Yanhong Pest Disease and Plant Protection Plant Protection Technology

Yanhong Pest Control Plant Protection Technology Program

Yanhong Peach is native to Beijing and was introduced into the Danlu Yalong River in the 1980s. Under superior climatic conditions, it has been successfully cultivated. The fruit has a large size, beautiful color, high sugar content, and good quality. It matures in early and mid-September. It is the best choice for National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

The growing area of ​​Yanhong Peach is not only suitable for the growth of Yanhong Peach, but also suitable for the reproduction of various peach diseases and insect pests. It can cause serious threats such as weak tree vigor, sparse fruits, and insect infestation, affecting the commercial character and sales of Yanhong Peach. Popularization and promotion of new plant protection technologies based on internationally leading biotechnology, prevention and control of Yanhong Pests and Diseases, and improvement of the production and quality of pollution-free Yanhong Peach will substantially increase the income of farmers and distributors. Objectives: To increase production by 10%, total nutrient soluble sugar 12.8%, total acid 0.20%, vitamin C 8%, pesticide residue is zero, and become one of the best-selling brands at home and abroad.

This technical solution is also suitable for apples, pears, hawthorn, apricot, jujube and other fruit trees to prevent peach fruit borer.

First, pest control

The most important disease of Yanhong peach is Peach-musking moth (hereinafter referred to as "Peach-small"). "Peach Little" only harms the fruit, and the first generation of "Peach Little" invaded from the crest or top of the fruit, healed into a black spot at the hole, and the surrounding peel was slightly concave. After the larvae have fallen into fruit, they are vertically and horizontally submerged under the skin and flesh, and the fruit surface is obviously deformed. The second generation "Peach Little" harms nearly mature fruit, generally the fruit shape is not changed, but the flesh's insect tract is filled with red-brown worm manure "Bean Paste", and finally "Peach Little" bites through the peel to form a circular shedding hole. Red-brown worms accumulate outside. This kind of pest fruit is paying attention to the quality of food today, and its commodity price is greatly reduced. In recent years, many farmers have sprayed highly toxic pesticides, which has made the “Peach Little” resistance increase year by year. The cost of pesticide application has become higher and higher, and the pest situation has not been reduced year after year. The application of highly toxic pesticides not only inhibited the growth of peach trees and resulted in reduced yields, but also caused excessive pesticide residues in Yanhong peach to affect the market. The feasible way to solve this problem is to adopt a comprehensive treatment technology based on biological control technology, supplemented by agricultural control and chemical prevention.

1, agricultural control. From mid-May to mid-June, before the overwintering larvae were unearthed, 15 cm of soil was removed from the tree within 1 meter of the area, replaced with new soil without winter hoe, or after the continuous exhumation of overwintered worms, in the trunk 1 The rice was pressed with 3.5 to 6.5 cm of new soil. The larvae and pupae in the summer carp were killed and the weeds and other coverings in the tree tray were removed. In addition, insects with a diameter of 2.5 mm can also be used to remove 15 cm of soil in a depth of 1 meter from the trunk.

2, chemical control. Use 15% of Le Sibu granules or 50% of phoxim EC 500g and fine soil 30-50 pounds to fully mix, evenly sprinkle the ground under the trunk of a mu of land, mix the soil with the soil by hand rake, leveling . If you use it once, please use it once. Phoxim should be applied twice. Spray on the ground: Use 48% of Lothian EC 300-500 times to spray the wet ground before the overwintering larvae excavate.

