The yuba fresh mushroom cures spleen and stomach deficiency

Ingredients: 150 grams of bean curd, 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, 50 grams of cucumber, salt, monosodium glutamate, peppercorns, soybean oil, the right amount.

Method: Cut the yuba into 2 cm long segments; fresh mushrooms are mixed, washed and cut into pieces; cucumbers are washed and cut into small pieces. Cut the above ingredients into boiling water, remove them with cold water, drain the water, and place the plates. Heat the frying pan and heat it. Place the peppercorn fry pan and remove the pepper. Pour the pepper oil on the dish. Add salt and monosodium glutamate and mix well.

Efficacy: replenishing the spleen and stomach, clearing away the lungs, nourishing yin and moistening, helping digestion.

Indications: can treat spleen and stomach weakness, lung deficiency cough, yin deficiency and obesity.

Note: Mushrooms have been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. They have analgesic function and have a certain effect on the treatment of arthritis and other diseases. Modern studies have found that mushrooms contain a variety of anti-viral components, some mushrooms can enhance the body's immune function, and even reduce the risk of rejection of patients undergoing organ transplant surgery.

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