Koi feeding tips

1. Feeding space: Koi will regulate body size because of the environment, so it can be kept in an aquarium or a fish pond. The size of the aquarium can be 90 cm*60 cm*45 cm. There must not be too much decoration in the aquarium to avoid harming the fish.

2. Water temperature: The water temperature range of Koi life is 2-30 degrees, and the most suitable water temperature for living is 25-25 degrees. In this water temperature, Koi swims actively, appetite is strong, and the body is robust and colorful. Due to the use of aquarium rearing, the temperature can be controlled within the range of 20-25 degrees throughout the year so that Koi can grow comfortably in a comfortable environment.

3. Feed: special Koi feed, the price range from a dozen to one hundred yuan. One kilogram of Koi fish eats 30 grams of fish food every day, and is fed 3-4 times. Can also feed small live fish, insects, fish and other live bait.

4. Filtration equipment: Filters, activated carbon, phosphorus, etc. can be used to filter water.

5. Oxygen-increasing equipment: Because the body size of Koi is large and the amount of consumed oxygen is large, an air pump should be placed to provide enough oxygen for Koi in time.

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