What soup to drink in summer is better

What soup to drink in summer is better

Summer heat, easy to get angry, but also a lot of sweat, not only a lot of loss of body fluids, but also consume a variety of nutrients in the body, especially inorganic salts, if not added, there will be body fluid disorders, metabolic disorders; At the same time, the weather is hot Affect the spleen and stomach, reduce the secretion of gastric juice, reduce the digestive capacity, coupled with lack of sleep, loss of body fluids, which greatly weakened the appetite, resulting in the situation of low income and expenditure of the human body, so many people in the summer have different levels of weight The decline. At this time, drinking soup can help the body to increase appetite, add more water, heat and resist summer.

What soup is better for summer?

Tonic products are eaten in the summer. First, they are supplemented with depleted substances. Second, they provide the body with the need to maintain normal physiological activity. Supplements should be light, nourishing Yin foods, such as too fatty or hot, it is bound to affect the spleen and stomach caused by spleen and stomach dysfunction, or nausea, vomiting, diarrhea embolism. To this end, ducks, lean meat, fruits, sugar, glutinous rice, citrus aurantium, mung bean and other foods, is a summer tonic to share.

Melon is a good summer vacation hot summer goods, such as with lean meat cook or stew, not only delicious, but also summer's tonic products, especially for thirst, yellow urine and other summer fever; sore throat, dry mouth, cough with bamboo Sugar cane, boiled water and carrots can be boiled with a little sugar to drink, or cane juice and watermelon juice can be mixed and used for drinking, or cane cut into an inch-long block, with a small amount of boiled water for drinking. There is thirst, heat and heat. effect. Such as the summer heat loss due to dry liquid caused by dry mouth and throat, with 15 grams of pollen, Anemarrhena 15 grams Jianshui taking juice, the effect is good.

Ducks live in water and eat mostly aquatic things. Therefore, ducks are cool and have nourishing yin and nourishing the stomach. The "Daily Materia Medica" record of duck meat can "five yin and yin, heat of the Qing dynasty, blood circulation, Yang Wei Sheng Jin." "Compendium of Materia Medica," said that it can "supplement." Therefore, if ducks and melons are stewed and eaten together, they can not only make up for the damage, but also clear the heat and nourish the shade. This is actually the summer tonic. If you add 30 grams of Gorgon Fruit, 30 grams of Coix seed will be cooked, and the effect of yin will be better, and it will invigorate the spleen and dampness.

Work or go out for field work, and engaged in high-temperature labor can use Wumei appropriate boiled water, add sugar into sour plum soup, when the tea to drink, not only sweet and delicious, thirst and fluid, but also promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, and have sunstroke cooling Role; also

You can boil green bean soup, or use green beans, silver flowers, lentils, winter melon soup, with Qingshujiedu effect.

The following are several broths, the specific role of which is unknown, but there is always the benefit of drinking (it feels good to drink):

1, loofah salted egg soup:

Material: one loofah, one salted egg, 200 grams of lean meat (depending on the amount of food, plus or minus), 3 slices of ginger

Seasoning: 1 salt amount, sugar half the amount of salt, starch with sugar, a little pepper

2 salt amount, pepper, sesame oil a little

Important tips: 1, be sure to change the small fire when you put the meat, do not boil the soup, so as not to boil the old piece of meat, but also easy to cause turbid soup.

2, loofah can also use cucumber instead. The cucumber is first cut into diamond pieces. In order to preserve the fragrance of cucumber, in Practice 3, you should first put meat and salted eggs and cook for 3 minutes, and then put the cucumber to cook slightly, so that you can transform a "cucumber salted egg meat soup."

2, Lily red jujube beef soup:

Ingredients: 200g of beef, 150g of fresh lily, 80g of ginkgo, 6 dates of red dates, and 2% of ginger

Seasoning: 1 salt, starch and salt the same amount, a little pepper

2 salt amount, pepper, sesame oil a little

Important tips: 1, beef tenderloin site will be relatively tender, the more fine the more tender beef, but also to reverse the wire cut thin, cook it will not be old.

2, people who like to taste soft pink lily, you can cook for a while Lily cooked; like to eat crisp, they cook for a while.

3, lotus seeds winter melon bullfrog soup:

Materials: 2 bullfrogs, 300 grams of wax gourd, 80 grams of fresh lotus seeds, 6 fresh mushrooms, 4 scallops, 3 ginger slices

Seasoning: salt, pepper, sesame oil

Key Note: The beef frog has a thick flesh layer in the legs and thinner meat in other parts, but it can increase the savory taste of the soup. Therefore, in addition to the legs, the back can also be put into the cook.

If the heat is hot and thirsty, you can use:

1, Dongguasi sugar syrup

With a fresh old wax gourd (with skin) a pound, Shengci Ren 32, brown sugar amount. Wash and cut large pieces of old wax gourd, add the washed sago, and put it in the pot for about an hour. Then add brown sugar and drink it. The old melon in the soup is sweet and slightly cold, with clearing heat and heat, and thirst. Shengci Ren, but light dampness, brown sugar, heat and fluid. In combination, it can be used to relieve heat, heat, and go to Shushi.

2, lotus leaf melon soup Laoya Tang

With a piece of fresh lotus leaves, a pound of fresh old wax gourd to half a catty, half a catty of duck meat. The three kinds of foods will be washed, put into the coffin, add appropriate amount of water soup, salt seasoning, drink soup melon duck meat. In the soup, the fresh lotus leaf is clear and damp, and the melon has a clear hot weather. The old duck can nourish yin and nourish blood. The combination of the three can not only clear the heat, relieve heat, but also benefit the stomach and fluidity.

3, gypsum bean curd soup

With the second plaster, fresh tofu half a catty, dried cabbage two or two. Gently break the gypsum first, then wash the cabbage dry with water and soak for a short time. Put three kinds of food together and add the appropriate amount of clear water soup. You can see a nest-like hole in the tofu block. Add a little salt to drink soup.

If there is too much or a small amount of heat conditions can be used:

1, bitter gourd pork lean meat soup

Use half a catty of fresh bitter gourd, cut into pieces and go to the nuclear wash. Pork lean meat three two to fifty two, cut into small pieces. The two kinds of foods will be placed in the pots and corianders, and appropriate amount of clear water soup will be added. Tang bitter melon, bitter cold, can clear heat and detoxify, pork lean to nourishing yin. Combining work and energy, both detoxification and emollient moisturizing.

2, Tong Ge Cai fish soup

Fresh Tong Ge Cai 32, fresh raw fish half a catty. The raw fish is first split to the internal organs and scales are washed. Wash fresh Tong Ge Ke. Put the two kinds of food together in pots and pans, add appropriate amount of fresh water, and use medium-fire soup; after two hours, add a small amount of cooking oil and salt to drink. Fresh soup in the soup Gezhong Qingre diuretic, cooling blood detoxification; Chinese medicine believes that raw fish can make up the spleen and stomach, Li Shui Qing swollen. The combination of the two can not only cool but also nourish. It is actually a soup for the hot summer days.

In short, the hot days food supplement should be clear, spleen, sputum, summer and dampness as the principle of food supplements, drug supplement to time. This will be able to supplement the consumption of the body and promote health!

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