Pottery Dwarf Comprehensive Technology

1. Select varieties and cuttings. The 10 varieties that are suitable for dwarfing are used as maternal nurturing, namely Zhengyan, Jinbei, Zaohuang, Huang Shigong, Poinsettia, Baihuoxiao, Jinbeihonghong, Huangpei, Dunhuang, and Huang Haisheng. From the female parent, select the second and third generation shoots that are robust, free of pests and diseases, and evenly internodes as cuttings. The cutting substrate is usually fresh ridge ash in the year, and it is not allowed to use aged ridge ash. 2, the basin treatment. Cuttage seedlings rooting more than 5 can be on the basin. The upper bowl began topping and topping after 2 weeks of slow seedling emergence. Fertilizer can be combined with earth. The key is to peel buds promptly to reduce unnecessary internal consumption of nutrients. 3, dwarfing points. Can take loose, fixed, shallow, plus technical measures. Loose: In other words, cultivated soils with good permeability and water permeability are generally used to prepare culture soils with 40% vegetable soil, 40% decomposed chicken manure, and 20% ridge ash. Set: Flowerpots are too large and too small to be suitable. They should be planted in mud pots with a diameter of about 20 cm. Shallow: that is, shallow soil cultivation, sub-cultivation soil, and finally achieve the purpose of deep planting. Addition: For soil-grown juveniles, till the end of September, use 50% garden soil, 40% decomposed chicken manure, and 10% superphosphate to cultivate soil, and maintain normal depth. In addition, 2000 mg/kg can be used for treatment (B9), and the dwarfing effect is best when using about 50 ml per plant. 4, top dressing outside the root. On the basis of dwarfing, it is very important to do top-dressing work. Especially at the later stage of chrysanthemum growth, extra-root fertilizer is used to supplement the absorption of nutrients in the roots of Pottery Chrysanthemum, and a mixture of 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% urea is sprayed. Chrysanthemum leaves have thick green, thick stems, large flowers, and prolonged flowering. Generally can increase the diameter of flowers 6-8 cm, flowering time extended 20-25 days. 5, pest control. Chrysanthemum disease is mainly brown spot disease. The prevention methods are: sterilize the culture soil and then put it on the pot, or spray and control it with 800 times of ethylphosphorus aluminum liquid. Insect pests are mainly locusts. Chrysanthemums absorb moisture, nutrients are fast, and the body has a strong conduction function. The use of insecticide furanide to eliminate maggots, with a dosage of 5 grams per pot, is effective.

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