Crop damage and prevention

Improper or excessive application of chemical fertilizers to crops can lead to leggy, lodging, disease or insect damage, or burning of seedlings or wilting. Light causes a reduction in production, and the entire plant is dead. First, the cause of fertilizer damage 1. Loss of water such as a single application of chemical fertilizers or manure urine too much, or insufficient water during fertilization, the concentration of soil solution is too high, root cells difficult to absorb water, even water loss, easily lead to burning seedlings or wilting . 2. Burns When excessive ammonium bicarbonate, urea, or uncooked organic fertilizer is applied, a large amount of ammonia and a large amount of ammonia can burn crop leaves. 3. Poisoning, such as excessive application of certain elements, resulting in excess of the element disease, causing poisoning; excessive nitrogen fertilizer application, nitrogen fertilizer in the digestion process, often produce nitrite accumulation, nitrite poisoning, manifested as roots browning, leaves Yellowing and so on. Second, the prevention of fertilizer damage 1. Increase organic fertilizer organic fertilizer in the decomposition process, and the formation of inorganic particles in the organic-organic colloids, can absorb more fertilizer applied to the cation, so that the concentration of soil solution will not rise too high, Play a buffer to reduce the occurrence of fertilizer damage. 2. Appropriate application of chemical fertilizers According to the nutritional characteristics of crops, with the application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace fertilizers, pay attention to the application method and application amount. Generally heavy base fertilizer light fertilizer, top dressing can not be too much. In addition, the application of ammonium bicarbonate per mu shall not exceed 30 kg, and urea shall not exceed 10 kg. 3. Other measures When the harm occurs, other remedial measures may be taken. For example, if there is too much nitrogen in wheat and lodging is easy, the occurrence of fertilizer damage can be alleviated by topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, or spraying foliar potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ash liquids. China Agricultural Network Editor

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