
Species name: 萼凤梨

Scientific name: Aechmea chantinsii

Aliases: Glossy lotus, Zebra pineapple

Family: Bromeliaceae Family: Bromeliaceae

Distribution of origin

Production Brazil, Peru, Venezuela.

Morphological characteristics

Perennial herb, viewing period from April to May.

Growth habit

Rosette leaves over green. There are horizontal silver-grey stripes on the leaves, white powder on the back of the leaves, small serrations on the edges, and a complex spike-like inflorescence extending from the leafy tussocks and flattening the small inflorescences.

Garden use

Suitable for potted plants.


Breed by sowing and planting. In summer, high watering and multi-spray water are needed at high temperatures, and watering should be controlled at low temperatures in winter. The overwintering temperature must not be lower than 15°C.

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