3, biological control. 1, in the flowering period or the first expansion of the fruit core, when the field is seen at 4-5 o'clock in the evening every day, the insect moth must fly up and down. The banner is very narrow, that is, the "Peach Little" mating phase. At this time, just spray the creature. Pesticides can be prevented. Formula: 0.3% azadirachtin 1000 times + cube 2nd 1000-fold dilution, sprayed. This method has the advantages of saving labor, saving money, killing pests, and promoting the growth of peach trees. Using this method, in addition to using the early evening to view the fly-over situation of the insect moths, the peach tasting insects produced by Yingkou Tianyuan Industrial Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. can also be used. The induction period is from mid-May to mid-September, per mu of orchards. Disperse 2-4 "Peach Little" sex hormones to induce the jug to be filled with water. Set the lure from a height of 2 cm above the water surface. Add water to the basin to make the powder. The water tank is installed on the north side of the tree and is 1-1.2 meters high. , Observe the daily adult trapping situation, record the number of adult eclosion, and change the lure core once a month to predict the peak of adult emergence and trap and kill the male moth. In the adult emergence period, 1000 times of Azadirachtin + 1000 times dilution of Rubik's cube 2 was sprayed on the tree once every 10-15 days for 2 consecutive sprayings.

Second, disease prevention

1, general disease prevention

The common diseases of Yanhong Peach are rot disease, anthrax, black spot disease, gray mold, bacterial perforation, and biological control methods:

Prevention period




Rubik's cube 1000x + 1000x foliar spray for disinfection, 1000 times seaweed extract + 1000 times foliar spray for Rubik's cube once every 10 days.

To enhance the peach tree's immunity against all kinds of harmful fungi, bacteria, and viruses, activate the growth genes of peach trees, increase the fruit setting rate and sugar content, and early-to-market, increase production by about 15%.

Picking period

Rubik's cube No. 3 500 times, focus on spraying fruit surface the day before picking

The surface of the fruit is bright and prolongs the shelf life of 1-2 times, that is, the normal temperature preservation period of Yanhong Peach extends from one week to 2-3 weeks, and the quality and flavor remain unchanged after being chilled for 40-60 days.

2, difficult disease prevention and treatment

(1) Root Cancer (Nodules)

Prevention and treatment of various fruit tree root cancer technology solutions

1. Samples: The "Magic Formula 1" and "Magic Formula 3" produced by Dalian Baoluo Marine Life Science Research and Development Center Co., Ltd., and other auxiliary antibacterial agents introduced by the company are "smell and flee."

2. Technical solutions

Period of prevention and cure: before planting

Symptoms: No obvious symptoms, but Agrobacterium tumefaciens found in the soil will infect the plants from root trauma and grafting.

Control methods: Before transplanting, soak the seedlings for 6 hours with the Rubik's Cube 500 times + 1000 times seaweed extract.

Period of prevention and cure: after planting

Symptoms: Occurred mainly in roots or other parts of the root system, but also common in the grafting, the initial disease part of the formation of gray and white tumors of varying sizes, the internal tissue is soft, rough appearance, the tumor body is expanding, the surface gradually becomes Brown to dark brown, internal lignification, cancerous tumors are mostly spherical or oblate spheroids, tend to grow some fine roots on and around the cancerous surface, and lateral roots, fibrous roots will be reduced.

Control methods: Open the soil, expose the roots, cut off tumors with a quick knife, and extend the cuttings 1 to 2 cm to the healthy parts, and then gradually use 500 times seaweed, disinfect the 500 times, Rubik's cube 500 times, and Rubik's Cube 3 No. "50 times liquid applied to the surface of the wound, slightly controlled dry, 1000 times seaweed extract + disinfection fled to 1000 times soil disinfection. The scraped root cancer lesions were burned cleanly.

(2) rickets

Cause: Physiological potassium deficiency, viruses, germs, insect pests, or human damage.

Governance method:

1 kg of copper sulphate, three kilos of lime, 10 pounds of water and half a catty of cooking oil (peanut oil, lard, etc.) mixed evenly, convection plastic parts smear. (Note: do not artificially scrape glue when applying it, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.) Apply it 3-5 times a day, for 2-3 times. This method is effective for large cherries, apricots and peaches.

2 First scrape off the diseased area with a knife, exposing the formation layer without injury. If the formation layer has been infected with the disease, then how much of the melanization area will be scraped off. In the upper part of the lesion, extend 1 to 2 cm to the healthy part, and extend 2 to 3 cm to the healthy part under the lesion.

Use seaweed extract 1000 times + disinfection 500 times + 500 times the Rubik's cube mixture solution, "Magic 3" 50 times, followed by brushing lesions.

