so you no longer have to worry about what methods.

Cucumber weight loss principle

The cucumber has a water content as high as 98% and contains a substance called "alcohol diacid," which has the effect of inhibiting the conversion of sugar to fat, so it has very good efficacy. The following Xiao Bian will share several cucumber diet recipes for you to teach you how to eat cucumber to lose weight.

First, preserved egg cucumber soup

Materials: Cucumber, preserved egg, garlic, green onion, salt, sesame oil.


1. Peel the washed cucumbers and cut them into small pieces. Wash the preserved eggs and cut them.

2. Pour the minced garlic into the pot, then pour the preserved egg into a pan and fry it until golden. Then pour the cucumber into the pan and fry it. After a while, add some water to the pan and pour a little water. Green onion and salt, sesame oil can be.

Weight loss principle: This soup is delicious, you can easily become a slim beauty!

Second, cucumber stuffed tofu

Materials: carrots, tofu, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil.


1. Pour the washed carrot pieces into the blender together with the tofu and pour it into the container. Stir the salt and soak it evenly.

2. Cut the cleaned cucumber into small pieces, dig out the melon with a spoon, make a small bowl, fill the tofu filling with cucumber, and topped with some sesame oil.

Weight loss principle: This dish can make you feel full of satiety, but also promote gastrointestinal motility and digestion, eat easily lose weight Xiaoman Yao.

Third, cucumber mixed with fungus

Materials: Fungus, cucumber, salt, vinegar, sesame oil, red oil.


1. Tear the fungus into small pieces, cut the washed cucumber into thin slices, marinate it with some salt and wash it with clean water.

2. Put the fungus into the pot and pour the water. After it is cooked, remove it and drain it. Put it in a container with cucumber. Add some salt, vinegar, sesame oil, and red oil, and mix it together. .

Weight loss principle: This dish can help detoxification, let you quickly get rid of the small belly, easy to practice on the waistline.

Four, cucumber corn porridge

Materials: Cucumber, corn, glutinous rice, salt.


1. Wash the cucumber and peel it, cut it into small size, marinate it with some salt and mix well for a while.

2. Pour the washed glutinous rice into the pot and pour it into the washed corn kernels. After the glutinous rice has swollen, pour the cucumber diced with clean water into the pot and cook it together. Glutinous rice burst, and finally sprinkle some salt.

Weight loss principle: This light porridge can help detoxification, often eating can easily lose weight, in order to achieve weight loss.

Fifth, cucumber kiwi juice

Materials: cucumber, kiwi, honey.


1. Peel the washed cucumbers into small pieces and defat the kiwifruit.

2. Pour the two together into a blender, stir it into juice, pour some honey, and mix until you drink it.

Weight loss principle: This delicious juice can make you feel full, but also promote detoxification.

Six onion cucumber scrambled eggs

Material: Cucumber, onion, egg, salt, soy sauce.


1. Wash the sliced ​​cucumber, shred the onion, and pour the egg into the container and stir it evenly.

2, stir the egg into the pot and stir until it is broken.

3. Pour the onions in the pan and stir fry for a while. Pour the cucumber into the pan and fry. Then pour the eggs into the pan, sprinkle with some salt, soak and fry, and finally squeeze it.

Weight loss principle: This dish can make you feel full, but also let the toxin quickly excreted, and quickly achieve the purpose of thinning.

Seven, hawthorn juice mix cucumber

Materials: 5 cucumbers, 30 grams of hawthorn and 50 grams of sugar.


1, cucumber to two peeled heart, washed and cut into strips.

2. Wash hawthorn, add 200 ml of boiled water for about 15 minutes, and take 100 ml of juice.

3, cucumber strips into the pot add boiling water, remove and drain the water; Hawthorn juice into sugar, low heat brewed system, until the sugar melt into the cucumber and mix well.

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