Correct use of nursery herbicides

When the fruit trees are nursed, the weeds in the nursery are a headache for the growers. Artificial weeding takes time and effort, and the effect is still not good. The use of herbicides is afraid of affecting the growth of seedlings, because the instruction manual of any herbicide does not indicate whether the nursery can be used, nor how to operate. After many years of practice, Gaokaipucun Hukaijun, Hujiabu Town, Leting County has summarized the application methods of herbicides in nurseries. The summary is as follows: The herbicide used in the peach nursery should be used at the time of sowing, specifically after sowing the peach kernels and covering the plastic film, and spraying the herbicides at one time. The amount of mu is 15 kg of water plus herbicide. 100 grams (50 grams of vegetable grass), spraying is completed, you can cover the film. The amount and method of such drugs have no effect on the development of peach kernels and the growth of peach seedlings. The elimination of weeds and wild vegetables is still very thorough, and there is basically no need for special grasses during the growth period. For apple and pear tree nurseries, herbicides must be used when rootstocks are transplanted. Before transplanting and watering, the herbicide (Delta) was mixed with dry and dry sand. The amount of mu was 300 g of drug and 50 kg of sand, and then it was sprinkled between seedlings and ridges. If a drug is found stuck on the rootstock seedlings, it can be tapped off with a wooden stick. This method can make no weeds in the ground for six months. This method can be used boldly during operation. If the growth of individual seedlings is found to be slightly slower, proper application of plant regulators twice will allow rootstock seedlings to grow normally. The second year of semi-finished product growth period, the nursery would like to weeding, can also be used to implement Lean flushing (operation when watering), the amount of 250 grams of acres. Whether it is peach or apple, pear tree nursery, the use of herbicides should follow the principle of moderate dosage, not excessive, so as not to produce phytotoxicity of seedlings, make it thrive.

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