Snow dressing technology

Snow dressing technology is the use of winter snowfall on winter crops, winter wheat and other crops planted on dry land, especially in areas with poor soil fertility and weak pre-winter seedlings. Specific methods: When the amount of snowfall reaches about 10 cm, evenly dissolving volatile, fast-dissolving nitrogen fertilizers (such as urea) on the snow, and generally applying urea 7.5 to 10 kg per mu, the fields with poor soil conditions can be appropriately increased in dosage. . According to the weather forecast, farmers can also throw in the fields ahead of the snowfall, cover with fertilizer after snowfall, and melt with the snow to infiltrate the soil. Note: The amount of snowfall is too small, and it is difficult for chemical fertilizers to completely melt, failing to achieve the desired effect and causing fertilizer loss. Function: After the winter crop returns to spring, with the increase of temperature, the growth rate is accelerated, and some crops have vegetative growth and reproductive growth at the same time. The requirements for water and fertilizer are very high. Winter fertilization on snow can be used for winter fertilizer and solve the problem of poor fertility. The phenomenon of defertilization in the spring of the plots promoted the transformation and upgrading of the seedlings and laid the foundation for high yields.

Non Invasive Ventilator is Bi-le vel PAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) device intended to provide Non Invasive Ventilation for patients with R espiratory Insufficiencny. It is intended for adult patients by prescription in the home on hospita V/institutional environment. With its Target Tidal Volume function and other excelle nt comfort features and ffective perfurmance, it offers each patient pe rsonalized ventilation support.

Non Invasive Ventilator

Non Invasive Ventilator,Non Invasive Ventilation,Non Invasive Mechanical Ventilation,Non Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation


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