Gardenia cutting propagation

Nursery preparation Gardenia plants are suitable for growth in deep, porous, well-ventilated, water-retaining soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. The soil should be disinfected before cutting and the soil should be sprayed with a 50% carbendazim WP 0.125% solution and then covered with a plastic film for 3 to 4 days. After removing the film for 1 week, it can be used after the drug gas is volatilized. Acidic coniferous humus soils in the south can also be sterilized with lime powder.
Interplanting time Gardenia flower cuttings are mostly carried out in mid-April, when the survival rate is the highest. If the technology is excellent or in a greenhouse, summer and autumn can also be used. The cutting time is from early June to early August, early October to mid-November.
Choosing cuttings From the middle of the flowering and blossoming young trees, select strong, fully lignified, disease-free 1-2 year old shoots for cuttings. Such branches not only facilitate the survival of the cuttings, but also produce good quality plants and high selling prices.
Cuttings are cut into 10 to 15 cm long cuttings, leaving only the upper 3 to 4 leaves to reduce transpiration. The upper cut of the cutting insert is cut into a flat mouth, and the lower cut is cut into an oblique mouth to increase the contact surface with the soil, which is favorable for absorbing moisture. The upper incision is 1 to 2 cm away from the bud, and the lower incision is 0.5 cm away from the bud. The incision should be smooth to prevent chapping. The bundled cuttings are bundled in 30 to 50 bundles and immersed in a solution of 50 ppm GGR#6 for 3 hours at the bottom.
The cutting inserts the inserted cuttings into the nursery. In order to prevent the cuttings from being damaged, the method of furrowing can be used (first digging a small ditch, then inserting the cutting neatly into the ditch, and finally buriing the base of the ditch). The cutting depth is 2/3 of the length of the cutting, the spacing between the cuttings. Arrange by 1015 cm. The soil is compacted by hand and water is poured once to facilitate the close integration of the cuttings with the soil. In order to prevent cuttings from losing water, it should be done with the scissors. It is summer or autumn. Because of the high temperatures, it is generally good to insert it in the morning or in the evening.
After plugging in, manage the plastic shed and cover the shade net. The plastic shed can regulate the temperature and humidity of the soil and air. The shade net can prevent direct sunlight and reduce the temperature. The key to the survival rate of gardenia is to control the temperature and humidity of the soil and air to provide the best growth conditions. The best environmental conditions for gardenia peanut roots are: the ground temperature is between 20°C and 25°C, the relative humidity of the air is between 80% and 90%, and the soil moisture should be maintained at about 80% of the field water capacity.
In the early stage of cutting, watering is usually done once in 10 days. After the shoots are sprayed, they are watered for 3 to 7 days. 30 to 40 days after cutting, the cuttings can be rooted, and 0.25% to 0.5% of urea liquid fertilizer and 0.2% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer can be alternately sprayed to promote rooting. After six months of intervention, ventilation and lighting time should be appropriately extended to improve the ability of nursery stocks to adapt to the external environment. The second spring can be transplanted seedlings.

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