Cherries have a special stress

The mature early-maturing varieties of cherry were ripe from late May to early June. The fruit development period was short, the peel was thin, the meat density was poor, and the stocks were intolerant to storage. They only had cold storage for short-term storage. Late maturing varieties mature in the middle or late June, with dense flesh and strong adaptability to cold temperatures. Therefore, the storage of fresh varieties should be selected from late June to early July. When the temperature is low in the morning or the evening after the dew is dry, it is harvested and matured. After harvesting, the primaries were taken first to eliminate fruit cracking, rotten fruit, malformed (conjoined) fruit, stabbed fruit, and stagnant fruit. The selected fruit is placed in a grate wood crates or plastic crates, and the liners are lined to prevent crushing during transportation. Precooling immediately after the pre-cooling packs into the warehouse to minimize the time from post-harvest to cold storage. If it is packaged, transported and stored without precooling after picking, the temperature and temperature of the storage environment will increase due to the heat of the field, the humidity will increase, and the respiration of cherry will continue to be strong, resulting in heat accumulation and rotten fruit. Storage According to the variety, storage time and equipment conditions, it can be easily stored and controlled atmosphere storage, storage temperature is appropriate 1-4 °C. Easy storage is suitable for short-term storage. The method is simple and low cost. However, it is better to choose non-toxic and breathable film packaging. Because the fruit skin is thin and juicy, the resistance to mechanical damage is poor, so the film bag should not be too large. It is advisable to pack 1-2 kilograms of fruit. If you need to extend the storage time, you can use the atmosphere-controlled storage method, the appropriate indicators are: oxygen 3-5%, carbon dioxide 5-10%, relative humidity 90-95%. The use of modified atmosphere method can significantly prolong the storage period, the fruit's rot rate and browning degree are lower, and the hardness, color and flavor are better, but the relative cost is higher.

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