Whitening processing technology

At present, fans selling on the market are unable to cook and have poor color. In order to meet the needs of the market and produce fine white, durable and good-quality fans, the following technical measures can be taken. 1. The main equipment is potato washing machine, refiner, refiner separator, sand remover, filter, machine for making mash, dough mixer and fan machine. If you want to invest less, you can use only the refiner and fan machine, and the rest is done manually. 2. Process flow selection → Washing conveyor → Refiner → Decolorization → Filter → Cleaning → Precipitation → Fan shaping → Cooling → Drying → Packaging → Storage 3. Operation method 1 Selection. Use fresh starch with high starch content (sweet potato, potato, cassava, etc.). Generally every 5 to 6 kilograms of fresh potatoes can process 1 kilogram of fine white starch or vermicelli. 2 Wash the potatoes. The fresh potatoes are directly poured into the rinsing tank of the washing machine, and the machine is turned on to supply water. The machine is stirred, rinsed, and fed by the machine to automatically enter the refining separator. 3 refining separation. Using high-speed rotating tooth rollers, the fresh potatoes were crushed and then washed by water to fully elute the starch in the potatoes. 4 purification decolorization treatment. Add the decolorizing agent No. 1 to the starch milk, remove the sand by sand removing machine, then add the decolorizing agent No. II, add water, filter once with a 100 mesh filter, precipitate, remove water, and dust; add water and stir well, Filtered with a 140-mesh screen and precipitated from the powder, which results in a refined white starch. There are two methods of sedimentation, static precipitation and flow precipitation. 5 fans shape. Take the appropriate amount of water and starch and pour it into the noodles machine. Add the anti-boiler to mix well, so that the fans will not stick and the boiling resistance will increase by more than 3 times. Then, the good batter is poured into the starting fan machine to make the molding fans; the well is holding the powder head, cutting it with scissors and spreading it on the ground. 6 cool and cool. The formed fans should be aired to avoid direct sunlight and wind, and prevent the water loss from affecting the opening. Leave it cool for 5 to 8 hours, then open the powder and dry it. Dry it until the water content is 16%. 7 packaging storage. According to market demand, large bundles or small packages are used. Packed fans should be stored in a timely manner, can be 1 to 2 years of shelf life; can also be directly marketed. The technology is also suitable for processing various types of starch vermicelli such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava, corn, rice, broad beans, peas, and the like. A full set of equipment investment will cost about 6000 to 8,000 yuan, with an annual output of 50 tons of fans. With an investment of 30,000 yuan, it can produce 100 tons of fans each year. If it invests 50,000 yuan, it can produce about 200 tons of fans every year.

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