Introducing mushroom variety

Pholiota namek is accompanied by a layer of mucus on the surface that is delicious and smooth when eaten. The literary name of the mushroom is also known as the light cap parachute, smooth rust umbrella, pearl mushroom, etc., belonging to Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Sympodomycetes, and Parasaucium.

Slide mushrooms are delicious and nutritious and are loved by consumers. 100 grams of dried oyster mushrooms contain 35 grams of crude protein, which is higher than that of shiitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. The sticky substance attached to the surface of mushroom oyster umbrellas is a kind of nucleic acid, which is good for maintaining the energy and brain power of the human body, and it also has suppression. The role of the tumor.

The oyster mushroom was originally produced in Japan and was originally collected in the wild, but the number of collected oysters was not large. In the early 1920s, Japan used artificially cultivated shitake mushrooms in wooden sections. Due to the limitation of forest resources, the total output was always low. By the early 1960s, the Japanese changed the way of cultivation of oyster mushrooms and began to use box-type cultivation. The annual production has been rapidly developed. From 200 tons in the early 1960s to 3,000 tons, the annual output reached 16,500 tons in the early 1980s, becoming the world's largest country in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

Since 1976, China's Liaoning Province has introduced some broiler mushroom strains from Japan for experimental cultivation, such as the Austrian No. 2 and the Austrian No. 3, and achieved success in a short period of time. A few years later, the mushroom cultivation expanded to Heilongjiang and Jilin. In recent years, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places also have a small amount of cultivation.

Liaoning Province is the main producing area of ​​China's phoenix mushroom. Its annual export volume is about 8,500 tons. It is mainly exported to Japan with broiled mushroom canned and salted products. In recent years, it has entered the markets of Southeast Asia and Europe. It is naturally distributed in Japan and China's Taiwan, Fujian, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces. Shiitake mushroom is a low-temperature mushroom, its artificial cultivation originated in Japan, China began to test in the 70's, and now Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and Hebei (Pingquan County) and other provinces have mass production, production has leapt to the top in the world.

I. Biological characteristics (I) Morphological structure The oyster mushroom consists of a mycelia and an edible fruit body in the matrix.

1. The hyphae of the mycelial plucked mushroom appear villous from the outer surface, and the initial color is white, and gradually becomes creamy yellow or light yellow.

2. The fruiting fruiting body is the reproductive organ of the oyster mushroom, which is also the edible part, which is equivalent to the fruit of higher plants. The fruiting body of the mushroom is composed of three parts: the cap, the pleats, and the stipe.

The juvenile mushroom cap is hemispherical, yellow-brown or reddish-brown (color figure 28). With the growth of the fruit body, the cap is gradually flattened, the center is sunken, the color is dark, and the edge is wavy. The diameter of the cap is generally 3-8 cm, and the surface is smooth with mucus, and its viscosity increases with the increase of humidity. The thickness of the cap and the degree of umbrella opening are different due to changes in different species and environmental conditions.

Bacteria pleats are places where borne spores are born. Density is on the ventral surface of the cap, and the color is white or milky-yellow during the tender period of the fruiting body, and brown when the fruiting body matures. The surface of the bacteria pleats is covered with sub-solid layers, on which many burdens are born, and each bear can produce 4 spores.

The stipe is born and has a cylindrical shape. The length and thickness of the stipe vary according to the conditions of the environment. Usually the shank length is about 5 cm, and the shank diameter is 0.5-1.0 cm. The upper part of the stipe has an easily disappearing membranous bacillus ring. The stipe was pale yellow, the lower stipe was light yellowish brown, and the stipe was mucus.

Pleurotus ostreatus (b) Life history Pleurotus ostreatus sexual reproduction is a combination of heterotopia, single factor control, with bipolarity. The life history of oyster mushrooms is rather complex (Figure 24-1). In addition to the history of sexual life, there are five ways of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction does not involve the combination of hermaphrodites, and the offspring directly produce offspring, which can preserve the original genetic traits of the population. Artificial breeding of strains or tissue separation are asexual reproduction.

Life history of oyster mushroom 1. The mononuclear mycelium forms conidia, and the spores form mononuclear mycelium after germination.

2. The mononuclear mycelia form a mononucleate fruit body. This fruit body is relatively thin and hard, but it can also produce 1-4 mononuclear basidiospores. After the basidiospores germinate, mononuclear hyphae are formed.

3. The mononuclear conidium was formed after the disintegration of the double nuclear hyphae, and the mononuclear mycelium was formed after the conidia germinated. The mononuclear hyphae formed the double nuclear hyphae after the mating.

4. Binuclear hyphae produce binuclear conidia, and binucleate spores form a duodenal hyphae after germination.

5. Dinuclear mycelia were denucleated to form mononuclear mycelium, and the mononuclear mycelia formed double-nuclear hyphae after being mated.

The life history of plentiful mushroom is more complicated. Understanding the sexual life history and the asexual life history of oyster mushroom is of great significance in strain selection and culturing. Therefore, in the process of separation, breeding, and seed production, the most vigorously growing parts of the mycelium should be selected for conversion and expansion, and the use of weak monocrophic mycelium for culture should not be used for cultivation. Big loss.

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