Radish planting hollow should pay attention to supplement boron fertilizer

Radish planting hollow should pay attention to supplement boron fertilizer, radish hollow affects its edible value and quality, many vegetable farmers can not find the reason for radish hollow, in fact, radish hollow is caused by lack of boron in the soil. The following method can be used to apply boron fertilizer to prevent radish hollow: as base fertilizer for sowing, use 17% boric acid 300g or 11% borax 500g, mix in 5-10kg dry fine soil, mix well and then Sieve, and then applied as a base fertilizer into the seed ditch or seed hole. The radish seeds can also be mixed into the dry fine soil mixed with boron fertilizer, and thoroughly mixed and sprinkled into the seed ditch and the seed hole. Seed dressing with fine soil 3 to 5 kg of water and mix the boron fertilizer by 300 g of boric acid per acre or 500 g of borax, stir together into a thin paste, then pour the radish seeds and some dry fine soil, use The handcuffs adhere the soil containing the boron fertilizer to the surface of the seed to make a seed coat, and the seed and the seed can be separated for seeding.

Spraying boron fertilizer on the foliage can promote the radish heart. From the radish seedlings grow 2 to 3 true leaves to about half a month before harvest, spray boron fertilizer once every 20 days, 150 grams of borax or 100 grams of boric acid per acre, first dissolve with a small amount of warm water, It is sprayed evenly with water of 60-75 kg, and the spraying time is suitable for evening.

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