Variety and Technical Points of Green Manure in Tea Garden

Making green manure among the tea gardens is a good way to solve the fat source by self-reliance. In recent years, the area of ​​green tea intercropping among tea gardens has been expanding, green manure varieties have been increasing, and experience has become more and more abundant.

1. Most tea plant green manures belong to the leguminous crops, which are generally symbiotic with the legume Rhizobium, can fix nitrogen in the air, and continuously increase the nitrogen content of the tea garden soil. According to research, a legume of legumes can fix about 10 pounds of pure nitrogen a year.

2. The green manure contains very high organic matter, which can increase soil organic matter content after being buried, so it has a good effect on improving soil physical and chemical properties. According to the study of the red soil improvement station at the Liujia Station in Jiangxi Province, soil organic matter was increased from 0.52% to 1.13% during the five-year period after intercropping with legume bean green manure.

3. Green manure has a wide range of sources, low cost, and some can also be used to protect the intercropping, and it can also be widely used to open green manure bases. This has good results in preventing soil erosion and protecting the ridges.

4. Many green manures can double as feed. It is of great significance for the development of animal husbandry and the increase of organic fertilizer in the tea-promoting area.

The role of green manure in tea gardens is multi-faceted, mainly:

1 Most green tea plantations belong to the leguminous crops. They are generally symbiotic with the legumes of leguminous plants and can fix nitrogen in the air and continuously increase the nitrogen content of the tea garden soil. According to the research, a legume of legume crops can fix about 10 pounds of pure nitrogen in a year. According to the trial of the Fujian Institute of Tea Science, climbing magnolia can provide 13.3 pounds of pure nitrogen per acre per year for tea gardens. The soil ammonium nitrogen increased by 80-200ppm, and the nitrate nitrogen increased by about 13ppm.

2 The green manure contains high organic matter, which can increase soil organic matter content after being buried, so it has a good effect on improving soil physical and chemical properties. According to the study of the red soil improvement station at the Liujia Station in Jiangxi Province, soil organic matter was increased from 0.52% to 1.13% during the five-year period after intercropping with legume bean green manure.

3 The sources of green manure are extensive, the cost is low, and some can also be used to protect the intercropping between crops. It can also be widely used to open up green manure bases. This has good results in preventing soil erosion and protecting the ridges.

4 Many green manures can double as feed. It is of great significance to develop livestock husbandry and increase organic fertilizer in tea-promoting areas.

The intercropping of green manure in young tea gardens also has a negative effect on the growth of tea seedlings. It is mainly manifested in that the green manure grows quickly in the late stage and has strong water-absorption and absorptive capacity. It is easy to compete with tea for water and shading, which has an adverse effect on the growth of tea plants. Therefore, it is imperative to rationally select green manure varieties suitable for tea gardens according to local conditions, and to strengthen scientific management of intercropping green manure to overcome unfavorable factors and give full play to the effect of intercropping green manure.

China's tea area is vast and there are many kinds of green manures. After the introduction of the tea plantations and long-term tea production practices, the green manure suitable for tea gardens in China is basically the following:

(1) Tea Garden Winter Green Manure

1 Ziyunying, commonly known as red flower grass, is cultivated in major tea regions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Jiangxi and Hunan. It is suitable for tea gardens with good moisture conditions. The suitable temperature for planting is about 1 °C. The average temperature in January is not lower than 0 °C, and the absolute low temperature is generally not higher than -12-15 °C.

2 Commonly known as yellow flower grass, grass head, etc., mainly cultivated in Zhejiang, Fujian, Suzhou and other tea areas. In recent years, there are also many tea plants such as wolfberry and wolfberry, which are suitable for well-drained sand soil tea gardens. The cold resistance is lower than that of Ziyunying, but the drought tolerance is stronger.

3 Scorpions are commonly known as blue flowers and are mainly cultivated in tea gardens such as oysters and clams. At present, the southern tea region, as well as the Yun, Gui and Chuan tea regions, are also introduced and have strong drought tolerance. They are suitable for well-drained tea gardens, but they have a long growing period and there are vines wrapped around the tea trees to affect the growth of tea plants.

4 Broad bean commonly known as Hengdou, Hudou, etc., mainly cultivated in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other places, suitable for mild and humid climate conditions, poor cold and drought resistance, but fast growth, the general tea garden to pick up green beans and then buried.

5 peas are commonly known as beans, winter beans, and beans. All tea regions in the country have been planted. Among them, white peas are early maturing species, with lower yield, late-maturing varieties of purple peas, more branches, higher yields, drought tolerance, rot resistance, acid resistance than Ziyunying, but low propagation coefficient and high cost.

