Medicinal porridge treats children's autumn diarrhea

Pediatric autumn diarrhea refers to diarrhea in infants and young children caused by rotavirus, mostly in the autumn, it is called "fall diarrhea." Most clinical manifestations are diarrhea, fever, or with varying degrees of dehydration signs. White blood cell counts are generally not high during blood tests, and fecal microscopic examinations are mainly based on fat globules. Rotaviruses can be found in most stool examinations. The disease belongs to the category of "diarrhea" in the Chinese medicine. Because children are juvenile yin and yin-yang body, the blood is not filled, the organs are not real, the spleen is often inadequate, if improper feeding or feeling exogenous evil, can easily cause spleen and stomach dysfunction, so children with diarrhea mainly spleen and stomach weakness, evil Times. Expelling spleen and heat, and stomach solid intestine. Now introduce some effective porridge treatment of children with autumn diarrhea, parents of children may wish to try.

Yam lentil porridge: Take 30 grams of fresh yam peeled, white lentils 15 grams, 30 grams of rice. First, glutinous rice, lentils into the pot, add water, moderate boiled eight mature, and then boiled yam into a mud to join boiled gruel, add sugar, seasoning, 2 times a day, warm food. It has the effect of eliminating summer heat and dampness, invigorating spleen and diarrhea, and is suitable for children with hot and humid and heavy diarrhea.

Loofah leaves porridge: Take 30 grams of fresh loofah leaves, 30 grams of rice. First wash the loofah leaves into the pot, add boiling water for 15 minutes, then filter the gravy to cook glutinous rice for the porridge. Add porridge into the amount of sugar to taste, and eat it twice a day. It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, eliminating summer heat and dampness, and it is suitable for children to experience exogenous evils, and heat is more important than wet type diarrhea.

In front of the lotus root porridge: Take lotus root powder 30 grams, 30 grams of plantain, 30 grams of rice. First, add the water into the pot and add 500 ml of water to the pot. After taking a half hour, remove the cloth. Then mix the glutinous rice flour and glutinous rice into the frying sauce and boil the gruel. Add some sugar to the seasoning and serve each morning and evening. 1 time. With heat and spleen, dampness and diarrhea efficacy, suitable for children with wet and hot diarrhea.

Hawthorn Divine Comedy Porridge: Take 50 grams of Hawthorn, 15 grams of Divine Comedy, 30 grams of rice. First, use gauze to wrap hawthorn and miracle into the pot and add enough water. After boiling for half an hour, remove the dregs, add glutinous rice and gruel, add appropriate amount of white sugar to taste and eat twice a day. With spleen and stomach, digestion and stagnation, it is suitable for children with indigestion due to improper eating or feeding.

茯苓 jujube porridge: Take 30 grams of lotus root starch, jujube 15 grams, 30 grams of japonica rice. First, the jujube to the nuclear chopped into the pot and add water to soak for 20 minutes, then the glutinous rice, wolfberry powder together into the boiled porridge, served with appropriate amount of sugar, 2 times a day. With Spleen Buzhong, dampness and diarrhea efficacy, suitable for children with spleen deficiency long diarrhea.

Senate jujube porridge: take Codonopsis 10 grams, lotus seeds 10 grams, jujube 15 grams, 30 grams of rice. First, the codonopsis, lotus seeds research into go-between, the jujube to the nuclear chopped, and then the glutinous rice and the Dangshen end, lotus seeds, jujube meat with water boiled amount, add a little sugar, you can eat, 2 times a day. It has the effect of replenishing qi, invigorating spleen and diarrhea, and is suitable for children with weak spleen and stomach.

Glutinous rice solid intestine porridge: take 30 grams of glutinous rice, 15 grams of yam. First, glutinous rice is fried yellow, yam research into go-between, and then put the two into the pot, add water, a total amount of boiled porridge, cooked, add a little pepper, sugar transfer service, 2 times a day. With spleen and warm stomach, warm stop diarrhea effect, suitable for children with spleen and stomach type diarrhea.

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