Runner beans

(I. Overview

Cauliflower beans are a variant of multi-flowered beans. Alias ​​is also known as flower bean, red runner bean, tiger bean, and pouched bean. Scientific name Phaseolus coccineus L. (syn.P. multiflorus Willd) is leguminous (Leguminosae). Perennial herb, for annual cultivation. Served with tender clams, seeds, and roots. Native to South America or Mexico, the perennial type that has been domesticated in Central and South America is still cultivated and is now widely distributed in high altitude and temperate regions, particularly in Argentina. Our country grows more in the provinces of Yun, Gui, Chuan and Shan. Its beans are rich in nutrients and can be used for export.

(b) Characteristics

1. Botany characteristics The roots are conical roots, and the main roots are deep in the soil. They can form roots in tropical perennial conditions. The tuberous roots are mostly juice and are symbiotic with root nodules. The nodule has a higher nitrogen-fixing ability and the bean phase is lower. Young stems hairy, purple-red. Stems slightly ribbed, tall and twining, 2 to 4 meters long, 2 to 8 branches. The leaves are three compound leaves, alternate, ovate or broadly ovate ovate, entire, base cuneate, green leaves, back slightly gray. Petiole with grooves, sparsely hairy. Inflorescences racemose, pedicel slender, more than 10 pairs of pairs of flowers on the opposite, corolla red. For cross-pollination crops, the flowering season does not produce high temperatures in dry days. The long curved microcapsules, thick and thick, contain 2 to 10 seeds. It turns from bright red to dark red and dark spots when mature. The seeds are broad kidney-shaped, smooth, seed coat color or black. 100-grain weight 80 to 140 grams. Cotyledons do not emerge when they emerge.

2. The requirements for environmental conditions are like the summer cool climate. The frost-free period requires 120-130 days. The growth stops below S Celsius and the frost is dead. Above 25 degrees Celsius at high temperatures. Not easy to sit. The most suitable temperature for production is 17 degrees Celsius. Short day crops. China has introduced delayed maturity from south to north. It is required that the rainfall is even and full during the whole growth period and sensitive to drought. When the soil moisture is insufficient, the roots grow poorly, but when it is too wet or leeches, it is susceptible to disease, easy to fall under dry conditions, and sensitive to wind.

Suitable for growing in deep, fertile, well-drained loam and light loam soils. The optimum pH value is 6.0 to 7.0. Nitrification is inhibited in soils with pH lower than 6.0, and the effective utilization of phosphorus is reduced. Lime improvement is required.

(III) Cultivation Technology

(1) Cultivation methods and seasonal monocropping or intercropping. Take the single as the main, after the harvest, plough the land preparation, make a 2 meter wide ditch, double rows, 40 cm spacing, 2 seeds per hole, 120 kg per hectare, sowing depth 10~ 15 centimeters later, left 1 seedling. Such as intercropping, can be interplanted with potatoes, corn, etc., between each row of potatoes, 1 row of runner beans, interplanting corn is 2 rows of corn and 1 row of beans. Can also be transplanted seedlings.

The planting season depends on the length of the frost-free period in different regions. South China is frost-free in winter and feasible in winter and spring cultivation. Seed China reminds you: Due to the high temperature in the Yangtze River in the Yangtze River, early-maturing dwarfing varieties should be selected and cultivated in spring and autumn. Areas such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and other high mountain regions and areas with cool summer climates in the northeast, northwest, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, etc. are cultivated in the open air and can be sown at a temperature of 10 degrees centigrade at a surface area of ​​10 cm. Usually sown in April-May, dry beans are harvested from August to September.

(2) Field Management

1 cultivating, fertilizing and irrigating: The nitrogen fixation capacity of the runner beans is relatively weak. Therefore, in addition to applying the base fertilizer during planting, it is advisable to topdress fertilizer once at the initial flowering stage and full flowering stage. Cultivate and weed 3 to 4 times, and cultivate soil.

Appropriate control of water seedlings at seedling stage. The period of flowering and podging depends on the weather for irrigation. If the weather is dry and rainless, it needs to be irrigated 1 or 2 times so that the rammed soil will not be too dry. Pay attention to drainage during rainy days in rainy areas to prevent flooding.

2 scaffolding, whole vines: seedlings about 30 cm tall plants began to pumping vines, should be set up in time to introduce the stent vine, and cut off too many branches, to stay side vines 3 to 5 more appropriate, in order to facilitate ventilation.

(3) The disease prevention and control of diseases and pests are mainly from rickets and virus diseases, but lighter than that of kidney beans.

Bean leek disease: When pods or stalks are first developed, there is a radiant spread of white sclerotium, which forms brown sclerotia on top of it, causing the pods to become wetter. The cortex of the basal stem turns brown and rot, eventually causing the plants to wilt and die. The germs in the field are mainly spread through rainwater, irrigation water, fertilizers and agricultural operations. High temperature and humidity in the weather, vegetable humidity or planted dense, poor ventilation and light transmission between the end of the application of sufficient maturity of the organic fertilizer and continuous crop weight.

