How to keep warm at home

24 The coldness in the solar terms, the “cold” of the cold dew is cold, and the “dew” indicates the condensation of water vapor near the ground floor into dew. On the first day after the holiday, the weather became cold. The weather is cold, remember to add clothes. It's cold, remember to take good care of your home's flowers and plants.

1. Different plants have different cold resistance

Fusang, Poinsettia, Begonia, Jasmine, Monstera and other warm flowers and trees, should be moved indoors when the temperature is as low as 10°C; spider plants, asparagus, rubber trees, etc., should also be moved indoors when the temperature is as low as 5°C. Most flowers should go into the room before the frost falls.

Potted flowers should be ventilated in the room. When the temperature is high at noon, the windows and doors can be opened for ventilation and heat dissipation. Flowers such as jasmine, hibiscus, shizuka, rhododendron, clivia, cyclamen, poinsettia, and jasmine should be placed in a sunny place so that they can fully receive the light and allow the leaves to better photosynthesis and provide nutrition in time.

2. Watering in winter is moderate

Winter plants evaporate much less than in summer, so they do not have to be watered regularly. Such as rubber trees, Brazil wood, Pachira, Milan, Jasmine, Lamei, plum, camellia, tea and other ornamental plants, winter watering control to reduce the number of watering and watering. For winter and early spring blooms of plum, plum, camellia, etc., should be controlled watering, and should be more water spray, in order to facilitate the formation of flower buds. The potted foliage plants, such as Monstera, Anthurium, and Green Lodder, which are moved into the room, should be mainly sprayed with water, supplemented by watering, to keep the potted soil dry.

If the lowest temperature on the day is below 0°C, the best watering time is at noon.

3. Pay attention to fertilizer concentration

Clivia, calla lily, pineapple, etc., can be applied with a mixture of 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% urea; Milan, Zhulan, Jasmine, etc., can also apply a thin phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to facilitate its smooth winter. For most foliage plants, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped, and some low-level potassium fertilizers should be topdressed to increase the cold resistance of flowers.

4. Pruning before entering the room is indispensable

The bonsai and potted flowers moved into the room should be cut off dead leaves, dead leaves, diseased shoots, thin and weak branches, etc.; on the leggy branches, strength reduction and shearing can be carried out; for the bonsais that have been modeled for a couple of years, the lashings can be resolved. Or re-unbunch and then re-bundling, to prevent prolonged leash in a fixed position, injuring the shoot formation layer, causing the branches and leaves dead. The bonsai bonsai on the balcony, such as oysters, oysters, eucalyptus, Podocarpus, Sabina, Cypress, etc., must be trimmed as necessary. Jasmine, crape myrtle, pomegranate, etc., can be pruned in late autumn to reduce the nutrient consumption of the plants in the winter, promote potted storage and more nutrition, so that more flowers in the coming year.


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