Ginger and creeping vegetables interplanting

There is a large area of ​​greenhouses in Dongxia, Huanglou, Anqiu, Changyi and Pingdu in Qingzhou. Due to the high temperature of the Ginger, the ginger must be shaded and shaded before it grows in summer. Promote ginger growth. However, when the reporter interviewed Dongsha Town, he saw that many vegetable farmers did not use shade nets and did not use cooling agents when they were planting gongs. This made reporters feel puzzled that the temperature inside the shed was too high and could benefit large Is ginger growing? So the reporter went to the greenhouse of the vegetable farmer Wang to see.
Originally, in addition to planting ginger, he also planted sprigs of beans next to all the pillars in the shed. This not only cools the shade of the ginger, but also increases the income of the beans.
Master Wang told reporters: “Now the ginger is in the seedling stage. The distance between the seedlings is relatively large and cannot be blocked by each other. This may cause roasting at high temperatures at noon, but the use of shading nets will not only increase investment, but also It is troublesome to cover and roll up the shade net before and after noon, so I planted beans in the arch, but I must pay attention to the interplanting density when planting beans, and I can't plant too dense to prevent the ginger from seeing light. Also pay attention to the location of the nesting, beans must be planted around the column, because the ginger in the growing process also soil, if planted on the back of the ridge between the rows of ginger planting, will cause beans when the ginger cover soil Root damage is not conducive to the growth of beans, so the beans should be planted on the side of the column that does not affect the ginger soil, and then use a sling to lift the beans, so that the beans on the upper part of the wire, climb to the sides of the column, so that For the lower shade of ginger, it is beneficial to control the temperature in the lower part of the shed to be within the range of 22-28°C suitable for growing ginger, and the growth of beans can be maintained at about 30°C. It also helps the growth of beans."
Of course, vegetable growers can also interplant the ginger and other hyperthermic creeping vegetables in the arch shed, such as balsam pear and medlar, so that they can use the space rationally, shade the main vegetables in the arch shed, and increase their income. .
When watermelon and balsam pear were interplanted in an interview in Huanglou Town, Qingzhou City, the reporter saw that some vegetable farmers had a good pattern of interplanting bitter gourds in the watermelon field. They could use bitter gourd shades to prevent direct sunlight on the bodies of the watermelons during the expansion of watermelons. Affect the growth of watermelon. Then how should we plant bitter gourds when growing watermelons?
The vegetable farmer Zhang told the reporter: “But bitter gourd is planted in summer when watermelons are planted in arch shelters, because the growth of watermelons also requires higher temperatures, while the bitter gourd has stronger branching capacity and has a larger shade area, so when planting, the bitter gourd The density should be thin, and the bitter gourd should form a shade after the melon sits.When I interplant the bitter gourd, each line of bitter gourd is planted in accordance with the spacing of each bitter gourd is about 3 meters to prevent the formation of shading in the early stage of watermelon growth. To meet the high temperature needs of early watermelon growth, when the watermelon into the expansion period, the bitter gourd has also been cited on the shelves, the watermelon during the expansion period watermelon watermelon, to create a suitable growth environment for the growth of watermelon.”
At the same time, when the watermelon is ripe, the branches of the bitter gourd can basically cover the entire shed, so that the bitter gourd can be used as the main management object, and the income can be increased by using the method of leaving more lateral branches.
However, it should be noted that bitter gourd has a large demand for water and fertilizer, and watermelon water is less, so when the interplanting bitter gourd, we must pay attention to the distance between the planting line of the bitter gourd planting line and the watermelon, separate watering, and to pour small Mainly water, to prevent watermelon in the process of expansion, excessive water supply, leading to severe melon fissure.
