How to deal with potted insects

Soap water to prevent worms, etc.: Use a half-basin of water, add a little detergent or soap, preferably a soap, stir the foam, then press the twigs in soapy water, or use a soft-bristle brush to apply soap and water. After a few days, the locusts, scale insects, and red spiders can be eliminated. Cigarette Butter Water Control Whitefly: Using paper cigarettes to soak brown nicotine water spray on the leaves to control the whitefly effect is very good. Whitefly has egg hatch larvae in all seasons. Feathers become adults with wavy white wax powder. They can fly short distances, breed quickly, and cause great damage to flowers. In particular, hibiscus, rose, and hydrangea are most likely to occur. Garlic against rats: A piece of garlic is chopped. It's best to add a tablespoon of pepper, put it in a litre of water and mix well, and put it in an hour to spray the flowers and leaves. Rats and other animals smelled of garlic and they avoided it so much that they did not bite the leaves. Beer against snails: Put a small platter on the potted soil, pour the beer into the platter, and lure the snail into the shallow dish and drown. Anti-wall nipples for milk: Add half a cup of whole milk plus four cups of flour, add 20 liters of fresh water and mix well, use gauze to filter out liquids, and spray branches and leaves to eliminate most ticks and eggs. Source: Hebei Farmers News China Agricultural Network Editor

Green Broomcorn

Broomcorn,Broomcorn Millet,Broomcorn Broom,Broomcorn Johnny


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