Onion high-yielding cultivation techniques

Onion high-yielding cultivation techniques

l, transfer seedlings. Onion transplanting period is generally in mid-July, early planting is appropriate.
Immediately before the move, extermination of arable land, 4000 kg of Mushi base fertilizer, 30 kg to 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer or compound fertilizer, and then the preparation of the ditch, row spacing 60 cm, spacing 6 cm, ditch depth 20 cm, mu plant 15,000.
Before the planting, the onion seedlings will be dug up, and the soil will be shaken. The seedlings will be planted according to the size of the seedlings, and the big seedlings shall be thin and the seedlings shall be slightly dense. It is advisable to plant the depth of the green onions without embedding the heart.
2, field management. The field management of welsh onions is mainly for cultivating water, cultivating soil and top dressing. After onion planting, enter the summer season, if the weather is not dry, generally should not water, we should strengthen the cultivator weeding, loose topsoil to promote root development. After entering the period of autumn, the leaves will begin to water, and watering should be done with pouring. Soak early and late to keep the ground moist.
The earth should be cultivated in the early stage of shallow cultivation, high in the later stage of cultivation, not in the heart and leaves, and the principle of less injury in the leaves. From the beginning of August to the middle or later of September, it is carried out in 4 rounds. After the first top dressing, a small bowl is used. After the second top dressing, soil 5 cm. Before the third dressing, soil was 7 cm. The fourth time after the third dressing, 8 cm of soil is cultivated, and it is also possible to carry out earthing several times depending on the circumstances.
Top dressing should be done in combination with watering. Mainly to recover nitrogen fertilizer, appropriate increase in phosphorus, potassium fertilizer. Usually in the beginning of autumn, the summer heat, Bai Lu three quarters each chase once. Every time chase ammonium 15 kg to 20 kg.
3, pest control. Onion thrips were sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 times. Leafminers can eradicate the initial larvae by flooding them with water at 1000 times with 90% trichlorfon. Downy mildew can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 800 times. Purple spot can be sprayed with 65% Zeoxin 700 times liquid or 65% Kombat zinc 600 times.

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Ningxia ZhaiXianSong Commercial and Trading Co.,Ltd. , https://www.nxupin.com

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