Taizi ginseng high-yielding cultivation techniques

First, choose high-yield varieties can be used Wendeng City, the breeding of anti-virus high-yield new product line - "anti-toxic one" heterophylla. Second, the selection and preparation of land is poor, too viscous, solid, poor drainage and low-lying land. After the harvest of the former crop, the land is ploughed 25 to 30 centimeters, and 4 to 6 squares of fermented pig manure per acre is used as base fertilizer. Before planting, apply 50 kg of compound fertilizer per acre and plow it again. Then make a 1.3-meter-wide curtain, 60 cm. The sorghum or pings should be properly selected according to the needs of drainage and irrigation. For example, if the terrain is low, the well-drained land should adopt high sorghum and the sorghum should be 10 to 15 centimeters in height. Otherwise, the squat can be used to facilitate watering. Third, the planting method of planting time, whether it is with roots, or seed propagation, planting time are in early October to late October is appropriate. 1, root propagation (root also known as planting, planting, seedlings). After leaving the field in early October, the fields were dug up and roots were planted. Should choose the top buds robust, intact, speculative hypertrophy, uniform size, pest-free roots for planting (sub). On the surface of the screed, the spacing is 15 to 20 centimeters, vertical or horizontal flat bottom sowing ditch (bottom width 5 cm), ditch depth 5 cm, planting by planting 3 to 5 cm spacing. After the head level, 2.5cm from the ground should be suitable, not too deep. Small area planting is best to plant the buds upward and place them in order. Then cover 5 cm thick wheat straw, straw, in order to facilitate protection, prevent compaction, early spring emergence, neat. In order to prevent the wind from blowing wheat straw in winter, corn stalks can be pressed or covered with nylon mesh. The planting can also be sown, that is, the amount of the seeding is evenly sprinkled on the surface of the pod, and then the soil is planted on the pod surface next to the pod, and so on. In order to grasp the depth of the cover soil, a piece of wood with a thickness of 2.5 cm can be placed every 3 to 4 meters to cover the soil until the soil is buried. Root propagation, planting about 50 kilograms per acre, seedlings using 65 kilograms per mu, seedlings using about 40 kilograms, if the drought after sowing, you should cover the grass after spraying a water, depending on the condition is good or bad, before freezing The wintering water should be poured once to ensure safe wintering of the plants. 2, seed breeding. On the entire surface of the concrete, horizontal shallow grooves (bottom width 8 cm) with a width of 2 cm and a horizontal distance of 2 to 15 cm are formed horizontally or vertically. Spread the seeds evenly into the wide groove, and then gently flatten it to cover the soil by about 1 cm. Seed sowing can also be broadcast, spread the seeds evenly on the surface, and then from the side of the surface of the earth covered with 1 cm thick loose soil. Immediately after sowing, weeds, straw, or other weeds without grass seed must be sprayed once to ensure proper moisture. The amount of 2.5 kg is sown per acre. 3, intercropping shade. The Taizi ginseng stopped growing from July to August. If raw drugs are sold, they should be excavated immediately. For example, if you want to stay in the fields, the roots of the roots will grow in the ground over the summer. In order to prevent the high temperature and high humidity in the summer, the roots will be rotted. In the spring, the maize should be planted on the road between the two crops to provide shade. A small area can be interplanted with each work lane. The large-scale land is inconvenient for spraying operations and can be interplanted with maize. Every 20 cm is a pier and 2 corns are left in a pier. Fourth, management methods 1, loose soil, grass withdrawal, top dressing, weeding roots planted. If grass is not covered, early spring must be done before the emergence (late January - early February) in time to raise the soil temperature and raise the soil temperature, and before spreading the soil, apply 10 kg of compound fertilizer or urea per acre; cover the weeds, Seedlings should be removed at the right time to remove the thick cover grass, leaving the thickness of the grass so as not to affect the seedlings, but also can play the role of security, increase the temperature, usually 2.5 to 3 cm thick is appropriate, cover the field and apply fertilizer Combined with water spray. Taizishen has a short growth period, shallow roots, and base fertilizers are often not fully absorbed. Therefore, the time for feeding is rather late, but it must not be later than mid-April. Weeding should be done in time. Plants in the upper and middle months of May can be sealed and weeding can be stopped. 2, row, irrigation. Taizishen is afraid of drought and drought, and it often keeps the soil moist. V. Pest Control 1. Leaf spot. The main leaf disease of heterophylla was carefully controlled from the middle of April. The first and second use of Polaroid (polyoxoamphenicol) 1000 times, interval of 10 to 15 days; after the aging of the leaves can be used 50% of mancozeb 600 times to prevent and control, generally spray 4, 5 times , about half a month apart. The length of the interval depends on weather conditions. In order to promote growth, the drugs should be properly added every month, such as foliar fertilizers, yield-promoting bacteria, and dry land dragons, in order to improve their resistance to disease and drought. 2, root rot. In July and August, the high-temperature and high-humidity seasons are prone to occur, and special attention should be paid to the drainage after the rain. If 50% carbendazim or 50% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times solution is found in the affected area, the diseased plants should be watered. 3. Viral disease ( mosaic disease). Virus disease is the most important and most important disease of heterophylla. First, it is necessary to establish a virus-free farmland for large-scale production and use of seed; self-breeding and self-cultivation of their own planting units, leaving the field must be discovered at any time during the growing season to remove the mosaic disease at any time to reduce infection; best to use seed The mosaic disease occurs rarely and the yield is high. The roots that are propagated with seeds can also be left as seed plants. However, the tubers of multi-generation asexual reproduction can never be used for planting, otherwise the mosaic disease rate will rise rapidly. Affect the output and quality. 6. After the seeds are collected, the upper part of the plot shall be plucked and the mandible shall be pulled out, dried and threshed. The seeds scattered in the ground shall be swept up with a small broom, and the seed and the grass shall be separated by Yang, Sieve and other methods. The collected seeds should be immediately mixed with 2-3 times pure river sand, otherwise the seed will lose its vitality. The humidity of the sand is hand-carried into groups. It is advisable to disperse it at one touch, and then it is stored in a cool, ventilated, and dry place for storage until October. 7. Taizishen, which is used for harvesting and processing, should be harvested in late July and early August. It should be dried in the yard and bungalows. When it is half dry, it should be dried and dried until it is dry and ready to serve. , no fine roots, uniform size, color yellowish is better. The average output of fresh ginseng is more than 600 kilograms, and the dry rate is 30%.

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