6 Feitian radish, commonly known as Manyuanhua, belongs to the cruciferous family and is commonly planted in Hunan and Zhejiang. In recent years, tea plants in Guizhou, Guangdong, and Guangxi have also been introduced. They are more tolerant to drought, tolerant to leeches, and more tolerant to acid than green legumes. The choice of soil is not very strict, but the response to phosphate fertilizer is strong.

(2) Summer Green Manure in Tea Garden

1 Kidney beans are commonly known as plate kidney beans and are suitable for planting in the vast tea regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Zhejiang, Hunan and other tea regions can be planted for two seasons a year. It is resistant to acid, drought, fast growth, is a semi-vine green fertilizer, which Ukrainian beans stronger resistance, welcomed by the majority of tea.

2 large-leaf pig kidney beans commonly known as bell beans, the Yangtze River, most of the tea region has been planted. Acid resistance is particularly strong, there is a strong ability to regenerate, you can cast many times, is currently more commonly planted green tea in tea areas. However, it is toxic and cannot be used as feed.

3 Strange worms are commonly known as solar hemp, ramie, etc. They are widely cultivated in Fujian, Guangxi and other places, and they have recently been promoted in the Qidong tea area. Drought-tolerant and resistant, but not as good as pods in leaf pig kidney beans, is a high-stalk green tea plantation fertilizer. However, stems were wooded early and the ratio of stems to leaves was high.

4 Mungbeans are used for the green bean, which has many kinds of beans, wide adaptability and wide planting area. Among them, the small mung bean plants are small and have poor stress resistance and low yield. Generally, they are suitable for the vast tea regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Big mung bean is large in size, grows well, has a long growing period, resists locust and drought, but has poor cold resistance and is suitable for planting in southern China's tea region.

5 Plate beans also known as rice beans, climbing beans and red beans, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Jiangxi and other places have been planted, of which the most common tea in southern Fujian. Resistance to warts is generally stronger than that of cowpeas, but the plants are shorter and therefore produce lower yields. There are vines during the growing season, which is a green manure.

6 Peanut, also known as groundnut, ground fruit, etc., mainly cultivated in Shandong, Henan, Anhui and other tea areas, of which the most common in Shandong. Strong drought resistance, most suitable for sandy soil. The plants are short and grow on the ground. They have good soil and water conservation properties and are good green manure in sandy tea gardens. However, due to the large amount of sowing and the high cost, it is generally advised to collect green after harvesting.

7 Soybeans, also known as soybeans, edamame, etc., have been planted in various tea areas. However, the economic value of soybeans is high and there are fewer green beans. Among the soybeans that can be used as green manure, there are wild soybeans, mixed beans, glutinous beans, small black beans and ebony beans. In particular, mud beans are used in many tea ranges such as Anhui. The various soybeans that can be used as green manure have strong stress resistance, stems and leaves are rich in nutrients, and are easily rotted after being buried.

In addition to the summer green manure in the tea garden, there are hair vine beans, green peas, dried beans, lupins and so on.

(3) Canbian green manure

1 Climbing magnolia commonly known as nine-leaf magnolia, strong resistance, high temperature, suitable for the southern tea region. At present, there are plantations in southern Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi, and the cold resistance is poor. Most tea regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are apt to freeze to death and are not suitable for planting.

2 Amorpha fruticosa, commonly known as cottonseed meal, has strong drought resistance and low temperature tolerance, and is suitable for planting in northern tea regions. Strong growth ability, high yield, rich nitrogen, can be cast many times a year. Gradually introduced to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River tea region, and achieved good results.

3 also known as Rongdou bean beans, resistance to earthworms, acid, drought resistance, poor cold resistance, suitable for planting in Hainan and other tea areas. It is gradually introduced to Fujian and Guangdong's northern tea regions.

The green manure suitable for planting in the tea plantation at the edge of the tea plantation also contains thorny mimosa, large leaf Lespedeza, golden coneflower, known wind grass, and three-leaf pig kidney beans.

The main purpose of making green manure among tea gardens is to improve the physical and chemical properties of the tea garden, continuously improve the soil fertility of the tea garden, and promote the growth of the tea tree, so as to create good conditions for high yield and quality in the future. Therefore, as green manure between the tea gardens, it is necessary to make the green manure obtain high yield and not hinder the growth and development of the tea tree itself. Different green manures in different tea areas must adopt different cultivation techniques according to local conditions.