3 Scrape the affected area and mix the loess with a 500-fold dilution of seaweed extract. The disease was smeared with streptomycin in pigs and then smeared with yellow mud. Finally, a plastic film was glued, and it was tied with a rope to prevent rain and fall off. After 20 days, the plastic film was removed.

(3) Excessive pesticide residues

Organic Phosphorus Degradation Technology Solution



Organophosphorus residue

Insect survey


number 1

Seaweed Extract + Atropine

number 2


number 3

Seaweed extract + organic phosphorus

No 4

Seaweed Extract + Biapozyme + Atropine

When each plot is applied with plastic cloth, it is prevented from being sprayed on other plots. All drugs are applied according to the instructions. BiPAP is applied 2 hours after organic phosphorus application or 2 hours before picking, 1 tablet per azone with atropine 1 hour before picking, fully dissolved after spraying once, and should be within 1 hour after application. Detection of organic phosphorus residues.

Observe the observations during the growing season and make records at each stage. The organophosphorus residue test is based on the testing of a qualified local inspection department.

Seaweed essence using method and mechanism

Diluting seaweed to 800-1000 times and spraying once every 7 days can significantly increase disease resistance and promote robust growth of the crop. The iodophors formed during spraying can play a role in degrading the organophosphorus drug “iodine and phosphorus”.

Atropine use method and mechanism of action

General pharmacy sale, organic phosphorus antidote, use 2 tablets per square meter 33m2, mashed, dissolved in water, sprayed with seaweed extract.

Application and Mechanism of Biopterin

Rotate to the enzyme powder in the direction indicated by the arrow of the packing box. The bottle falls into the enhanced diluent. Shake until it is completely dissolved and use it. The dilution ratio is 500ml per bottle, 160 pounds of water and 1 mu of land. It is sprayed fully onto the foliage and leaves. . It can directly act on organophosphorus pesticide residues, degrade the phosphoenzyme chain, destroy the structure of its highly toxic components, and rapidly convert insoluble highly toxic pesticide macromolecules into non-toxic, water-soluble small molecules for the purpose of detoxification. .


1, seaweed extract, atropine can be mixed.

2. Biafilase can only be used alone.

3, a variety of anti-drug drugs must choose to use 2 hours before sunrise or after sunset.

Third, the cost of this technology per acre

1, seaweed extract: 100ML / bag * 4 = 40 yuan

2. Rubik's cube: 100ML/bag * 4 = 40 yuan

3, Rubik's Cube 3: 100ML / bag * 4 = 40 yuan

4, azadirachtin: 50ML / bottle * 8 = 40 yuan

5, other biological pesticides, organic fertilizer 20 yuan

Total: 180 yuan per mu

Fourth, the project technical support

1、Say Shuqi, president of "New Agriculture" magazine

2. Researcher of Paladin National Academy of Sciences and Manager of Dalian Baolubao Marine Life Science Research and Development Center Co., Ltd. Liu Fujing

3. China Biopesticidal Network

4, Dalian Plant Protection Station

5、Dalian Soil Fertilizer Station

6. Biological pesticide technical product supply unit

1 Dalian Baoluo Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

2 Chengdu Green Gold High-tech Co., Ltd.

3 Henan Luohe Fengda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

V. High-tech involved in this project

1 shell sugar amine plant disease resistance increase agent, Dalian Baoluobao Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

Level: Leading domestic

2 Seaweed Extract Plant Immunomodulator, Dalian Baolubao Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

Level: Leading the world

3-chito-oligosaccharide citrate callus,Dalian Baolubao Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

Level: Leading the world

4 Bioactive Organic Iodine, Dalian Baoluobao Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

Level: Leading the world

5 Induced marine bio-pesticides and organic fertilizers, Dalian Baoluobao Marine Life Sciences Research & Development Center Co., Ltd., 2006 National Spark Program Project, and Dalian Agriculture Commission 2007 Agricultural New Technology Promotion Project.

Dalian Baoluobao Marine Life Sciences R&D Center Co., Ltd.

April 17, 2008

Address: Building 498-2 Zhang Qian Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City

telephone / fax



Postal Code:116033

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