White leeches prevention and control methods: Severe incidence should be related to rotation of grass crops. Deeply turning the land and turning the bacteria to the lower layers of the soil can reduce the incidence of the disease. Apply basal fertilizer with a sufficiently mature organic fertilizer. Adjust the pH of the soil, and apply slaked lime in an appropriate amount according to the pH of the soil during soil preparation, so that the soil is neutral to slightly alkaline. Chemical control: In the ward area, 4 kg of pentachloronitrobenzene can be used to add 40 kg of fine dry soil, and then mixed and then applied to the base soil of the stem, or sprayed with 40% 400-fold suspension of pentachloronitrobenzene, or 50% Mixed sulfuric acid 500 times, or 36% thiophanate-methyl floatate 500 times, or 20% triadimefon EC 7000 times, every 7 to 10 days once, and even spray 2 or 3 times. In the early stage of disease, it can also be used 20% licorice (ie, tolclofosin) EC 800 times irrigated or showering 1 or 2 times, every 15 to 00 days.

Virus disease: The green part of the diseased plant leaves are uneven, the leaves are shrinking, the flowering is slow, and the falling flower is serious. It is mainly transmitted to the seed, or spread through worms. When planting, disease-resistant varieties should be selected. When a small number of diseased plants are found in the field, insecticides should be sprayed in a timely manner to prevent and control the transmission of aphids, and use a 1000-fold solution of a 1.5% disease-emulsion emulsion, 300 times the amount of an antiviral agent, and 100 times the resistance of 83 agents, about 10 days apart. Spray once, continuous spraying 3 to 4 times.

Insect pests: mainly aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, tea aphids, cardamom, etc. Prompt use of chemical agents.

(D) Harvesting and Storage

The whole growth period of runner beans is generally 115 to 120 days. The harvesting period varies depending on the region and the season of planting. For example, the Beijing area broadcasts 170 days in spring and summer sowing takes 150 days. Soybean meal is mature from the bottom up, and it should be harvested in stages. It should be dried in season and stored with the earthworms. When it is used, it must be threshed in order to maintain the luster of the beans.

Harvesting of Nenjang: Usually 80 to 90 days from sowing to harvesting, and it will be freshly marketed in cartons after harvesting.

(five) Seedlings

Remaining in the field-to-be-separated work, because the position of stamen anthers of runner beans is slightly lower than the stigma, cross-pollination is easy to occur, and the natural hybrid rate reaches 30% to 40%. Therefore, it is necessary to select seeds each year to ensure the purity of the varieties. Seeds used to fully dry, so that the seed moisture content of about 14%. The seeds are also easily damaged by the beans during storage, and they must be smoked with chemicals before storage. For seeds purchased from outside, in order to prevent insect pests, aluminum phosphide fumes can be used, and 56% of aluminum phosphide can be used for 200 kg of beans. After being smoked in a closed container for 3 days, it is allowed to dry for 4 days.

(6) Nutritional value and utilization

(1) Nutritional components The tender pods and dried kernels of runner beans are rich in protein and minerals. Each 100g dry grain contains protein 20-22g, fat 1.8g, carbohydrate 63g, cellulose 4.8g, ash 3.4g, calcium 114mg, phosphorus 3.54mg, iron 9mg, vitamin B1 0.5mg; vitamin B20 .19 mg, 2 mg of vitamin C, 2.3 mg of vitamin pp. The protein contains 17 essential amino acids and contains phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Each 100 g of vinegar contains protein 7.4 g, fat 1 g, carbohydrate 29.8 g, cellulose 1.9 g, ash 1.6 g, calcium 50 mg, phosphorus 160 mg, iron 2.6 mg, vitamin A 57 IU, vitamin B1 0.34 Mg, vitamin B2 0.19 mg, vitamin C 27 mg.

When the runner beans are perennial in the warm area, underground roots expand into massive masses, containing 18.6% of starch and 4.7% of protein.

(2) Utilization

1 dishes: Nenjong, tender beans and dried beans can be eaten as vegetables. Its tender and juicy, scented, can be fried and fried. Flavor better than regular beans. The tender beans and dried beans can be fried and stewed with meat after soaking in fresh water. Sexuality is sweet, there is the role of spleen, strong kidney, can be used as a health food for the spleen and weak kidney.

2 cans: candied, tender beans can be quick-frozen storage, or canned. Dried beans can also be used to make cans or ground soybean flour, making cakes and bean filling.

3 Garden Ornamentation: The leaves of red runner beans are dark green, and the flowers are bright red and can be cultivated as ornamental climbing crops. Its stems and leaves can also be used as feed or cover crops.

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Companies registered capital of 35 million yuan, the end of 2014 the total assets of 48.69 million yuan, including fixed assets of 37.52 million yuan. The company's existing cooperation Orange cultivation base 7043.5 acres, the company production base is located in Jiangxi County Tech Industrial Park Chu Tan industrial area, covers an area of 120 acres, it has built a standard plant 9,000 square meters, Nissan 6000 kg Orange enzymes and other liquid enzyme products. Enzyme, known as enzyme, refers to a polymer substance having biocatalytic functionality. In the catalytic reaction system an enzyme, the reactant molecules are known as substrates, enzyme substrates by catalytic conversion to another molecule. Almost all cellular activity of enzymes involved in the process are required to improve efficiency. Similar to other non-biological catalysts, enzymes chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy to accelerate the rate of the reaction, most of the enzyme catalyzed reaction rate can be increased a million times; in fact, the enzyme is to provide an activation energy needs than another low way, so that more particles to have less than the activation energy of the reaction kinetic energy, thus speeding up the reaction rate. Enzyme as a catalyst, in itself is not consumed during the reaction, it does not affect the chemical equilibrium reactions. Positive enzyme catalysis, but also a negative catalytic effect, not only to accelerate the reaction rate, but also to reduce the reaction rate. And other non-living catalysts is different, having a high degree of specificity of enzyme, only a catalytic reaction or produce a particular specific configuration.

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