(1) Choosing the right variety depending on the local conditions Whether it is intercropping summer green manure, winter green manure, or kangbian green manure that grows and protects the ladder, appropriate selection of suitable green manure varieties should be based on the region and specific conditions. Such as Guangdong Hainan tea area, due to high summer temperatures, strong radiation, easy to make tea burns. The local experience is that China's high stalked green manure, such as green fodder, pigeonpea, and Sesbania, is used as a green manure in the tea garden field and can be used as a temporary shade for tea plants. Another example is the Shandong tea region, where soil sand is heavy and the amount of erosion is large. The experience of local tea farmers is that intercropping is best for peanuts. Another example is the vast tea region in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, where high-temperature and drought-prone days, high-stalk green manure intercropping between young tea gardens, can easily cause hot microclimate conditions, but also easily cause the phenomena of water and shading between tea and beans. Local experience is that it is appropriate to plant dwarf, half-dwarf, and ground-climbing early legume green manures such as black kidney beans, ebony beans, and mung beans. In addition, Ziyunying in winter green manure is poor in drought tolerance, suitable for planting in tea gardens with good water conditions, and the drought resistance of Scutellaria baicalensis is suitable for planting in relatively dry tea gardens. Climbing magnolia has low cold resistance and can only be planted in southern Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. Amorpha fruticosa is resistant to acid and weak, and should be planted in northern tea gardens. For tea gardens in different tea areas, what types of green manures are suitable for planting must be selected and tested before they can be selected.

(2) When it is not mistaken for farming, timely sowing can be done without delay, and timely sowing can be very important for the cultivation of winter green manure in the tea garden. If the winter green manure is sown too late, the seedlings will be light and easy to be affected by freezing injury before winter; if the seeds are planted too early, the growth will be too strong before winter, the seedlings will have a short time, the roots will grow poorly, and the aboveground growth will be strong, which will facilitate wintering, and the winter will not be easy. Turn green. According to experiments, the sowing time of Ziyunying is most suitable from mid-late September to late-to-late October.

In the same area, medlars should be sowed 5-10 days earlier than Ziyunying. Huanghua pods should be planted 10-15 days later than Ziyunying. The planting time of summer green manure in tea plantations is not as strict as that of green manure in winter. However, appropriate sowing time during appropriate sowing can increase the number of mowing and increase yield. Can not be castrated many times the green manure, such as black beans, etc., early sowing, can fight for a year sowing two seasons, increase the output of green manure.

(3) It does not interfere with the tea planting, and the rational close planting of dense plantings, making full use of the young tea plantations, is often one of the key factors for the success or failure of green manure in the tea plantations. Intercropping too dense, easy to affect the growth of tea seedlings, especially in summer green manure, water absorption and absorption capacity, strong growth, the most likely to compete with the water caused by water and fertilizer phenomenon. If the planting is too thin, the tea room will not be fully utilized and the production of green manure will be affected. Adapting measures to local conditions and properly planting dense plants is an important part of improving the yield of green manure and facilitating the growth of tea plants. In the summer, the distance between the green manure and the green manure should be appropriately denser, and the distance between the manure and the tea tree should be thinner to prevent the green manure from affecting the tea seedlings. According to the practice of peanut in summer in Shandong tea region, the intercropping method of "123, 321" is the annual tea plantation of seedlings, inter-row intercroppings of peanuts in three lines, two-year-old seedlings in tea gardens, inter-row intercroppings of peanuts, Three-year-old seedlings in tea gardens, between the rows of peanuts, four-year-old seedlings of tea gardens, exit the green manure. Practice has proved that this intercropping method works well in Shandong.

(4) Rhizobium seed dressing, improving the green manure effect One of the most important characteristics of legume green manure is symbiotic with Rhizobium, which can fix nitrogen in the air. Nodules have a great influence on the amount of nitrogen fixation. In order to ensure the development and vigorous growth of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in green manure, Rhizobium inoculation can be performed at the planting site for Xinyi Tea Plantation. When inoculating strains of green manure, green manure varieties and strains must be numbered. For example, lupin strains need to be different from common leguminous plants, and they are often cultured manually. Other legume green manures often have similar conditions, because there are many types of rhizobia and they each have their own hosts, so pay special attention to this issue when dressing seeds. If you can't find a suitable strain for a while, you can take some of this kind of legume green manure, and grow a better soil for seed dressing, but also the effect of inoculation.