Summer tomato sets of leafy vegetables in the rice field in Shouguang City, many vegetable farmers have the habit of planting summer tomatoes, but in the summer, tomatoes from the four-leaf planting to flowering takes about a month, during this time tomatoes on the ground The shading is very small, and the temperature in the shed is high, which is detrimental to the growth of the tomato roots. Some vegetable growers planted a leafy vegetable when the tomatoes were just planted. This will not affect the growth of the tomatoes, but also increase the income. Received.
The use of tomatoes for interplanting Artemisia selengensis shows that, after the planting of tomatoes, there is less agricultural management required for the seedling period of tomato plants. However, the growth period of garland chrysanthemum is shorter in summer, less than 30 days, and can be directly transferred to tomatoes after harvest. management. When planting summer tomatoes, most of the vegetable growers use flat ridge cultivation. When the tomatoes finish irrigating, they immediately sow the wormwood seeds on the surface of the pods. Because garland chrysanthemums are dead in summer, the dosage per acre is about 10 pounds. When the Artemisia halodendron grows to 1-2 leaves after emergence, the seedlings are promptly planted. When there are 8 true leaves of garland chrysanthemum, it is the period with the greatest growth amount of garland chrysanthemum. The vegetable cultivators can combine the soil moisture to perform top dressing and nitrogen fertilizer as the main fertilizer. This can meet the demand of nitrogen fertilizer for vegetative growth of tomato and promote it. The growth of garland chrysanthemum serves two purposes. When the garland chrysanthemum reaches 27 cm, it can be harvested. After the harvest of Artemisia halodendron, the tomatoes also enter the main management period, which will not delay the growth of tomatoes.
Artemisia vulgaris is susceptible to bacterial blight and damping-off disease after emergence. It should be sprayed with Propolis 800 times and mixed with 100 mg of allicin for prevention and treatment immediately after emergence. In the process of growth, chlorosis of Artemisia selengensis leaves is also caused by diseases such as epidemic diseases and downy mildew. From the beginning of seedling stage, it is necessary to spray 600 times of the prevention of permethrin or metalaxyl manganese zinc.
At the same time, vegetable growers should choose leafy vegetables with a short growth period when selecting tomatoes for leafy vegetables to prevent tomatoes from entering the growing season. Leaf vegetables have not yet been listed, affecting the management of tomatoes.
During the interview with the sister-in-brewery of Brassica oleracea in Hezhou Township, Qingzhou City, the reporter learned that Master Zhang's efficiency in planting rice dumplings was high, and at the bottom of the rice dumpling, Master Zhang also planted a bunch of kale, which improved the yield.
It is understood that the gardenia grows quickly after colonization, and soon it completely shades the shed. Because the pod plants shelter the ground, the temperature in the shed is below 25°C near the ground, which is suitable for the growth of cabbage. And it takes about 60 days for the cabbage to reach the market from the time of planting. The vegetable growers can plant two rows of cabbages on the two sides of the planting row of the medlar in a 45-50 cm spacing.
According to Zhang’s introduction, when interplanting medlar and cabbage, in order to make the wolfberry quickly shade the ground, it is necessary to pay attention to proper close planting when planting. Generally, when planting, the vegetable growers are planted according to a row spacing of 2.7-3.0 meters and a plant spacing of 1.0 meters. In this way, when the scorpion begins to sit in the early melon plant can not climb full frame, not only low yield, but can not shade for the cabbage, only when the scorpion pick two smashing melon plants can climb full frame. So Master Zhang thought that if the lines were planted when the rice dumplings were planted, the plant spacing became half of that of the original, which was planted at a height of 0.5 meters. In the early stages of the scorpions, they would be able to climb the shelves so that they could make full use of space and improve the early stage of the scorpions. Yield, and create a favorable environment for the growth of cabbage, the effect is better.
When the scorpions have finished two pods, the vines must be taken care of after the trees are full. The planting densities of the scorpions should be restored to the planting densities required for proper close planting. That is to say, the plant spacing should be changed to 1.0 m, and one tree should be removed at intervals. This will ensure that the field will not be closed, but also to meet the demand for light in cabbage.

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