(5) Large-fertilizer with small fertilizers, phosphorus nitrogen-enhanced green manure generally has strong resistance to turmoil, and some are also symbiotic with azotobacter and have certain nitrogen fixation capacity. However, in order to ensure the high yield and quality of green manure, it is still necessary to apply fertilizer. Generally, green manure has strong growth ability and is sensitive to fertilizer. A small amount of fertilizer can be used to obtain more green manure, especially applying phosphate fertilizer. It has a significant effect on improving the nitrogen fixation ability of green manure nodules and improving the yield and quality of green manure. Summer green seedlings grow slowly, pay attention to basal fertilizer seed dressing. In general, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used as basal fertilizers in hand and foot, and 30-50 kg of superphosphate and 50-30 kg of gray grass are applied per mu. Some new tea gardens, soil is too thin, still have to use organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer. In the seedling period, the application of thin human urine, etc., can achieve good results. In addition to applying the base fertilizer, the green manure in winter has to be applied to the winter fertilizer and return to green. The overwintering fertilizer is mainly planted with wood ash ("grass has overwintering stalks of ash, such as the cover of the 29th winter quilt"). Wintering fertilizer can increase the overwintering effect of winter green manure, and it is an effective measure for resisting cold and protecting seedlings. In the spring of the following year, the green manure gradually returns to green. At this time, thin manure is applied to obtain good effects of small manure and large manure.

(6) Anti-freeze, cold-resistance and safe wintering The majority of tea regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River often cause soil-lifting phenomena due to the surface of the soil. As a result, the young winter green manure roots die away from the surface; some are caused by cold wind, low temperatures, and frost. Freezing damage. Therefore, freezing and cold resistance is one of the important measures for a good winter green manure. Antifreeze, first of all from the start of sowing, such as the selection of a suitable sowing period and shallow shallow sowing. Secondly, it is necessary to cover grass or cover husks, wheat bran, and bean leaves before wintering. The special coverage should be thin, should be uniform and timely, and it is generally advisable to carry out the "Sanjiu" winter. Third, the use of ash to improve the ability of the seedlings to resist cold.

(7) Control pests and diseases to ensure that there are more green manure in high-yielding tea farms. Winter green manure has sclerotia of Ziyunying, anthracnose of Huanghuacaozi, beryllia of radish, etc.; summer green manure mainly includes bean Wanqing, bean pods, and hummocks. If sclerotinia and anthrax are found, remove the diseased plant immediately and disinfect it. If pests are detected, they should be prevented and treated in time, and they can also be combined with tea pest control.

(8) Timely cutting and timely burial. For summer green manure that can be mowing many times. In addition to being used for temporary shading, they should be castrated in time, otherwise the green manure will grow too old. On the one hand, the growth of the tea tree will be affected, and on the other hand, the quality of the green manure will be affected. Some summer green manures, such as black locust, fast-growing mung bean, etc., have a short growth period. Generally, they are buried under the combination of cultivating tillage under the upper tea. There are also some green manures, such as "August White" in soybeans. The branches and leaves are lush, grow rapidly, and have a large degree of shading. They are divided into secondary or tertiary plants and once buried. The second and second-pulled plants can be spread first and then buried together after the last time the plants are drawn. Do not pull out the light once. Otherwise, the tea plantation suddenly changes its microclimate conditions. Exposure to the hot sun makes it easy to burn a lot of young tea seedlings. The green manure in winter has to be buried well when it is full bloom, because the quality is best and the yield is higher.

In addition to direct burial of green manure between tea gardens, it can also be used as winter and summer coverings to spread between the rows for warmth, freezing, and drought resistance in the summer. It can also be used as raw material for composting or composting. Some green manure can also be used as feed to develop tea farms. Industry, expand fertilizer sources.

Intercropping tea greens can only be made between 1-3 years of young tea gardens or tea gardens after the reformation of Taiwanese tea gardens. For the majority of mature tea gardens, they cannot be intercropped. Therefore, green manure between tea gardens has great limitations. In order to expand the sources of green manure in tea farms and solve the problem of organic fertilizers by self-reliance, in addition to vigorously expanding green manure between young tea gardens, it is also necessary to make full use of all available land in order to establish a green manure base for tea gardens. For example, barren hills and lands can be planted in a concentrated area. You can also use dikes, rivers, lakes, roadsides, land corners, and scattered land in tea gardens. The green manure base may be selected for drought resistance and high stalk green manure, for example, green manure bases in the southern tea region may be selected for seedlings such as peas, pigeonpeas, rudbeckia, lentils, thornless mimosa, and magnolia. The Yangtze River in the middle and lower reaches of the tea area can choose a variety of large-leaf pig kidney beans, cassia bean, ramie, lupine, big leaf Lespedeza. Northern tea area can choose Amorpha fruticosa, grasses, etc. The establishment of a green manure base in tea gardens is of great significance for self-reliance in solving fertilizer sources and feeds, and should be vigorously promoted.

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